The Power of Client Testimonials in Transforming Customer Experience


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Customer experience isn’t just what you create, but the perception you inspire. You might’ve optimized your ads, improved the customer support response rate, and even created an intuitive website; but if your customers don’t think so, then there’s still work to be done.

So how do testimonials play into creating exceptional experiences?

When it comes to communicating with your customers and even reaching new ones, ads play a massive role. However, the modern consumer is exceptionally aware, so while the ads are intriguing, it’s what your other customers have you say that is often the deciding factor. That’s mainly because people believe in experiences more than advertising.

The Power of Testimonials

Think of testimonials as the recommendations you get from friends. It makes a product feel tried and tested since other customers have had the experience – and have good things to say!

The customer testimonials you acquire can be one of your biggest sales assets if implemented correctly. These can bolster loyalty, attract new customers, and help you improve on the experiences you already deliver – here’s how:

Make an Impression

First impressions matter. Ever heard of the priming effect?

It’s when the first thing can influence the perception of another thing. It’s akin to setting the stage before the play begins. When new customers visit your website, they aren’t just curious about what you have to offer, but about how well you do it. So make sure your testimonials make the right impression.

Your platform might be one of the most powerful ones there is but is it easy to use? What happens if customers need support – will your team be available ready to help them on the spot, or does the support team take a long while to respond?

Your testimonials can help prospective customers see the advantages to your brand – beyond the product. They go beyond substantiating your claims, highlighting the deciding factors.

However, it’s essential to present the authenticity of testimonials where possible. Mention the company a reviewer belongs to, link their professional profiles to show validity, and ensure prospective customers know the reviews are from real people.

Placement Matters

Which testimonials are you showcasing, and where?

Presenting relevant testimonials on key pages is essential to making a connection.

After all, if you place a glowing review for a survey platform on a page that’s all about reporting features, there is bound to be an instant disconnect.

However, a recommendation promoting your support services for customer experience on a page focused on CX not only strikes a chord but addresses a concern many prospective customers may have!

By assessing the relevance of testimonials to maximize impact, you can create a stronger connection with prospects, improving the chances of a long-lasting impression, and therefore conversions.

Valuing Existing Customers

Who doesn’t love having a say?

Ask your customers what they think. By nurturing a genuine relationship, they will be more likely to give you a testimonial and also be more open about feedback.

This will empower you to identify the driving factors behind customer loyalty while showing appreciation for those that continue to support your business.

However, while testimonials and reviews are the beginning, these aren’t enough. It matters how well you follow up (and follow-through) on the concerns raised.

The Follow Up

Your customers have given you a review, but it does raise some concerns. While you might not post it on your website in its entirety, it does allow you a chance to understand the hurdles to customer satisfaction and improve to get a better review instead.

Perhaps your customers noted that there the tabs on your website weren’t the most intuitive, or that the wait time for customer support was too long.

Insights like this help you transform the experiences you already provide, ensuring you improve what matters to your customers – even if that means deviating from your roadmap.

After all, flexibility in strategy is key to exceptional experiences! While you may have planned on updating your features page, clearly support time and intuitive tabs gain precedence when it comes to what’s directly impacting your audience.

By working on their feedback, your customers see that their voice matters – making them more likely to recommend your brand to others, and also raise any new concerns that may arise. This ensures that you can address red flags early on instead of waiting for them to become a larger issue!

Getting the Right Testimonials

You have a great product, now it’s time to take advantage.

Let your customers have a say in shaping market perceptions. By leveraging testimonials, you can dramatically transform how well your website performs – and even utilize them across other channels to improve brand value and promote social proof!

Testimonials help make a remarkable first impression enabling you to start off on the right foot.

However, not just any testimonials will do. In fact, when it comes to acquiring the right testimonials, it’s best to give your customers a guide – reducing their work while improving the quality of insights you receive.

So, create a survey prompting key questions, conduct interviews, and even offer incentives to get more insights.

The more candid review you’ll receive, the more value it will add to your business!

Final Words

Customer testimonials can add significant value to your CX strategy.

They not only help you understand what’s wrong but also exactly what matters – fueling your outreach strategies to incorporate and promote factors that make a difference.

Moreover, these are the reviews that will ultimately strike a chord. So, if you haven’t already taken full advantage of what your clients have to say, it’s time to begin!

Zahid Farooqui
Zahid is a part of the core marketing and managing team at SoGoSurvey. His expertise in modern consumer psychology has helped the team gain exceptional insights and create a CX oriented strategy that resonates with customers. This has helped the team engage with customers better, leading to increased loyalty and retention across the board. Penning down his learnings, Zahid is now sharing his insights to help more brands grow by optimizing their customer-focused approach.


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