Five ways CRM technology can help e-commerce businesses weather the storm


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Amid a difficult economic outlook, where consumer spending is down, e-commerce businesses are doing all they can to boost sales – and investing in technology is part of that. But that’s not their only worry, in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, e-commerce businesses are confronted with numerous challenges outside of economic circumstances – from fierce competition, to changing customer preferences.

During these times, getting cut through among the competition and nurturing relationships with customers will be key to business success. After all, customers are the lifeblood of every business and relations with them determine the health of a company, as well as future growth.

To stay ahead, and weather the storm, e-commerce businesses must leverage technology to improve sales infrastructure, streamline sales operations and enhance customer experience. In fact, investing in a well-executed Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution can really be all the difference in staying above water, and boosting sales in 2023.

Still, the strategy behind the implementation of any CRM technology is just as crucial as the technology itself.

Creating a CRM strategy to help your business thrive

Getting this strategy right from the start, will be key to achieving company goals and staying afloat during this period. So, before jumping at the idea of CRM, ensuring you outline your goals and understand how you wish to use the system to your advantage is vital. Even with the high success rates accompanying CRM implementation, the software will be relatively meaningless, unless used appropriately.

E-commerce businesses must start by outlining their goals, identifying customers and grasping their customers’ journeys, before developing their strategy and turning it into tangible actions through CRM platforms. Ask yourself, “What is the aim? Who am I looking to target? What is the journey for my ideal buyer?”. Once you’ve answered these and identified your desired outcomes, looking to IT consultancies can then support in establishing the strategy based on these goals, offering a customised service and approach personalised to your business’ aims.

So, what does this strategy have the power to do and how CRM technology can help?

Here are five ways CRM technology can support e-commerce businesses navigate these challenging times, and thrive in an ultra-competitive marketplace:

Enhanced Customer Insights

Understanding customer behaviour and preferences is crucial for e-commerce success. CRM technology allows businesses to gather and analyse valuable customer data, including purchase history, browsing patterns, and demographics.

By gaining deep insights into customer preferences, businesses can personalise their marketing and sales efforts to target specific customer segments, and offer more tailored product recommendations. For example, by having a history of past customer purchases, companies can plan precisely when to offer a customer a renewal to purchase goods or services that have a short shelf life or are cyclical in nature. This level of personalisation not only helps improve customer satisfaction, but also boosts conversion rates, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Efficient Order Management

Managing and processing orders efficiently is vital for e-commerce businesses, especially during periods of unforeseen challenges. CRM systems can streamline order management processes by automating tasks such as order tracking, inventory management, and fulfilment.

By integrating CRM technology with e-commerce platforms, businesses can automate workflows, reduce manual errors, and ensure timely order processing. This level of efficiency not only improves customer satisfaction and trust, but also helps businesses optimise their supply chain and reduce operational costs. Automating processes also helps increase revenue; companies can automate the sending of emails reminding customers of an abandoned shopping cart, or encouraging them to re-enter the shopping platform to complete an order that was started but not finalised.

What’s more, leaning on the automation capabilities of CRM technology, companies can also determine when customers will need a repeat order of their product or offering. For example, an insurance company can track when customer policies need renewing, or a toiletries provider can see when their customer last ordered a new toothbrush and contact them to encourage them to buy a new one. Efficient order management isn’t only about the first purchase acquisition but also how to manage past orders so that customers repeat them in the future.

We at ARP Ideas work with all types of companies – including those in e-commerce – to support them with handling high volumes of orders via an automated custom CRM solution fit for their specific business needs. We can say with confidence that our customers are now witnessing improved sales, faster processing, and more efficient collaboration, as a result.

Seamless Multichannel Integration

Today’s customers expect a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and marketplaces. CRM technology enables e-commerce businesses to integrate their sales and marketing efforts across these various channels.

By centralising customer data and interactions in a CRM system, businesses can provide consistent and personalised experiences, regardless of the channel customers choose. This integrated approach fosters customer loyalty, increases engagement, and ultimately, maximises revenue opportunities in particular by reducing the time required to manually process data flowing in from multiple channels.

Effective Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is a key differentiator for e-commerce businesses. CRM platforms allow businesses with tools to provide efficient and personalised customer support.

By integrating CRM systems with communication channels like live chat, email, VoIP, and social media, businesses can collect customers’ cases, and manage them accordingly. This may include delivery inquiries, complaints or other after-sales matters. Using a well-configured CRM system with multi-channel integration allows you to automate the flow of cases, for example, by assigning them to specific queues and then distributing them to specific specialists according to criteria of specialisation or experience level. This makes Customer Service Agents respond promptly to customer inquiries, resolve issues faster, and provide a consistent support experience. What’s more, executives can have real-time insight into the speed at which cases are resolved and thus improve the performance of their team’s Service Level Objectives.

CRM technology also enables businesses to track and manage customer interactions, ensuring a holistic view of customer communication history. This knowledge empowers customer service representatives to deliver personalised and contextual support, fostering long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns

In a crowded e-commerce landscape, targeted marketing campaigns can make all the difference. CRM technology helps businesses distinguish their customer base in regard to various categories, such as purchase history, browsing behaviour, and demographics. These can then be used to create personalised marketing campaigns that resonate with specific customer groups.

By leveraging CRM data, businesses can deliver highly targeted advertisements, email campaigns, and promotion in a matter of minutes. This targeted approach not only improves marketing ROI but also enhances customer engagement and drives repeat purchases.

To conclude, CRM technology is a game-changer for e-commerce businesses looking to navigate challenging times and excel in a competitive marketplace. From gaining deep customer insights, to streamlining order management, CRM technology offers a multitude of benefits. By harnessing the power of CRM, e-commerce businesses can enhance customer experiences, increase operational efficiency, and drive revenue growth. Embracing CRM technology is a strategic move that empowers businesses to weather the storm and emerge stronger in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.


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