How Mobile Apps Help in Digital Transformation of Businesses?


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role of mobile app in digital transformation

The popularity of mobile apps is booming among service providers and businesses. Not a single industry is left where the mobile applications are yet to establish their fundamental value. The number of smartphone users is increasing at a rapid pace and is expected to grow further shortly.

The benefits of having a mobile app for businesses are pretty evident, and therefore, more and more businesses are getting one developed for themselves. Nowadays, a mobile app is a must-have in digital transformation strategy as it helps accelerate productivity, growth, and ROI. Let us know more about the role that mobile apps play in the digital transformation of businesses.

What is Digital Transformation?

Experts say digital transformation is not just about transforming one or two processes; rather, it refers to transforming a complete business by reinventing the model that is already in place. It also reinvents people, processes, and technology to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Mobile app as a key enabler in digital transformation

A few businesses consider mobile apps as an independent entity rather than considering them just as a key enabler in digital transformation. Hence, if you don’t have a mobile app for your business, it’s high time to get one. Hire experienced mobile app development services to reinvent the way you have been working.

Role of Mobile Apps in Digital Transformation Landscape

1. Why mobile is the face of digital

Mobile apps have transformed businesses drastically and have opened the way for fresh opportunities. Mobile app platforms enable businesses to stay tuned with their present and potential customers. Customers are relying more on mobile devices these days; hence we recommend incorporating mobile apps in your business strategy to obtain a competitive edge and engage with your consumers.

2. Understanding the importance of enterprise mobility

One of the major reasons businesses are investing more and more in enterprise mobility is to connect their consumers with different activities anytime and anywhere. The mobile applications built for enterprises help enhance the efficiency of the company and staff, and hence, you cannot separate enterprise mobility from digital transformation. Outsource mobile app development needs to obtain the benefits it offers.

3. Mobile app and customer experience

Businesses always look forward to enhancing the customer experience with digital transformation. Is there any other way to stay tuned with your customers and personalize messages that are to be sent to them? No, all of these can only be achieved with mobile apps. Mobile apps enable businesses to engage with their consumers, and it also helps marketers identify the touchpoints of consumers.

Chatbots integrated into mobile apps have redefined consumer service, as they provide instant answers to the consumers. That said, mobile apps help enhance the customer experience as a whole significantly.

A few benefits of using mobile apps include, promotes company sales, enhances visibility, improves customer loyalty, offers a competitive advantage, etc.

4. Brand awareness and recognition

The world is run through smartphones these days; hence, your mobile app is the face of your brand. Hence, your mobile app should be unique and different from what your competitors provide, be it in terms of functionality, UI/UX, aesthetics, services, etc. Furthermore, if you have an attractive mobile app, it will attract more attention towards itself, which helps create brand awareness.

Once it attracts consumers, the mobile app ensures that they stay updated with the launch of new products and services of that business. At the same time, they make purchase analytics as well. There is no better way of collecting customer data related to customer purchases and other critical information about them than using a mobile app.

Also read on Top 15 Tips to Keep Your Mobile App Stays Fresh and Updated

5. Standing out from the competition

You will be surprised to know that still, several businesses don’t have a mobile app for themselves. That said, if you have one for your business, it will not only make you stand out but also be effective enough to grab the attention of all your potential customers. Besides, it enables you to capture a huge market share.

6. Mobile app and operational efficiency

With a mobile app, managing customer operations by the business vendors become easy. It further assists marketing and sales staff to perform all necessary operations on the go, which further helps improve ROI. The field sales can perform actions anywhere, and sales data also gets updated automatically in real-time, which further improves the sales cycle.

With apps for process management and workflow, the operational efficiency of businesses has increased to a great extent, thereby increasing growth and RoI.

7. Effortless Marketing

Traditionally, marketing was done by businesses through TV commercials, newspapers, social media, etc. However, mobile apps are the only medium that doesn’t require anything, except for its maintenance, to keep the app running. Howey, to keep your ads running on such a medium, you will have to pay them a certain amount, and the moment you stop spending money, your ads will stop.

It helps push notifications to all its users regularly and keeps them updated with the latest offers and launch of products and services. That said, a mobile app helps both the brand and the user to connect affordably and conveniently.

8. Time-saving

Mobile apps require less effort, are lightweight, and load much faster than websites. However, it depends on the features incorporated in a mobile app. Moreover, a few features of a mobile app can be made available offline too, which is not possible with mobile websites.


With the advent of mobile apps, if you don’t have a mobile app yet, you are missing out on great benefits for your business. Hire a professional mobile app development company to develop an app according to your unique needs and preferences. Mobile apps serve as a great platform for businesses to establish a direct relationship with the users. Competition in the business market is increasing rapidly, and therefore, a mobile app is now necessary since it can immensely enhance the profitability of your business.

Vikrant Bhalodia
An Avid Writer by nature. People Ops & Marketing Strategist: Leader with 15+ years of experience in Organizational Capability Building and Marketing Success. Having passion towards technology and with multi-functional experience at WeblineIndia, a leading Software Development Company based in USA and India, Vikrant loves sharing insights on optimizing the success and internet visibility of the customers’ businesses.


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