How to Better Manage Multiple Social Media Accounts at The Same Time


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Need to post on Instagram today? Or focus on Twitter?

As a business owner or marketer, you likely have to manage multiple social media accounts simultaneously for marketing purposes.

And managing social media accounts can be overwhelming without the right strategy to impact your SEO and business goals.

It can be a daunting task, but there are some best practices that can make your life easier. In this blog post, I’ll share some of the best tips for managing multiple social media accounts. By following these tips, you’ll be able to manage your social media presence better.

And get the most out of your social media efforts.

1. Having A Master List Of All Your Social Media Accounts Helps

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube – all of it can be a lot to keep track of.

But having a master list of all your social media accounts can help.

Think of it like an inventory of everything you have to manage and keep track of. Having a master list will help you remember which accounts need attention and when.

It’s very useful for keeping track of what accounts you have, but also of what information is associated with each platform. Whether it’s your logins, passwords, profiles, content, or comments – having it all laid out in front of you makes everything easier to manage.

This way having one source of information helps cut down time wasted trying to remember usernames and passwords.

Plus, makes it quicker to switch between multiple accounts. Just make sure your master list is secure so only you have access to this important info.

One way to practically create a master list is to simply use a password tool. There are several encryption tools with easy to use features and you can sign up for one at a low price. Then add an extension to your browser and login in manage any social media account with ease.

2. Create A Content Calendar And Schedule Posts In Advance

Now, if you’ve too many social media handles and posting schedules lined up, you can’t create content for all of them on the spot.

This is why creating a content calendar with scheduled posts can help.

Such a calendar helps keep your marketing plans on track, so you can stay consistent with your business’s presence across all platforms.

Scheduling in advance allows you to evenly spread out your posts and monitor the results in real-time. For example, suppose you need to post on Instagram every day, and Twitter every other day.

Having a content calendar will help you easily keep track of what should go out, and when. You’ll also be able to plan ahead and create content in batches of multiple posts in advance that way.

With a calendar, your marketing team will know exactly what needs to be posted when and prevent any chaos caused by crossed wires – giving you more time to focus on other areas of the marketing plan or business.

3. Use Social Media Management Tools

Take help from tools like Hootsuite or SocialOomph and many others to manage your social media accounts easily and simultaneously.

When you have a powerful tool that allows you to tackle different tasks like –

  • Scheduling posts in advance
  • Keeping track of interactions with customers and followers
  • Monitoring metrics, and analyzing the results simultaneously on multiple accounts
  • Automating publishing your posts for the right day, time, etc.

Using such a platform makes social media content creation and distribution easier and faster. You will experience less stress and increased productivity when creating and posting content.

With these tools, you don’t need to log in to each individual account separately just to post content -simply connect them all to a single dashboard and do everything that’s required without opening every single page.

Now that’s what we call efficient social media management.

Also, know that there are more such tools out there that can help you manage your social media. Make sure to find the right tool for yourself, so you can make the most.

4. Delegate Responsibilities To Team Members

If you’re managing multiple social media accounts by yourself, it can be a lot to handle.

So you can also delegate some of the responsibility to team members, who can assist with different platforms.

This way they can have a focused approach, giving each account its due attention. You can assign admins for certain accounts, and have them handle specific tasks like responding to customer queries or creating content.

It’s also worth considering that you assign content distribution alone to a single person. In a few years, we can expect to see new roles come up like ‘Content Distribution Manager’ or ‘Content Distrubution Officer’.

This is because most businesses do not spend enough time and effort sharing and marketing their content as much as they do creating them.

What happens is that you become a mill churning our social media content when you should be working with what you have and making sure that more people see it.

So consider having different roles for: content creation, distribution, graphic design and a leading role for strategy and analysis. This makes for a solid content team and delineates everyone’s roles and expectations.

In other words, by delegating tasks to the right people, you can make sure that all your social media accounts are taken care of – allowing you to focus more on the bigger picture.

5. Reuse Content To Save Time

Lastly, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to create new content for every single platform. You can easily reuse the same content for various accounts.

You can repurpose blog posts, videos, and podcasts into different formats that are suitable for each platform.

Let’s break it down a little, for example, you can turn a podcast into an Instagram reel, or break up the full blog post into multiple Tweets. Or you can take snippets from each platform, and post them on other accounts.

For instance, you can take a few highlights of your latest podcast episode, and use them as quotes to post on Instagram. Doing so not only helps save time but also ensures that all your social media channels have content of the highest quality.

This way, you can save a lot of time and get more out of the content that you’re already creating. You don’t need to start from scratch every single time. Just take existing content that has been attracting a lot of attention and create something different out of it.

Take It From Here

There’re many social media platforms around and for you to achieve success in your marketing strategy, it’s important to have a presence on more or less all of them.

Not all of your target audience will be on the same platform so diversifying your reach can do wonders for your business.

However, this is a challenging task. Maintaining so many social media handles all at once simultaneously, can be taxing. That’s you need the tips provided above.

If you follow the mentioned tips, then managing your multiple social media accounts simultaneously can become easier. So go ahead and try out the tips yourself and see what suits your social media marketing practice.

Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.


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