The Future of CX in Retail


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As 2024 unfolds, the dynamic landscape of retail invites the evolution of how retailers approach customer experience (CX). Businesses are eager to provide customers with heightened shopping experiences to meet their distinctive buying behaviors and expectations. In order for retailers to earn consumer loyalty during the new year, they must incorporate several strategies into their businesses’ DNA, such as retail partnerships, the integration of generative AI and automation, and hyper-personalization.

Retail partnerships should never be overlooked as they are immensely valuable, particularly with younger generations. By aligning with events, causes, or influencers, retailers have a unique opportunity to connect with their target audience on a more personal level. These sponsorships enhance brand visibility and convey a sense of shared values with the customer. Furthermore, partnerships provide a platform for retailers to showcase their commitment to community involvement and social responsibility, earning goodwill and building a loyal customer base. In the era of saturated advertising, retailer partnerships stand out as authentic and impactful strategies that elevate consumer engagement.

Innovation in retail is synonymous with the integration of cutting-edge technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). Empowering the workforce with technology is pivotal to enhancing the overall customer experience. According to a CMP Research study, 48% of executives are exploring Generative AI for their customer experience, and 13% are already piloting it. AI needs to be utilized as a tool to liberate employees from mundane tasks and empower them to focus on what truly matters – creating extraordinary consumer experiences, understanding individual customer needs, providing thoughtful recommendations, and ensuring every visit is a memorable journey.

However, one of the goals for 2024 should be for retailers to improve their self-service and AI. CMP Research found that the self-service experience is still behind the live customer experience and has room for improvement, most notably in utilizing standard IVR, Knowledge Bases / FAQ, chatbots, and email bots. In fact, 74% of surveyed executives are planning to increase their investment in AI tools in 2024. Another perk of retailers utilizing AI is that companies can also avoid burnout by reducing the menial and time-consuming tasks for employees. Also, despite the surge in e-commerce, brick-and-mortar stores will retain their significance. Generative AI will play a transformative role in physical stores, turning them into dynamic, interactive spaces. With its ability to analyze real-time data and understand consumer behavior, Generative AI has the potential to adapt the in-store experience on the fly. This creates a personalized shopping journey and ensures that brick-and-mortar stores remain relevant and engaging in the era of online shopping dominance. Striking the right balance between technological innovation and maintaining a human touch in customer interactions is a critical challenge that will define the success of retailers in 2024 and beyond.

Another overarching theme driving the future of retail is hyper-personalization. Hyper-personalization is not just a buzzword but the cornerstone of a successful retail strategy. Retailers must delve deeper, understand individual preferences, predict needs, and deliver tailored experiences to enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty. With the advancement of AI, retailers can leverage data analytics to create hyper-personalized interactions that resonate with each customer. The challenge, however, lies in seamlessly blending personalization and innovation with the distinctive buying behavior of today’s consumers. CMP Research found that while executives believe a low-effort experience and reducing customer time spent is most important in self-service experiences, personalization is one of the top drivers of a satisfactory self-service experience, based on a key drive analysis of 7 possible drivers. Personalization is not a standalone strategy but an integral part of overall innovation efforts. Successful integration ensures that personalization is woven into every aspect of the customer journey, from initial product discovery to post-purchase engagement.

In 2024, the retail landscape is poised for a transformative future in customer service experiences. Driven by collaborative partnerships, strategic use of innovative technologies, incorporation of generative AI in physical stores, and an unwavering commitment to personalization, retailers are not merely adapting to change but actively shaping tomorrow’s retail landscape.

Mario Matulich
Mario Matulich, President of Customer Management Practice (CMP), has over 17 years of experience in the CX industry and offers a diverse commercial understanding in a variety of industry verticals across the customer management sector. He is well-versed in market research, product development, sales, marketing, and operations, in addition to cross-functional management and leadership development.


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