12 Online Business Tips for Your eCommerce Store to Enhance Customer Experience & Drive Sales


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The e-commerce industry is booming, with online sales growing at an exponential rate. There are so many things to consider when launching your own eCommerce store.

Keeping up with the fast-paced world of e-commerce is no easy feat, which is why many businesses fail to thrive in this cut-throat industry.

According to Statista, In 2021, retail eCommerce sales are equivalent to approx. 5.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. This figure is forecast to grow by 56% over the next years, reaching around 8.1 trillion dollars by 2026.

Many factors need to be considered. Creating an e-commerce store involves a lot of considerations – from the design and photography of your website to the different payment options and shipping services you offer.

Here are some tips that will help you optimize your e-commerce store. With this information in hand, you’ll be able to create an effective experience for both existing and potential customers.

1. Ensure That Your Store Is User-Friendly

The way your e-commerce store is designed can have a significant impact on your sales figures. A poorly designed eCommerce site will deter customers from making a purchase.

Ensuring that your store is user-friendly and easy to browse, as this will make it more likely that customers will purchase from it.


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It is best to avoid using Flash technology on your website and keep it clutter-free. You should also make sure that there is ample room for product descriptions and images.

Using a product recommendation tool can help you identify the most popular products you sell. This will give you an indication as to what your customers like and will be a great way to improve your sales figures.

2. Utilize Product Photography

Product photography is one of the most essential aspects of your e-commerce store. It’s what will give your customers an insight into what the product looks like and will assist them in making an informed purchasing decision.

Photographing your products at the right angle can be challenging. There are certain tips that you can use to create the best possible product images. Ensure that the images are well-lit and high in resolution. Additionally, you can consider using a Photoshop tool designed specifically for product photography.

There are many eCommerce hosting services that will assist you with this. Avoid using stock images as they can be unhelpful in providing customers with an accurate product representation.

3. Enable Customer Reviews

The customer feedback culture of your e-commerce store should be an open and welcoming one. Customers should feel comfortable leaving feedback on their purchases, including when they’re dissatisfied with something, and post negative reviews. Feedback is crucial for businesses to improve and offer better customer service in the future.

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You can do this by creating a “customer feedback” section on your eCommerce site. Also, consider creating a customer review software that will help you to manage and moderate the customer reviews and feedback that you receive.

This will make it easier for you to filter out fake reviews and will assist you in creating a trustworthy brand image.

4. Develop A Strong Brand Presence

Your e-commerce store is the first place that customers will go to in order to learn more about your brand. For this reason, it is essential that you create a strong logo and brand presence.

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You can do this by including an “about us” section on your store. This will be a great way to draw attention to your brand and will assist customers in understanding the company culture behind the products that they are purchasing.

You should also consider including an “offers” section on your eCommerce store. This will be a great way to draw attention to your best deals and will assist customers in accessing discounts and special offers.

5. Offer Customers Deals and Promotions

If you have an online store, then you can offer deals or discounts on your products to increase sales. You might consider offering free shipping or delivery on particular products or when the order amount crosses a certain limit. And if you have a subscription business model, free shipping and discounts can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Offering deals and promotions on your products will make them more attractive to customers and increase sales. It will also make your store more popular among buyers as they get attractive offers and deals on products that they want to buy.

6. Create An Effective Marketing Strategy

Marketing your e-commerce store is an essential part of optimizing your eCommerce store. Creating a well-thought strategy will assist you in reaching out to your customers. This will help increase sales and will assist you in gaining more exposure.

You can do this by creating an effective marketing plan. You should start by identifying the products that you sell the most frequently and determining the best way to market them. You should also consider marketing your store during holidays and seasons. This will help you to reach more customers.

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There are many different tools and services that will assist with marketing your e-commerce store. You should consider using digital marketing tools that will help you to reach a larger customer base across the internet.

This will be a great way to engage with customers and will assist you in building brand loyalty.

