Create A Frictionless Customer Experience with Explainer Videos in 2023!


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Welcome to the world of 2023, where customers have endless options and limited patience.

In this fast-paced digital era, businesses constantly strive to provide a frictionless customer experience to stand out. Admittedly, making the entire customer journey as effortless and delightful as feasible is an aspect of creating a frictionless customer experience.

Increased customer pleasure, loyalty, and, ultimately, corporate success are the objectives of a seamless customer experience.

And where does it start?

Studies show that 81% of customers’ buying journeys start with online research. Further, 91% of the customers prefer visual and interactive content for their product research.

That’s where explainer videos walk into this story.

Explainer videos can be a potent tool for companies offering customers a seamless experience, as they are:

  • fundamentally brief
  • entertaining pieces of content
  • inform and educate people about a specific good or service.

These videos can assist organizations in streamlining the customer journey and lowering the friction consumers encounter when interacting with their brand by presenting clear, succinct information in an easy-to-digest style.

Let’s dig deeper.

So, what’s an explainer video?

Technically, an explainer video is a short and engaging animated video that explains the features, benefits, or uses of a product, service, or concept. It is typically used to introduce new ideas to audiences in an easy-to-understand format.

Although explainer videos can be any length, they typically last one to three minutes. They can be produced in various ways, including whiteboard animations, 2D or 3D animations, and live-action and animated videos.

We all know that no brand is immune to consumer needs for digital involvement. That’s why delivering an enhanced buying experience through rich visual content is the bottom-line requirement now.

And explainer videos are thus effective because they use visual storytelling techniques like motion graphics and animation to convey complex information.

So, how can explainer videos create a frictionless customer experience?

Admittedly, in many ways.

An explainer video can be your most outstanding salesperson, as it can effortlessly do these things:

  • Reducing the need for customer support
  • Simplifying complex concepts
  • Building trust with customers
  • Improving engagement and retention

And all of these start with customer needs and buying journeys.

If finding customer pain points in their buying journey is vital to any visual marketing campaign, then only throwing rich visual content at your customers won’t break the ice. Brands should analyze the criticality of the information shared with customers throughout their buying journey.

At any stage, if you give them less information than they need – you lose them.

If you give more information than they need at any stage, it becomes complex for them. You lose them again.

This may look like a paradox, but it’s not.

You need to research and analyze what information your customers need. How much of it do they need? At what point might they need that piece of information?

Now, when 90% of modern buyers very much like to see videos from brands for their buying decisions, the brands must design explainer videos to communicate the right thing at the right time to the customers.

Best Practices for Creating Frictionless Customer Experience with Explainer Videos

This is the best part of the story.

So, how do you start creating explainer videos that are perfect for your brand?

Consider these:

  • Understanding the customer journey: Success typically depends on fully understanding your clients’ purchasing processes. Brands should learn important information about interacting with and influencing their target audience by examining consumer behaviour at various phases of the purchasing process.
  • Customer-centric video content: Gather insights. Churn them and use that information as the cornerstone of your video content. You must create a compelling narrative with the right pitch to make your story tick.
  • Keeping videos short and to the point: Explainer videos with a length between one to two minutes work best. Be targeted and precise. The content of the video is more important as it carries your brand voice and authenticity.
  • Making the video visually appealing: It’s a no-brainer. We all want to be visually appealing in our marketing approaches. Admittedly, visual brilliance has its fair share of winning customers’ minds every single time.
  • Using clear and concise language: First and foremost, speaking clearly ensures that those listening understand what you are trying to say. Your brand may project a more polished and reliable image with a clear, confident voice in your branded explainer films, which can aid in gaining the audience’s trust.

Remember, creating the right explainer video wins half the battle.

Here are some examples of companies that use explainer videos to create a frictionless customer experience:

Dropbox’s explainer video is nicknamed – the $48,000,000 video. Dropbox raised that amount of funding through its single explainer video. The magic is that any explainer video has the power to relate to a diverse segment of the audience in no time.

Slack uses the tagline – “communication without chaos”. And they have rightly radiated their brand functions and tonality using their incredibly successful explainer video. They have reached millions of users through their explainer videos.

Have you seen the Welcome to Airbnb explainer video (behind the scenes)? It surely can bring all of us back to our childhood. It’s one of the most innovative explainer videos I have ever watched and has already touched millions of hearts.

Do you want to be on this list? I bet you do. You must put every ounce of insight, emotion, and creativity into your explainer video.

Over to You

Ok. We have already discussed the benefits of using explainer videos to create a frictionless customer experience. It’s all about learning about your customers and delivering them a rich brand experience through visual content, as they are already aligned with consuming more video content.

Let’s rinse and repeat.

Best of luck.

Vikas Agrawal
Vikas Agrawal is a start-up Investor and co-founder of the Infographic design agency, He is a highly influential research analyst and strategic marketing consultant.Vikas advises and plans the visual marketing campaigns of Medium to Large companies. Vikas has worked globally across multiple industries including retail, financial services, logistics, manufacturing, telecoms and pharmaceuticals deploying effective strategic marketing plans and methodologies. A renowned blogger on the subject of Technology, Marketing and Entrepreneurship.


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