9 eCommerce website development practices to help build customer trust


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eCommerce website development practicesThe probability of gain results in trust, while the probability of failure results in distrust. But between the two lies an element of uncertainty; something that every eCommerce customer experiences when placing online orders. This presents eCommerce websites with a very lucrative opportunity. If they can tilt the balance towards trust, they stand to enhance their conversion rate. To achieve this favorable tilt, ecommerce websites must integrate relevant techniques into their custom ecommerce website development.

The entire eCommerce environment is based on trust. To survive in the competitive landscape of eCommerce, you must build a strong relationship with your customers.

Customers place paid orders without knowing whether they will receive the product. But before placing orders, they evaluate an eCommerce website based on certain factors. If the online store ticks most boxes on their trust-building checklist, they immediately place online orders.

Let us look at 9 trust-building techniques that all professional ecommerce development services providers must integrate into their ecommerce website building strategy.

Building customer trust through ecommerce website development

Customers face much more uncertainty when shopping online compared to an offline store. Additionally, easy access to comparisons of available product and service has resulted in cut-throat eCommerce competition. Leveraging customer trust is the only way to stand tall and thrive in a competitive landscape.
All trust-building techniques integrated within eCommerce development in USA and worldwide center on four important vulnerabilities online customers face. They are:

  • Payment Security
  • Privacy of personal information given online
  • Whether products will get delivered
  • Products might not be what they appear

Let us look at what techniques an ecommerce website development company should implement to help build customer trust online.

1. Secure the website

Even before you think of securing customer data, you have to secure your eCommerce website. Your eCommerce website developer must install SSL certifications. It may seem costly, but installing the SSL certificate is better than a website breach that costs around $210. Not to mention the loss of reputation you will suffer in the event of a breach. Hence, discuss this with your ecommerce website development provider before initiating the project.

2. Robust customer data measures

The customer journey through an eCommerce website involves entering personal information at several points. To secure this data and protect customer privacy, you must leverage the data security and encryption ecommerce website development services offered by your developer.
Additionally, you must ensure the integration of robust authentication systems to prevent misuse of customer accounts. Essential authorization and authentication methods in custom ecommerce development in USA include role-based access controls, multi-factor authentications, and tokenization.

3. Rigorous code reviews

The top ecommerce website development companies employ rigorous code review techniques to identify and eliminate code vulnerabilities during development. This prevents loopholes from developing during the eCommerce website development process.
Embedding security testing throughout the different stages of the SDLC(software development life cycle) is another effective measure of countering cyber threats. This proactive action is crucial for eCommerce website development because multiple third-party integrations have to be performed to enhance the functionalities of the website. Care should be taken to keep these third-party integrations updated in real-time to prevent occurrences of cyberattacks.

3. Continuous monitoring and updation

Data is entered from multiple touchpoints in eCommerce. This makes it a potential target for all hackers and other cyber security threats. Hence, all eCommerce websites should be constantly monitored and updated to protect them.

Cyber threats evolve rapidly. To counter this, companies providing ecommerce website development services must implement a robust cybersecurity strategy. Reviewing it regularly and updating it in real-time will help counter cyber threats and keep the website safe.

The above 4 measures required backend implementation, while the next few require frontend developers to integrate them during the eCommerce development.

5. Enhance website design

Leverage your eCommerce website’s UI/UX design to implement trust-building measures. Poorly organized eCommerce websites have higher bounce rates because customers find it difficult to trust such websites. Thus, companies offering ecommerce website development must organize the website workflows so they resonate with potential user journeys. Integrating easy navigability will also improve customer experience.

Products need to be presented with current and accurate information. Additionally, website developers can keep all information on the website updated by checking it regularly for deadlinks and removing them.

6. Responsive and interactive website

Mobile online shopping has increased exponentially in recent years. All professional ecommerce development services must adopt a mobile-first approach. Additionally, they should ensure website responsiveness and integrate techniques that enhance interactions between the website and the customer. Offering customers a painless shopping experience will help eCommerce stores build a strong relationship with their customers, one that is based on trust.

7. Provide excellent customer support

Ask your eCommerce web developer to integrate a powerful CRM (Customer Relationship Management) within your eCommerce website. Leverage this to offer excellent customer support 24/7. Knowing that support is already at hand will help customers trust your website and keep returning.

8. Improve website performance

Optimize website design factors during ecommerce website development. Some ways to achieve superlative website performance and avoid website crashes are optimizing code formatting, image size, load balancing, external script usage, and content caching. Leverage techniques such as server-side rendering and CDNs to improve page load speeds.

Additionally, eCommerce web developers must limit the number of HTTP requests, minify CSS and JavaScript codes, and limit redirect requests.

For an eCommerce website, performance optimization is critical to building customer trust. Achieving this is challenging, but overcoming this becomes easy and achievable when integrated during eCommerce website development.

9. Easy checkout process

Providing customers with a smooth and frictionless checkout process also helps build and strengthen customer trust. Offering well-known payment options also helps build website authority and customer trust.

All backend and frontend security measures implemented must work together to build and enhance customer trust. However, eCommerce website developers must conduct regular security audits to ensure effectiveness.


Trust drives customer relations in an online environment. eCommerce websites can leverage many different techniques to achieve this. However, trust-building is an ongoing process that can only be achieved by continuous monitoring and website updation.

Pratip Biswas
Pratip Biswas, is the Founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, a New York based tech-company which has been featured in Deloitte Fast 500| Fastest growing tech companies in 2018. His company is working with Enterprises, SMB’s and Start-ups to improve their efficiency through Digital Adoption and help them discover new possibilities through constant innovations.


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