
Aligning Sales and Marketing for a Winning Ticket in the Account-Based Selling Lottery

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Account-based selling (ABS) is one of the most popular topics in the B2B sales space right now. And we get it: ABS – in close collaboration with account-based marketing (ABM) – is the most efficient way to start engaging with your best-fit and highest-value accounts.

Meanwhile, customers’ expectations for personalization are increasing by the hour: Research by McKinsey shows that 71 percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. Consequently, to meet this growing demand and be successful with your complex selling, your first order of business should be to align your sales and marketing strategies.

But what is ABM and ABS? And how – if possible – do you get the two strategies to work together in strong alignment? Experts on the subject are suggesting that the days of perceiving sales and marketing as two separate entities are over and emphasizing the gains of merging the two for a focused effort on revenue.

When the two departments are out of sync and don’t see the value of the other’s contribution to the business, both fail – and the overall performance of the company suffers. Studies show that it can cost businesses more than $1 trillion each year when sales and marketing aren’t aligned. In fact, misalignment between sales and marketing is the number one reason why organizations’ annual revenue stagnates or – even worse – declines.
When the two departments are out of sync and don’t see the value of the other’s contribution to the business, both fail – and the overall performance of the company suffers. Studies show that it can cost businesses more than $1 trillion each year when sales and marketing aren’t aligned. In fact, misalignment between sales and marketing is the number one reason why organizations’ annual revenue stagnates or – even worse – declines.

Read the full white paper and get the latest insights and perspectives on why sales and marketing should consider joining hands on their journey towards increased revenue and higher win rates.

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Picture of Ulrik Monberg, CEO & Founder

Ulrik Monberg, CEO & Founder

+45 31 46 31 56 / +1 650 398 1285
[email protected]

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Aligning Sales and Marketing for a Winning Ticket in the Account-Based Selling Lottery

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