Value and Mind-Set


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This article focuses on:

  1. Mind-set and leaders, possible versus constraint led
  2. Value waiting to happen
  3. Mind-set and well being
  4. Value and mind-set

1. Mind-set and leaders

The great significance of value and value creation is that it is focuses on changing the mind-set. Unlike most leadership aspects that are focused on processes, functions and tasks to be done, Value Creation focuses on impacting the mind-set to be positive and to imbibe a value creation thinking. How can I create value in this situation? For whom? And how? And will it destroy value for whom?

Take an example of bringing in a new boss in an existing department. The leaders feeling is that this person will create value for the department, the company and the people. On the other hand, his coming could destroy value for those aspiring for the same job. How does the leader ensure that the value destruction is minimised?

We talk of the 8A’s of creating value:

Mahajan’s 8As for executives holds for leaders and their mind-set also:

Awareness: Leaders must be aware of things around them, they must be curious, they must want to know more

Attitude and Authenticity: They must have a super attitude, positive, forward thinking and multi-dimensional. Able to be strategic and innovative to being practical. Some people are functional in nature. Mind-set plays a major role.

Ability: Much of this is innate, but some comes from learning and experience. A great mind-set helps here

Agility: This comes from a mind-set and mental make-up

Adaptability: Being able to change with circumstances

Anticipation: Being able to be ahead of others by forward thinking and view. Part of this comes from a 6th sense which is developed in your mind

Ambidextrousness: Capability of doing more than one thing at a time; capacity to think of different things

Action: Convert thought into action

In today’s world we require a can-do and positive attitude. Too many managers hide behind constraints: we do not have time or people or finances.

I always used to tell leaders in thinking of strategy or innovation, forget constraints. Concentrate on the possibilities and the best strategy and/or innovation. Then start looking at constraints, and see how to overcome them.

When you do this, you will have a positive, optimistic mind-set. Such leaders are inspirational and inspire others to be creative.

If you do not follow this technique, you will throw out the best ideas by saying they are too expensive, will take too long or cannot be done.

You use the constraints to work on the real issues that prevent the strategy or innovation from happening.

In today’s world we require a can-do and positive attitude. Too many managers hide behind constraints: we do not have time or people or finances.

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Then start looking at constraints, and see how to overcome them. Ask, how do I make this happen, how do I make this successful? Later we will talk about value waiting to happen, which is also part of the mind-set leaders must have.

A person’s mind-set impacts their personal growth and how they become indispensable to organisations.

2. Value waiting to happen

The other mind-set that the leaders develop is awareness (the first of the 8A’s) and curiosity. They start to focus on Value waiting to happen, and look for ideas around them.

I give an example attached. It is something I picked from the internet and cannot find the source C:\Users\Gautam Mahajan\Documents\CV Foundation\articles\Value waiting to happen.mp4

You can see by noticing everyday events we can create value waiting to happen.

This then leads me to the definition of value we use:

Creating Value is executing normal, conscious, inspired mindset and actions that increase the overall good and well-being, and the worth of and for ideas, goods, services, people or institutions including society, and all stakeholders (like employees, customers, partners, shareholders, environment and society), and value waiting to happen.

3. Mindset and well being

Wellbeing mindset is joy, compassion and acceptance, gratitude, kindness as stated by Michael Stanwyck.

Wellbeing comes from understanding fundamentals. Fundamentals that impact your health, your mindset, your value creation ability and following them, not ignoring the known facts and fundamentals of management and technology. It includes your belief in values, peace and harmony, the impact you have on people, peace and prosperity. Think of the earth and the planet and sustainability.

What mindset is required to improve value and wellbeing? Most of what we said earlier, be positive, be curious and aware, and follow 8A’s awareness, attitude and authenticity, ability or aptitude and its improvement, anticipation, agility, adaptability, ambidextrousness, and action

Stanwyck says, “Mindsets frame our thinking, which in turn determine our feelings, beliefs, decisions and actions.” Jurgen Nagler in suggests our behaviour is impacted and how we feel. How do we care for society, our planet, our values, are influenced.

If we wish to change our life, we have to start with mindset changes, or else we can never change

He continues:

That to change we have to change our mindset, from blaming others to taking self-responsibility, from imposing quick fixes to co-creating solutions, from quantitative to qualitative growth, from GDP obsession to wellbeing of people and planet; from materialism to holism.

What is Wellbeing?

In simple terms, wellbeing is defined as “the state of feeling healthy and happy,” physically, intellectually, emotionally, financially, socially, spiritually, and work wise.

You can see that creating value MUST improve well-being, and is the mindset to improve wellbeing. Wellbeing applies to us, our families, our societies, our businesses and institutions, the environment, climate and planet.

This is the power of mindset, and why value is so important in changing mindset

Jurgen continues

MindfulnessTake on a mindfulness practice.
Awareness: Expand your awareness with inner work & raise awareness about key issues.
Non-judging: Be compassionate and non-judging of yourself and others.
Think Positive: Be, think and act positively, as energy follows attention.
Real you: Be the real you by showing your true colours.
Aliveness: Enjoy and celebrate being alive by honouring life in all forms.

4. Value and mind-set

Creating Value is executing normal, conscious, inspired mindset, and even imaginative actions that increase the overall good and well-being, and the worth of and for ideas, goods, services, people or institutions including society, and all stakeholders (like employees, customers, partners, shareholders, environment and society), and value waiting to happen.

We have spoken about value waiting to happen earlier.

Value creation is all about mindset management and improving wellbeing. So do embark on value creation because it is different from what is taught to leaders, to be good functionally and to cultivate certain traits and values.

If you look at successful sportspersons, they have special mindsets, that allow them to become winners. We all recognise these, but do not imbibe the positive, winning mindset in leaders. This is what value creation wants to change:
Bring about a way of thinking and managing that goes beyond day-to-day routine management into value creation and balancing this with value destruction.

Republished with author's permission from original post.

Gautam Mahajan
Gautam Mahajan, President of Customer Value Foundation is the leading global leader in Customer Value Management. Mr Mahajan worked for a Fortune 50 company in the USA for 17 years and had hand-on experience in consulting, training of leaders, professionals, managers and CEOs from numerous MNCs and local conglomerates like Tata, Birla and Godrej groups. He is also the author of widely acclaimed books "Customer Value Investment: Formula for Sustained Business Success" and "Total Customer Value Management: Transforming Business Thinking." He is Founder Editor of the Journal of Creating Value ( and runs the global conference on Creating Value (


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