CX Design: What Can Companies Do to Compete with Tech Giants? – Part II


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CX Design: What Can Companies Do to Compete with Tech Giants? – Part II

Medium and small players entering markets dominated by giants like SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce face some substantial challenges, with significantly fewer resources at their disposal. However, they also have unique opportunities to differentiate themselves and capture market share.

In Part 1 of this two-piece article, we explored the key factors contributing to the global success of leading B2B enterprises, pinpointing specific methods and strategies they use to drive adoption despite solution complexity. These include their ability to provide strong support, integration capabilities, and security, coupled with their established market presence and ecosystem.

In the current part, we’ll dive into the world of smaller competitors: How can they give the giants a fair fight? What CX strategies can they implement to effectively approach the market and attract customers? Here are some key methods to consider.

Focusing on Niche Markets

Specialization: Identify and target niche markets or industry verticals that are underserved by the larger players. Specializing in specific sectors allows for a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and needs of those industries, leading to better-suited solutions.
Custom Solutions: Offer tailored solutions that address the specific pain points of these niche markets. Personalization can make a significant difference in effectiveness and user satisfaction.

Emphasizing User Experience and Simplicity

Simplicity Over Complexity:

Develop solutions with an emphasis on ease of use, intuitive interfaces, and streamlined processes. Reducing the learning curve can be a major selling point for businesses that may be overwhelmed by the complexity of larger systems.
Rapid Implementation and Integration: Focus on minimizing the time and resources required for implementation and integration with existing systems. Quick wins and low upfront investment can be very appealing to smaller businesses or departments within larger enterprises.

Innovating with Modern Technologies

Leverage Emerging Technologies: Incorporate the latest technologies such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and IoT to offer advanced capabilities that may not yet be fully exploited by the larger players. Innovation can provide a competitive edge.
Cloud-native Solutions: Offer cloud-native applications that provide scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, particularly appealing to small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the infrastructure to support large, on-premises solutions.

Competitive Pricing and Flexible Plans

Transparent and Flexible Pricing: Offer transparent, competitive pricing structures and flexible subscription plans that allow businesses to pay only for what they need. This can attract cost-conscious customers or those hesitant to make large upfront investments.
Value-added Services: Bundle value-added services such as free trials, comprehensive customer support, and training programs. These can increase the perceived value of your offering and encourage trials.

Building a Strong Community and Ecosystem

Developer Community: Foster a strong developer community around your products. Encourage third-party integrations and applications, which can enrich your offering and make it more versatile.
Partner Network: Develop a network of strategic partnerships for distribution, implementation, and service support. This network can help extend your reach and provide a more comprehensive solution to potential customers.

Customer Success and Support

Exceptional Customer Support:

Offer superior customer support, including personalized service, quick response times, and effective problem resolution. An excellent support reputation can be a strong differentiator.

Customer Success Programs:

Implement customer success programs that actively work with customers to ensure they are getting the most out of your products. Success stories and case studies can be powerful marketing tools.

For medium and small players, the key to competing with the likes of SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce lies in differentiating themselves based on means like specialization, innovation, flexible offerings, and a laser focus on customer needs and satisfaction.

However, there are some valuable lessons to be learned from these larger enterprises that can still serve as practical inspiration for smaller brands, too. Here’s a quick recap of their CX strategies:

SAP’s Approach

SAP has made substantial strides in improving user experience through updates and innovations such as SAP Build Work Zone, SAP Mobile Start, and enhancements in SAP S/4HANA. These efforts are aimed at making the software more intuitive and streamlined, reducing complexity for end-users. Features like simplified sorting in tables, enhanced type-ahead for combo boxes, and dynamic date ranges in tiles contribute to a more user-friendly interface. Furthermore, SAP Fiori has been central to SAP’s user experience strategy, providing templates and tools for creating consistent and intuitive apps across devices​.

​​​​Oracle’s Initiatives

Oracle has focused on the Redwood UX design system, a comprehensive effort to improve user experience across its suite of products. The Redwood UX initiative reflects a deep commitment to creating more sophisticated, human-led, and aspirational user experiences. Improvements such as the adoption of the Redwood style across dashboards in Oracle Field Service and the broader application of Redwood UX principles across Oracle’s portfolio illustrate this commitment. The system emphasizes a sophisticated execution that aims for a premium enterprise feel, leveraging tone and voice, aesthetic systems, and conversational design patterns​.

