Design Practices to Enhance Customer Experience in Magento 2 Ecommerce Website


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Customer experience is paramount in this competitive eCommerce world with evolving innovations and technologies. In this digitally fast-paced life, offering customers a seamless experience for improved conversions is crucial. One platform that has emerged exceptionally over recent times is Magento 2. But only setting it up over time is not enough to derive exceptional customer experience. To ensure that your website effectively stands out from the competition, it must be implemented with effective design practices. Let’s get to the details of design practices that must be followed in any Magento 2 e-commerce website for a better customer experience.

How does the E-Commerce experience matter?

Ecommerce experiences do matter a lot for new and existing customers as a whole. This is mostly because customers often tend to look for new and exciting e-commerce websites. An ecommerce website that is effective and valuable generally offers positive experiences for customers. Now, when you have more happy customers it offers a better rate of conversions and revenue. If a website experience is not effective for customers, it can even impact the overall visits and clicks of a website a lot as well. Thereby, choosing the right ecommerce website development company is necessary for an informed decision.

10 Top Design Practices to Utilise in Ecommerce Websites

Let’s now get down to understanding the best design practices for Ecommerce websites.

1. Effective Responsive Design

In a world where customers use various devices to access the internet, it is imperative to have a responsive design for your Magento 2 website. A Responsive design effectively ensures that your website adapts and functions seamlessly across different screen sizes. Starting from tablets, desktops, and smartphones to laptops, any type of screen can be utilized through responsive design. Utilizing a responsive and effective website design can help you to ideally cater to a large audience over time by improving customer satisfaction.

2. Intuitive Navigation

Navigation is one of the most essential parameters in any website design. The better and more effective the overall design navigation, is better the customer experience gets. Remember, no customer likes to constantly browse for their essential things for long enough in any website. To offer effective and steadfast navigation for them, it is important to offer them streamlined navigation. This could be easily achieved through the help of categorizing different products, functionalities, and advanced filters. Further, this entire thing can even be valued by including a clear hierarchy of differentiated products to offer easy-finding access to customers.

3. Streamlined Checkout Process

The checkout process is a critical phase of the customer journey, and any friction or complexity in this stage can lead to cart abandonment. Now, the last thing you ever need is to increase the number of cart abandonment. The more the carts are abandoned, the more negatively it affects your website. To enhance the customer experience, it is essential to streamline the checkout process in your Magento 2 website from the right Magento web development company. It is best to implement a user-friendly and simplified process to ensure minimal customer worry. Offering guest checkout options is essential to avoid unnecessary account creation barriers. Further, using different payment getaways can also help in the checkout process for better help.

4. High-Quality Product Images and Videos

Visual content is crucial for influencing purchasing decisions among customers. When developing your ecommerce website, it is important to choose the right ecommerce website development company effectively and focus on offering high-quality oriented images. This could be properly evaluated by hiring a professional photographer to capture the images. More detail-oriented and effective the photographs are better it will impact the customers in their buying experience. It is better to consider incorporating product videos to provide customers a more immersive and informative experience. Videos can demonstrate product usage, highlight unique features, and build trust, ultimately leading to higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

5. Personalization Shopping Experince

Customisation of the shopping experience is a big factor for customers when shopping. It effectively increases their preference in buying new products. Through the use of Magento 2 in website building, you can leverage the data of customers to personalize and customize the shopping experience. It can even help to gather data for product recommendations, promotional offers, and website content and use it for offering better value-worthy shopping experience. You can also use targeted marketing techniques like targeted email marketing, notifications to customers, and offering exclusive discounts.

6. Fast Loading Speed

Slow-loading websites frustrate customers and can lead to high bounce rates. To provide a seamless shopping experience, optimization of your Magento 2 website for fast loading speed is essential. It is important to compress and optimize images, minify CSS and JavaScript files, and leverage content delivery networks (CDNs) to reduce latency. Regularly monitoring and optimizing your website’s performance is a mandate to ensure it loads quickly across various devices and internet connections.

7. Mobile Optimization

With the growing number of mobile shoppers, mobile optimization is no longer optional but necessary. Magento 2 provides responsive design capabilities, but it is essential to go beyond responsiveness and optimize your website specifically for mobile users. It is important to consider mobile-specific design elements, such as larger buttons and fonts, simplified navigation menus, and touch-friendly interactions. Once the entire process is done, you also need to test it regarding different screen sizes for a seamless experience from the right ecommerce website development services.

8. Clear and Concise Product Descriptions

Accurate and detailed product descriptions help customers make informed purchasing decisions. It helps your customers to be exactly aware of what they are buying. In your Magento 2 website, ensure that product descriptions are clear, concise, and highlight each product’s key features and benefits. The utilization of headings, bullet points, and different formatting techniques are needs to be incorporated for offering a dedicated decision. Include relevant information such as dimensions, materials, specifications, and care instructions. High-quality product descriptions assist customers and contribute to better search engine visibility and ranking.

9. Reviews and Rating Analysis

Customer reviews and ratings significantly impact online shoppers’ purchasing decisions. Incorporate a review and rating system into your Magento 2 website to allow customers to share their feedback and experiences with your products. Displaying genuine reviews and ratings can build trust and credibility, helping potential customers make confident buying decisions. The best way to offer it is by encouraging customers to leave a review and feedback.

10. Easy Contact and Support

Providing accessible contact information and support channels is crucial for customer satisfaction. Make sure that your Magento 2 website prominently displays contact details such as email, phone number, and live chat options. This offers customers the value to to directly find answers to their questions as and when required. Once you get queries, it is essential to respond promptly to them by providing clear and helpful assistance. Excellent customer support resolves issues and leaves a positive impression on customers, fostering loyalty and repeat business. Therefore, it is needed to invest on the correct web development services company.


To conclude, implementing effective design practices in your Magento 2 e-commerce website is vital for enhancing the customer experience. Keeping a definite focus on the above factors is essential to offer an engaging and top-notch website design. Looking to prioritize the customer experience increases customer satisfaction and fosters better success through higher conversions. So, choose the right ecommerce website development services for your dedicated eCommerce website.

Pratip Biswas
Pratip Biswas, is the Founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, a New York based tech-company which has been featured in Deloitte Fast 500| Fastest growing tech companies in 2018. His company is working with Enterprises, SMB’s and Start-ups to improve their efficiency through Digital Adoption and help them discover new possibilities through constant innovations.


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