7. Add A Shopping Cart Functionality

A shopping cart functionality will be essential if you wish to sell your products on your eCommerce store. You should make it as easy as possible for customers to purchase your products.

As of November 2021, nearly 70 percent of digital shopping carts and baskets were abandoned without completing the purchase. This figure has moderately surged since 2014, Indicating that online retailers face difficulty in converting website visitors into customers.

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If you are an eCommerce business owner, you should know that it is important to offer a Wishlist or Add-To-Cart section on your store. This will help the customer to have a visual of the items that they would like and purchase them.

This will be a great way to encourage customers to bookmark products that they might like to purchase in the future.

8. Be Transparent With Your Shipping Policies

The shipping policies displayed on your e-commerce store can have a huge impact on your customer satisfaction. They are a good indication of the level of service that you provide and, subsequently, can greatly impact your sales.

There are many ways in which you can enhance your shipping policies. One of the easiest ways to do this is by adding an FAQ section to your store.

This will help you to identify the most common questions that customers have about shipping and will assist you in creating a comprehensive and transparent shipping policy. A live tracking feature might be a good addition to your eCommerce store.

This will allow customers to track the progress of their orders. Doing this will serve to increase customer satisfaction. You should also consider using shipping software that will help you to track your shipments and create shipping labels with ease.

9. Have an Easy Checkout Process

There are many online buyers who abandon their cart and don’t proceed to checkout when they find the checkout process too complicated. This happens when you don’t have an easy checkout process or you have a complicated checkout process.

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The checkout process should be as simple as possible. Customers should be able to complete the checkout process with ease.

10. Keep Your Customers Updated

Always keep your customers updated on the latest offers and news relevant to your products. This will help you to stay in your customers’ minds and make them visit your eCommerce store often.

Marketers are utilizing email notifications to bring customer actions back into their marketing funnel. By sending emails with lead magnets, you can remind customers of your product or service and drive sales over time.

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Take advantage of email marketing campaigns to communicate with your customers and let them know about the latest offers and discounts available on your products. Remember to keep your email list clean and verified in order to make sure that you’re sending your marketing emails to the right people.

11. Deliver Efficiently to Reduce Frustration

When you deliver your product to the customer, make sure that you don’t create any frustration. Customers hate it when they have to wait too long for their products to arrive.

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That’s why it’s important to set realistic delivery expectations and set a delivery timeline for each order placed. Make sure you choose the right shipping carrier when shipping products from one country to another.

12. Provide Customer Service & Encouraging Feedback

The customer service that you provide on your eCommerce store can significantly impact your sales figures. You might consider providing customer service 24/7 and ensuring that it is prompt and thorough.

If you want to create a seamless customer experience, it’s important that you provide omnichannel customer service. This way, you can ensure that customers are satisfied no matter the channel or touchpoint.

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There are many ways in which you can enhance your customer service. One of the easiest ways to do this is by hiring a virtual assistant or a team of customer service specialists. Virtual assistants or chatbots are very useful in the case of customer service. Thanks to the NLP text summarization, they can easily react to basic customer requests.

It can help you to respond to customer inquiries and manage your sales and customer service. Lastly, you should consider encouraging customer feedback. This will be a great way to understand the needs and desires of your customers and will be a great way to improve your customer service.


eCommerce is the way forward for businesses. In an age where internet access is widespread and almost everybody shops online, eCommerce sites are taking over traditional retail stores. There are millions of websites selling everything from clothing to electronics to home appliances online.

Consequently, you might think that getting your own eCommerce store up and running would be easy. But as it turns out, there’s a lot more to setting up an e-commerce store than people might think.

By implementing these effective e-commerce tips, you can boost your conversion rate and sales above all other online stores including a great customer experience for the visitors.

Dhaval Sarvaiya
Hey there. I am Dhaval Sarvaiya, one of the Founders of Intelivita. Intelivita is a mobile app development company that helps companies achieve the goal of Digital Transformation. I help Enterprises and Startups overcome their Digital Transformation and Mobility challenges with the might of on-demand solutions powered by cutting-edge technology.


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