​​Salesforce’s Efforts

While this discussion cannot cover Salesforce in detail, this industry leader is famous for its user-centric design philosophy and constant innovation in user experience. Salesforce’s Lightning Experience, for example, represents a significant shift towards a more intuitive and efficient user interface, designed to streamline workflows and improve productivity for end-users.

What You Can Do to Drive Improved CX Today: 10 Tips

Is your small or medium business aiming to create enterprise solutions that can rival the success of complex applications while differentiating itself in the market? Way to go – that’s already a great starting point! Now, if you’re looking to get a bit more practical, here are 10 carefully curated tips for driving adoption and customer loyalty in the technology sector.

Foster a Culture of Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation within your organization to continuously explore new technologies and methodologies. This culture can lead to the development of ground-breaking features and functionalities that set your solution apart from more traditional options.
Adopt a Customer-Centric Approach: Tailor your entire strategy around great customer experience. From strategy to execution, adapt the process to the specific needs and pain points of your customers. A consultative sales and maintenance approach that focuses on solving customer problems can differentiate your solution in a crowded market.
Focus on User Experience (UX) Design: Prioritize intuitive design and ease of use to ensure that new users can quickly become proficient with your software. An outstanding UX reduces the need for extensive training and support, driving faster adoption and reducing customer churn.
Leverage Data Analytics for Personalization: Use data analytics to understand user behaviors and preferences, allowing for the personalization of the software experience. Personalization can increase user engagement and satisfaction, making your solution more appealing than one-size-fits-all alternatives.

Implement Agile Development Practices: Adopt agile methodologies that can be rapidly applied to your product based on user feedback. This approach allows for continuous software improvement, ensuring that it remains relevant and valuable to your customers.
Build a Robust Ecosystem: Develop an ecosystem around your solution with partners, developers, and third-party integrations. A strong ecosystem adds value to your product, making it more versatile and attractive to potential customers.
Invest in Customer Success: Establish a dedicated customer success team to help clients maximize the value they get from your solution. This proactive support can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, differentiating your company from competitors.
Offer Scalable Solutions: Ensure your solution is scalable, able to grow with your customers as their needs evolve. Scalability is a critical factor for enterprise customers who are looking for solutions that can support their growth over time.
Prioritize Security and Compliance: Given the increasing concern over data breaches and privacy, ensure your solution meets the highest standards of security and compliance. This commitment can be a significant differentiator, especially in industries with strict regulatory requirements.
Enable Easy Integration: Design your software to easily integrate with other tools and systems your customers already use. Seamless integration reduces barriers to adoption and can make for a more attractive proposition.

By implementing these strategies, smaller tech companies can not only emulate the success of established enterprise solutions but also carve out their unique value propositions, appealing directly to the evolving needs of modern businesses.

Conclusion: Emulate While Innovating or Not

The shift towards more intuitive CX designs demonstrates a recognition of the importance of ease of use in software adoption and customer retention. This approach not only helps businesses to compete in a market increasingly driven by user experience but also aligns with the evolving expectations of enterprise software users.

Each of the tech giants we mentioned here has made unique yet concerted efforts to create more intuitive designs, focusing on improving user experience through innovation and leveraging modern technologies. By making their systems more (intuitive) user-friendly, they enhance customer satisfaction while potentially saving millions by reducing the need for extensive manpower to facilitate software adoption.

While there are substantial differences between tech giants and smaller companies, the latter can still leverage this effective approach while adapting practices to their own traits, resources, and capabilities, as specified.

As a mature or small or medium-sized business entering the diverse market of enterprise technologies, it’s important not to be discouraged by the larger, more well-known solution providers. By leveraging the unique advantages of smaller tech companies, adoption potential is immense, with plenty of market share to be discovered.

In our upcoming article, will explore how enterprise technology design and AI can open up possibilities for improved outcomes.

Ricardo Saltz Gulko
Ricardo Saltz Gulko is the founder of Eglobalis and the European Customer Experience Organization. He is a global strategist specializing in B2B enterprises, with a focus on Customer Experience, Professional Services, Design and Innovation, as well as data-driven services. Ricardo empowers major global enterprises to generate new revenue and enhance market competitiveness through the delivery of exceptional global CX, and he employs design to drive adoption and growth. The end results of his work include high growth, increased retention, loyalty, innovation ignition, adoption and growth.


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