Breaking Down Barriers with Social Login: Enhancing User Experience and Driving Business Growth


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We’re in a digital-first era where everyone expects excellent user experience. And when we talk about user experience, it’s all about how a website or application caters to the need of its customers when they interact with them for the first time.

Users always seek great user experience every time they interact with the platform since they already interact with brands and know what a great user experience feels like.

Hence, you’ll lag behind competitors if you can’t deliver the same experience.

And one of the significant hurdles occurs while designing your platform’s authentication and authorization process. Around 88% of users don’t return to a website after a bad user experience. Hence, you need to ensure your login authentication is seamless.

Here’s where the crucial role of social login comes into play!

Social login is a revolutionary authentication mechanism that allows individuals to sign up or sign in to a platform using any social media account.

Let’s understand how social login breaks the barriers to a great user experience and how it helps foster overall business success.

What is Social Login? Why is it Swiftly Becoming the Need of the Hour?

Social login refers to the authentication mechanism that allows users to use their social media ids to sign in or sign-up for a platform without creating a new identity on that particular platform.

With social login, businesses can eliminate the long conventional process of sign-up. This means a lot of friction is already removed since users don’t need to remember long, complex passwords for every other platform they visit.

Apart from this, social login is considered the most secure way to authenticate since users can leverage the security of their social media accounts, and any chance of privacy or security breach is eliminated.

And with the increasing demand for streamlined and secure login, businesses need to put their best efforts into adopting social login since most users prefer using their social media profile instead of creating new accounts.

According to the consumer digital identity trends report 2023, around 58% of users of age 18-25, prefer using social login, while 52% of users of age 26-35 also prefer using social login.

This depicts that social login is swiftly gaining popularity among youngsters. And if your target audience is 18-35, using social login can be a game-changer for your business.

The Endless Benefits of Incorporating Social Login

With social login, businesses can not only reap the benefits pertaining to user experience, but eventually, they can get an abundance of features that enhance overall business growth. Let’s understand in detail:

1. Valuable Information about Users

Social network providers can offer you additional details and valuable information about potential users, which can be used to create personalized user journeys.

Businesses can eventually know the preferences and behavior of their customers and use this data to enhance their customer acquisition further.

Moreover, personalized messages and product recommendations can also help businesses in scaling their sales and improving overall marketing effectiveness.

2. Enhanced Registrations

No one likes to fill out lengthy registration forms each time they interact with a new platform. The long sign-up process leads to customer fatigue, eventually pushing users to switch.

On the other hand, social login eliminates the need to fill out lengthy registration forms, eventually leading to more registrations since users can sign up on a platform within a few seconds.

Apart from this, the platforms offering multiple social login options can witness a substantial increase in sign-ups since many people using different social media platforms can register without any hassle.

For instance, a user who is using Facebook can register quickly. Still, if another user isn’t using Facebook, they can use Google or LinkedIn to sign-up for that platform.

In a nutshell, using social login into your website or mobile application significantly increases the sign-up rates for your platform.

3. Reduces Bounce Rate

Many businesses are facing issues while they work on improving their website’s bounce rate. However, most of them aren’t aware of the fact that a poor user authentication process could be the biggest culprit.

Since the attention span is deficient, most users quickly switch to the platform if they find a little friction in the sign-up process. And this contributes to an increased bounce rate.

Adding social login can significantly reduce the bounce rate since users can quickly authenticate themselves, and the registration process takes only a few seconds.

4. Reduces Cart Abandonment

Most e-commerce platforms are struggling with issues related to cart abandonment. This means that users may add products/services to their cart but eventually don’t proceed with the checkout and payment process.

Users don’t like to wait or don’t prefer creating a new account on the e-commerce platform. And as a result, they abandon the cart and switch to another platform. And the reason for cart abandonment could be a poor authentication or sign-up process.

Adding social login minimizes cart abandonment and ensures customers return and make future purchases. Hence, customer retention rates also improve by incorporating social login into your e-commerce platform.

5. Minimum Login Failures

Social login improves the sign-up process and streamlines the login process for any web platform or mobile app.

Password fatigue is a significant issue that users deal with. Users forget their passwords often, so they must go through the password reset process. And this may lead to users exiting the platform.

Social login avoids the need to remember complex passwords; hence, the possibility of login failure becomes less.

Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that social login improves customer retention by streamlining the entire signup and sign-in process.

To Conclude

Today, customer experience is everything that matters for a business. And if you fail to create a positive first impression, you’ll lose the game.

And regarding a rich authentication experience, nothing beats social login authentication in today’s modern digital world.

Whether improving conversion rates or enhancing customer retention rates, businesses must put their best foot toward social login adoption.

To cut a long story short, businesses embarking on a digital transformation journey shouldn’t ignore the true potential of leveraging social login for scaling overall business growth.

Rakesh Soni
Rakesh Soni is CEO of LoginRadius, a leading provider of cloud-based digital identity solutions. The LoginRadius Identity Platform serves over 3,000 businesses and secures one billion digital identities worldwide. LoginRadius has been named as an industry leader in the customer identity and access management space by Gartner, Forrester, KuppingerCole, and Computer Weekly.


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