September 24, 2021

ARPEDIO Welcomes Senior Change Management Consultant

Let’s start out with a short introduction – can you tell us a little bit about your professional background?

Before I joined ARPEDIO, for 15+ years, I have been leading, managing and supporting various changes, including CRM, in B2B contexts for multi-national Danish companies like Danfoss and Arla. I spent most of my career at Danfoss working in different countries. My time at Danfoss also led me to carry out a PhD in cross-cultural change management, researching and applying change management techniques globally in different business divisions and sales offices, with smaller and larger-scale implementations. I love working in different cultures, and exploring how to successfully apply different change management techniques to support sales best practice adoption.

Can you elaborate on your decision to join ARPEDIO?

Any changes, big or small, are notorious for a high failure rate in achieving the intended success. I’m passionate about the people side of business optimizations, and with the right approach people can be change agents to secure sustainable results.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than IT, where change is increasingly speeding up. In digital transformation projects, it is very easy to get lost in the technology benefits, but miss or underestimate the impact on the people.

Thus I have always been drawn to IT and its successful implementation. So, when an opportunity to join ARPEDIO came along, I was excited not only by the solutions for Salesforce, but also pleasantly surprised by the value ARPEDIO sees in incorporating change management with their software implementations. It seemed like a perfect match.

What is your favorite part of the ARPEDIO culture so far?

People. Already from day one, it was obvious to me that interpersonal relationships are at the core of what ARPEDIO is about.

We are not here to just “close deals” and “deliver” or to “show up at work.” Instead, connection with people on a deeper, human level is as important at ARPEDIO.

That human connection applies to how we work with clients and our partners, in how we develop and implement ARPEDIO solutions, and last, but not least, how we are as a team. Passion for understanding and supporting each other in our journeys to success, with expertise AND heart, shines through everything at ARPEDIO.

What will be one of your biggest tasks in the next year?

Since I joined ARPEDIO, we have integrated change management in the fast and agile way we implement our CRM solutions and ensure user adoption. For our next step, we want to develop a support hub with an implementation toolbox and provide inspiration for those change agents at our clients who want to start with fewer ARPEDIO licenses to prove their case, achieve tangible improvements in their strategic account management programs with minimal investment. One doesn’t have to go big to reap the value with ARPEDIO.

What opportunities do you see for ARPEDIO going forward?

As a change management professional, I’m very proud of ARPEDIO’s focus on user adoption. User adoption is too rarely thought of in IT companies, but it’s where I see the greatest potential. We believe value comes from not just our CRM solutions but from software that gets adopted and used for operationalizing sales best practices. With agile delivery of both the software and its adoption, I see excellent opportunities for us to strengthen our clients’ capabilities to change fast and remain increasingly adaptable to excel in their key account programs.

Any last thoughts you want to share with our readers?

The special energy at ARPEDIO can be summed up in a few words “Work hard, play hard, dream big, love lots, laugh as much as you can, and give back”. As a part of our team, our partner or a client, one can’t help but appreciate it.

Picture of Juste Brukiene, Senior Change Management Consultant

Juste Brukiene, Senior Change Management Consultant

[email protected]

Follow us on LinkedIn to get all the newest perspectives and insights around strategic relationship management and sales innovation.

Picture of Juste Brukiene, Senior Change Management Consultant

Juste Brukiene, Senior Change Management Consultant

[email protected]

Follow us on LinkedIn to get all the newest perspectives and insights around strategic relationship management and sales innovation.

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