How to Measure Customer Retention Using Cohort Analysis?


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Measure Customer Retention Using Cohort Analysis
How to Measure Customer Retention Using Cohort Analysis

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Cohort analysis is a metric that can be used to measure customer retention and analyze the success of customer acquisition strategies. This article will provide an overview of this metric, and show you how to apply it in your own business.

What are the 2 types of cohort analysis?

Type 1 Cohort Analysis is when you look at customers who are in different stages of the customer lifecycle.
Type 2 Cohort Analysis is when you look at customers who are in different stages of the product lifecycle.

How does cohort analysis work?

Cohort analysis is one of the most effective metrics that businesses use for customer retention. It provides insight into how customers are converting to revenue, what they’re spending their money on, and how much profit these new customers are bringing in. It also provides a benchmark for future results.

Why use cohort Analysis?

Cohort analysis is a technique that is used to understand the journey of your customer base. It allows you to see where customers came from, how long they have been with you, what are their most common purchases and so on.

Cohort Analysis in marketing is helpful because it allows marketers to identify opportunities for new marketing programs.
It can help uncover which customers will leave in the near future, so they can be targeted with retention offers before they leave.

How Cohort Analysis Measures Customer Retention?

Cohort Analysis is a simple statistical technique for understanding how customers behave over time. It looks at the customer groupings (cohorts) created at each point in time. Cohort Analysis can be an effective tool for tracking retention, evaluating customer risks, and communicating with customers.

Cohort Analysis vs Segmentation

Cohort Analysis is a more advanced analysis. This type of analysis uses the time dimension to create cohorts from the raw data. Segmentation is a simpler, yet valuable analysis that will assign each customer to a segment based on certain criteria, such as age, gender, and purchase frequency.

Cohort analysis is a business data analytics technique that breaks customers into groups by the time periods that they have been customers. It is a good way to measure customer retention because it tells how many customers you have in each group. Segmentation divides customer information in different ways, such as by top-line revenue or number of transactions.

How do you conduct a cohort analysis?

Cohort Analysis is a type of analysis that involves comparing groups of people who share some common characteristic over time. This will help you identify the underlying trends so you can offer your customers more tailored services.

The Metrics to Consider for evaluating customer retention

There is a lot more analysis required when evaluating customer retention. Some much metrics cover:

Repeat rate: Repeat rate involves the share of customers who interact with your business regularly compared to cohorts who discontinue a single purchase.

Orders per customer: Orders per customer are the close metric to the repeat rate. More orders that customers make show a strong retention rate.

The time between orders: It is a subjective metric to evaluate. Based on the type of products or services that your business provides, the time duration could be in hours or months. This metric is also be used for creating reactivation email campaigns that will increase the repeat rate.

Average order value (AOV): This metric is useful for identifying high-value cohorts that can be used for marketing campaigns. It helps in avoiding spending too much time on low AOV cohorts.

Udayan Kelkar
Vice-president of global growth and sales at Express Analytics. Has over 30 years of experience in products/service/sales management and business development. Have a track record in developing fresh business and growing existing client relationships, across multiple geographies.


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