
June 8, 2021

ARPEDIO Welcomes New US-based CMO

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While ARPEDIO continues its crazy growth journey and we keep expanding by the month, we also say temporarily “see you later” to a few colleagues who are going on maternity leave. That opens some exciting opportunities and possibilities for new and interesting collaborations!

Since our current CMO of ARPEDIO is on maternity leave, we decided to partner with CMO Angus Robertson, who is a part of the global network Chief Outsiders. Angus is based in the US and will be leading the marketing effort of ARPEDIO as a Fractional CMO. With a track record of executive sales and marketing success, he will be contributing with his impressive experience of B2B software companies to accelerate sales velocity and growth by building product and distribution flywheels across sales, marketing, and customer success.

We have asked Angus to introduce himself and share his thoughts on joining ARPEDIO, so you can get to know him a little better.

Let’s start out with a short introduction – can you tell us a little bit about your professional background?

With 20+ years in B2B tech and SaaS marketing I have worked for both public, private, VC, and PE backed firms. With that, I have been so fortunate to get the chance to live in UK, Hawaii, California, Colorado, and Hong Kong. And now, working for a Danish SaaS company.

Can you elaborate on your decision to join ARPEDIO?

I love working with startups that are changing how work is done. The way most sales teams manage their account and opportunity planning is in the stone ages and I’m firmly convinced it’s time for sales to have the same class of digital tools that marketing has for ABM.

What will be one of your biggest tasks in the next year?

ARPEDIO has attracted a number of early adopters – the real question is, how do we move from early adopters to the early majority? How I see it, our most important task this next year is to increase the brand awareness for ARPEDIO so that more companies can understand the power of our solution.

What opportunities do you see for ARPEDIO going forward?

High performing companies using Salesforce need software for strategic account management. Our opportunity is to help companies embed ARPEDIO as a core part of their sales strategy. By using the ARPEDIO software suite, sales teams can achieve their quota more easily and see the opportunities to prioritize.

Picture of Angus Robertson, Chief Marketing Officer

Angus Robertson, Chief Marketing Officer

[email protected]

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Picture of Angus Robertson, Chief Marketing Officer

Angus Robertson, Chief Marketing Officer

[email protected]

Follow us on LinkedIn to get all the newest perspectives and insights around strategic relationship management and sales innovation.

Global B2B corporations are already creating significant results through the ARPEDIO solutions.

Global B2B corporations are already creating significant results through the ARPEDIO solutions.

Global B2B corporations are already creating significant results through the ARPEDIO solutions.

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