Top 15 Tips to Keep Your Mobile App Stays Fresh and Updated


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With technology advancements, mobile apps have now become a necessity. The increase in smartphones and tablets has encouraged businesses to develop and launch their mobile apps in the market. There is no denying that setting it up and forgetting it doesn’t work when it comes to technology.

For this reason, businesses keep adding functionalities, and users also expect to have better than they used to have before. Therefore, businesses must keep their mobile phones updated with the latest trends by making changes in their mobile app and introducing new tech. Now, a significant question arises, how can your business ensure that the mobile app is engaging, relevant, and helpful to the users for the long term?

We have listed a few tips below that will help your business ensure that the mobile app stays updated with the latest trends and is valuable for the users. Hence, when looking for mobile app development services, you should look for a company that can keep your mobile app updated with the latest trends.

1. Consider the Future Use of The App:

It is always recommended that you consider your app’s future use and not just focus on the current needs to develop it. This enables you to build a long-term vision for your tool since its inception. You can then pair it with one of the most outstanding future-proof solutions available, and you will efficiently avoid some common problems.

2. Pare Down Desktop Functionality and Build OS-Native Versions:

Though you should try to keep the app as simple as possible, it shouldn’t be antiquated. People want mobile apps to be intuitive, fast, and easy to use. Users are not after mobile apps that can mirror all functionalities of the desktop. All they want is just that the mobile app should fulfill their needs and be smooth. For this, you will have to pare down the functionality of your app so that the buttons in the app are not crammed.

You can hire mobile developers to build its native versions on iOS and Android. This involves spending money upfront so that you don’t have to go through the pain of integrating new trends into the web views.

3. Develop a Cross-Platform App:

Develop a Cross-Platform App
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React Native is a framework used to build mobile applications, and it allows developers to build applications for different operating systems that include iOS, Android, Windows, Web, etc. If your business is not required to have native apps to use native features, React Native is the choice of framework to create and maintain cross-platform mobile apps.

4. Establish a UAT Group:

Before launching, you should pivot your strategy based on the feedback of consumers. You will have to establish a testing group accepted by users and composed of thought leaders present in your organization. Provide them with alpha or beta access and listen to their crucial feedback. You will then have to maintain the UAT group constantly for gap assessment and analysis.

5. Optimize your Mobile App Depending on the Behavioural Analytics:

There are overwhelming options available in the market when it comes to mobile apps. Hence you should offer a personalized experience to your consumers built with the help of behavioral analytics. It helps you drive retention and adoption. Another effective strategy is reducing the number of clicks and touches a user will need to operate the app. You should look forward to making the journey of a user quick and satisfying.

6. Monitor and Test All Releases:

The app will be maintained when you constantly test and maintain it. When bug fixes are done, and new releases are made available, new vulnerabilities pop up if the test environment for checking and monitoring apps is unavailable.

7. Utilize A/B Testing to Ensure It’s Meeting Users’ Needs:

Utilize A/B Testing
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The pivotal step is to carry out the study of design anthropology so that the true needs of your consumers are validated. After identifying such needs and when the app is operational, it is critical to constantly monitor the behaviors and user activities with the help of A/B testing to make sure that your mobile app delivers the desired output.

8. Trust the Platform Provider & Delegate the Upkeep to Them:

The platform provider you choose should be in the business of mobile tech for a long time so that they know what is changing and what can change shortly. This way, they will serve you better. Irrespective of the industry you operate in, mobile applications are critical pillars that provide a great experience to your consumers. The business ecosystem is dynamic nowadays, and hence you will need trustworthy business partners who can flexibly shift gears when required.

9. Ensure Your App Has Accessibility Features:

Accessibility is one of the essential features that mobile apps should have. Whether you have a mobile app for the everyday use of your consumers or your workplace, the tech leaders should ensure the accessibility of the integrated features, keeping inclusions in mind. You can consider several options like voice-over services, closed captioning, resizing text, and several other assistive technologies.

10. Measure User Experience and Read Reviews:

Measuring user experience is the key to keeping up with the latest trends and getting better at doing business. Reading reviews will help you know what users are going through and what features they want you to integrate into your app to upgrade it as per expectations. Such efforts made for your mobile app will result in stagnant growth.

11. Evaluate the Features of Top Apps:

Take your time to review the top-performing apps in the same industry you operate, and you can also evaluate apps outside your industry. It will make you a fast follower of your app, and your app will have all successfully integrated abilities so that the users can obtain maximum advantages. For this, establishing an internal communication platform is recommended to suggest ideas, and the good ones can be rewarded.

12. Attend Groups with New and Experienced Users:

It is crucial to analyze the data while using your app to deduce what is working and what is not working. The focus on user experience will help you understand the major cause behind the excitement or frustration of the users. It will also help you understand why certain functionality is not working as expected. Live focus groups have helped many people understand how they can enhance users’ experience across all major platforms.

13. Hire DevSecOps Team:

Keeping the mobile app libraries up to date is a critical component since it helps to maintain security. The libraries are often unpatched and attacked because the developer tools often do not retrieve the latest version. A DevSecOps team will help you to ensure that the patches are all applied and investigated. Application developers are advised to invest in technologies that will help them prevent library attacks of all kinds and enable shielding.

14. Utilize an API-centric Architecture:

We recommend separating the back-end functionality and application logic so that you have an API-centric Architecture during developing and designing architecture. Because of the APIs, mobile application developers enjoy a lot of freedom to concentrate on the user experience with the help of a reduction in the complexity of fetching back-end processes and data.

15. Implement Agile Mobile App Development Processes:

You should adopt agile app development methodology and processes in an organization that concentrates on daily scrums based on the actual data collected from end-users and the engagement within the application. It is critical to process the user experience of your application in real-time, and the capacity to make the required technical changes is also significant to enhance user experience and manage the application.


An excellent and intuitive mobile app will automatically get famous with the help of word-of-mouth promotion. Do keep in mind that you are competing with an overwhelming number of apps available in the market. Hence while picking a mobile app development company, ensure to choose one that has already worked on projects similar to yours in the past and will work on the above-discussed tips to ensure that your app stays relevant and fresh.

Vikrant Bhalodia
An Avid Writer by nature. People Ops & Marketing Strategist: Leader with 15+ years of experience in Organizational Capability Building and Marketing Success. Having passion towards technology and with multi-functional experience at WeblineIndia, a leading Software Development Company based in USA and India, Vikrant loves sharing insights on optimizing the success and internet visibility of the customers’ businesses.


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