December 3, 2021

ARPEDIO has a new Service Cloud Voice Accredited Professional

Meet Raquel

Raquel Genoveva Alonso González is a Salesforce Senior Functional Consultant specialized in Service Cloud. Raquel has almost 5 years of experience working with Salesforce from companies such as S4G consulting, Deloitte, and Capgemini engineering, where she participated in different international projects.
Raquel studied Business Administration and has two master degrees in Marketing. She joined ARPEDIO to advance her career as a Senior Consultant, helping customers define and improve their processes.

What was the process to become a Service Cloud Voice Accredited Professional?

To be able to apply for the exam, it is mandatory to be a Salesforce Partner (work in a company that is a Salesforce Partner). Salesforce also recommends having experience on the Cloud and implementing it. But, in case you have no experience, they also have a roadmap to follow in order to prepare for it:

service cloud voice process salesforce

Partners have access to the new PLC (Partner Learning Camp), where you can find different courses that will help you prepare for the exam, as well as gain experience in the implementation of the cloud with use cases to help you in the learning process.

What did you like about this learning experience?

In my previous job, I had the chance to start a project that involved Service Cloud Voice (SCV). At the time, it was the first project of SCV ever done in the company – SCV was launched in July 2020, and we started the project in January 2021. This gave me the opportunity to learn as much as possible, and to become a guru of the Cloud. After the first project, many others followed, so my learning path continued. When I joined ARPEDIO, I had the chance to continue working with SCV, because we also have customers working with this type of Cloud. Finally, after 10 months of experience in implementations, I felt I had enough knowledge and decided to prepare for the Accreditation.

I enjoyed being involved with SCV from the very beginning. I have been able to be part of the evolution of this type of Cloud service. Salesforce considers all the feedback we provide, and in each release, we can see how the tool keeps improving and getting more powerful.

It has been a very challenging learning path, and it has been a very important moment in my career.

What are the main benefits of this new tool, and how do you use it in your line of work?

I consider this tool a game-changer for many companies. Before, companies that needed a telephony system in Salesforce had to use a CTI Integration, which could be a bit complex.

Service Cloud Voice brings digital telephony natively to Salesforce, with the help of Amazon Connect (Amazon telephony Provider), and it offers multiple benefits:

  • It is very easy to get started
  • You will be integrated with all Salesforce digital channels
  • Voice call recordings and conversation transcripts are available!
  • It helps to build loyalty
  • The call resolution can improve with the help of intelligent automation

Among many other benefits!

The cloud can be used by multiple departments inside an organization. It helps the contact centers to improve their work and performance, but it can also help the communication with customers in Sales, purchasing, etc.

Why did you decide to go for this one? Was there anything particularly challenging?

As mentioned above, it was an opportunity that came to me by chance, I took advantage of it and succeeded, and I am very grateful to my previous employer for it.

It has been very challenging. When I started working with SCV, it had only been in the market and working for a very few months. This meant that not many people had had the chance of working with it yet, so there was not much information about it on the internet at that point. Back then Salesforce didn’t have a very structured implementation guide either. So, it ended up being a test project, where we learned a lot and gained a deep insight into how it works.

We learned what was a good idea and what wasn’t. In the end, the best way of learning is from your own mistakes.
Raquel Genoveva Alonso González
Senior Salesforce Consultant
Picture of Raquel Genoveva Alonso González, Senior Salesforce Consultant

Raquel Genoveva Alonso González, Senior Salesforce Consultant

[email protected]ález

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Picture of Raquel Genoveva Alonso González, Senior Salesforce Consultant

Raquel Genoveva Alonso González, Senior Salesforce Consultant

[email protected]ález

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