How to Build an Educational App for Android and iOS in 2021-22?


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How to Build an Educational App for Android and iOS in 2021-22

A smartphone is such a revolutionary device and deeply impacts our lives; from bill payment to ordering stuff online, we can do anything with it. Now due to the evolution in technology, everything is within our reach. In terms of knowledge sharing works great as there are several e-learning solutions  available on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

Some statistics that you would like to read- 

  • The e-learning market is projected to reach USD 370 billion by 2026.
  • 72% of organizations admitted that they got the competitive advantages by e-learning.
  • 43% of US students prefer e-learning mediums to develop their skills.
  • E-learning apps can increase the learning ability five times compared to traditional learning.

Before we proceed to know the steps for e-learning software development, you should know what types of educational apps are available in the market. 

Types Of Educational Apps

1.Educational Apps for Kids

These apps are one of the finest examples of e-learning apps that let children learn via animations, info graphics and games. These apps provide ample scope to the students for learning in their initial classes and also helps the parents to make their child a smart learner. 

2.Classrooms Apps

These can be of two types one is for connecting the teachers & students remotely, and the other is for teachers to use it as supportive material to teach their students effectively. 

3.Preparation Apps

These apps are a little bit different from the e-learning apps mentioned above apps. These apps are equipped with a testing mechanism where student can test their knowledge by participating in online tests, quizzes and weekly or monthly exams.

4.Online Courses Apps

Via these apps, students can enroll in any desired course by paying some subscription amount such as Course Era, Edx etc. These apps are useful for the students who want to improve their education remotely and for the working professionals who can’t go to classrooms due to their busy schedules. 

What Are the Features That You Should Consider While Mobile Learning App Development?

While developing an educational app, features play an important role, so here you have to consider the following features-


It allows users to sign-up on the app via their e-mail id, phone number, Gmail and social media id. Here point to be noted that implementing social media login would be best for the users to onboard swiftly.    

Learning Material

The main USP of every e-learning app is learning material. So, here you have to put the functionality so the admin can update the study material seamlessly. Although uploading is the admin’s responsibility before uploading the content, it must be ensured that the content must be UN-plagiarized and grammatically fine.

Study Material Categorization

Study material must be categorized form so the user can access it without hurdle. Here you need to implement the catalogue features.


The search option allows users to search for the course, study material, test series, quizzes and other information. Of course, it would be better to design this feature is an advanced way, so the user must apply various filters accordingly. 

User Profile

It allows users to add and modify their details. In addition, it will work as a user’s dashboard to have control over their account.  


It allows users to pay via multiple methods as per their choice, such as net banking, credit card, debit card etc. To implement it, you can use Brain tree or Stripe; these will help greatly.

Push Notifications

Users get real-time alerts via push notification about any course updates, test updates, results etc., for implementing push notifications, one of the favorite choices of developers is Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).


Education application development is as complex as other app development. That tests the programming skills of a developer and tests creative skills because if the app is poorly designed & developed, it will be useless, and there are ample chances that it will have high UN-installs. So, here two things can work great one is featured, and the other is study content. The reason that makes design crucial is that first, the user will interact with the GUI and then after they will access the content and, still the fundamental first impression is last impression works.  

Steps to Develop Educational App for Android and iOS

Although Android and iOS are both different platforms and utilize different technology for app development, the concept is different. So, the following are some common steps that an Android or iOS app development company</a  follows while developing e-learning solutions.

1.Idea Formulation

The first ever-important thing is idea formulation. Without formulating an idea, app development is just a blind effort. Here you can decide about the niche of your app, targeted audience, number of courses you want to provide and other things.


Under this step, the educational app’s blueprint will showcase how the app’s GUI will look after development. 


The development is categorized into two parts frontend, backend development. Under frontend development, GUI & designing part will occur, and the backend refers to core programming parts such as data storage, implementing functions, queries etc.  


Once the development is done, the product goes under a rigorous testing procedure where a test case is designed to find out the flaws in the application and fix the bugs. 

5.Launching MVP

Now, it is time to launch the MVP that stands for a minimum viable product. It is used for testing the idea in real-time, discovering that how users interact with it and ensuring that it will work properly or not. Once getting the user feedback, you can eliminate all the flaws.

6.The Final Version

Once done with all the steps and eliminating all the drawbacks, it is time to launch the final version of your educational app. 


It depends on you which platform users you are targeting. Suppose you want to launch it for Android users, then you can hire an android app developer, or if you want to launch it for iPhone users, then iOS app developers can help you out. 

The Final Words!

The educational app market is one of the biggest segments of the app development industry. These days, education brands are serving a major portion of the population by launching their various apps. In Q1-2020, there were 470 million downloads from the iOS app store and 466 million downloads from the Google play store of mobile educational apps. The new survey about e-learning solutions is yet to be published, but the data will be more than the mentioned above. So, if you are planning to launch your educational app, then it is the right time to do so.

Tarun Nagar
Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking Mobile and Web Development Company. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for technology and trends, passionate as he is in every aspect dedicated to making IT simple, accessible and approachable for business enterprises.


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