How AI & Chatbots are profiting from mobile app technology?


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Since people have held smartphones in their hands, businesses have started using mobile footprints & and highly inclining towards mobile app technology to make their business visible at every hand. The market is in high competition in using mobile app technology. Effortless & feasible user experience is the key thing to hit the market and lead the industry. To give the smartest user experience, mobile technology should be indulged with the top-most & smart-ever technologies like AI & chatbots.

AI & Chatbots are benefiting mobile technology in various ways as AI-powered chatbots continue to make a transforming appearance for mobile apps across various industries domains. AI is for digging out various queries and providing relevant and instant reverts to the users to give them a better than ever user experience.

A report by Gartner says that- use of smart virtual assistants & chatbots is growing at a very high pace. If we talk about the stats- the latest prediction by 2021, at least 25% of digital employees across the globe will use bots and virtual communication in the future.

The combination of AI & Chatbots is the most profiting for the mobile app industries.

Let understand Chatbots

The smartest virtual chatting technology is termed Chatbots, where user can get their queries assisted with the prefixed answers instantly. While the initial chatbots are the simple chatbots with the simple answers to the relevant questions and the conversations to the simple queries, the second chatbots are the intelligent one that is indulged with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) where they can get the maximum amount of relevant customer data, understand customer behavior and their intents and then replies to the users.

There are various latest capabilities that the latest chatbots are possessing I.e Voice conversation, natural language processing to decode queries, and linguistic decoding of the intents. There are several examples of voice assistants chatbots like Google Allo, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, etc.

Why Chatbots are basal for businesses & how they are profiting ones?

As per research, 72% of users are interested in buying things using chatbots. If we talk about the ease of target audience, millennials and the young crowd are the most comfortable crowd who are using chatbots for their daily needs. Businesses and stores owners are using chatbots in their businesses to stay relevant at every phase to their target audiences.

Let’s explore the major advantages of chatbots for businesses here

Upgraded User Experience

Being the smartest and intelligent ones- Chatbots are controlled by the smartest technologies AI and Machine Learning-based algorithms – are instant in understanding user needs and their queries & questions. This speediness and individual spotlight on customers help Chatbots improve the user experience generally.

Simple Product and Content Search

Artificial intelligence-based Chatbots can make look simpler than at any other time. Customers simply need to talk to a voice assistant, type an inquiry term or transfer a picture and the AI-controlled chatbots will concoct the proper list items taking user purpose and conduct into thought.

Customized Experience

On account of AI and Machine Learning brands partake in a more profound order on user purposes and user inclinations. An intelligent Chatbot dependent on user design and conduct can offer exceptionally modified product proposals and convey ideas that normally fit user needs and settings.

Further Developed Onboarding

As indicated by numerous examinations, a significant part of customers stays away for the indefinite future to an app after the first run-through. This happens especially on account of confounding onboarding experience. In this regard, a smart Chatbot can assume a truly compelling part in making the offer understood and drawing in the customer at the principal occurrence. A Chatbot can direct the customer through all app capacities without leaving any space for disarray.

Industries where AI and Chatbots are generally utilized:

e-commerce and Customer Service

The most widely recognized industry where chatbots and AI are generally utilized is the eCommerce and Customer Service industry. Because of their accessibility throughout the world to answer customer inquiries. Chatbots and AI will supplant this exhausting user experience over smart-phones lines or quest devices for ECommerce websites.


Another industry where chatbots and AI are used is the medical services industry. With chatbot investigation, it makes it simpler for medical services suppliers to improve the exhibition of these bots. These days, conversing with a specialist can be troublesome because of their tight timetable and exorbitant because of less genuine sicknesses. With chatbots, you don’t have to visit the specialist frequently when your illness isn’t not kidding. Chatbots will help you in diagnosing your disease.

News and Publishing

Another significant industry where chatbots and AI are utilized is the news and distributing industry. Additionally, personalization is significant for the achievement of media organizations. With chatbots and AI it will give them exceptionally customized services, this may be the best vehicle for conveying the content to readers online.


Chatbots and AI are certainly adding quality to your mobile application, particularly with the help of insight acquired through AI. If you need to build your mobile application downloads and increment user commitment, it is the ideal opportunity for organizations to think shrewd and extraordinary. Adding chatbots and AI to your current mobile apps will give you an edge over your competitors and will help you in expanding your changes.

Radhika Yadav
RipenApps Technologies
Radhika finds covering the tech world to be an exciting and engaging experience as each day brings new and groundbreaking technologies to explore and write about. A believe that words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, makes her fortify to writing pieces that enhance the visibility of any brand and helps them position themselves in the best possible way.


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