How Can I Hide My LinkedIn Profile From Everyone?

growth hack lead generation

Your public profile is a representation of the simplified version of your LinkedIn profile. You can customize your public profile setting according to your wishes and allow limited excess to the information that is displayed on their profile pages. LinkedIn enables its users to swift on and off their profile section and choose what appears on the public search engines.

Even if you are not the members of linkedIn, have not signed in to LinkedIn, and have not yet linked their LinkedIn account to their accounts can also view your public LinkedIn profile. But these factors are also subjected to the user’s visibility settings.

You can use LinkedIn visibility preferences on the “Profile Visibility” setting page to hide your LinkedIn profile from other users. This will result in your profile not appearing in the search engines as you have hidden your public profile. Even the non-LinkedIn members can view your profile. But still your LinkedIn profile can be viewed by the people who have a LinkedIn account.

How Can Your Profile Be Hidden?

To make it more easy for you we have provided you a step by step guide on how can you hide your public profile on LinkedIn :

  • Click on the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. A drop down menu will appear, click on “View Profile”.
View your LinkedIn profile
  • Clicking on the “View Profile” picture you will land on where you can edit your profile. There on the right side click on the “Public profile & URL”.

Edit your linkedin public profile URL

With the steps mentioned above you hide your profile from the LinkedIn website. There is another way you can hide your profile if you have your Android or iOS device. Here is how you can do that :

  • Click on your profile picture and then “View Profile”.
  • Go to the Setting Icon
  • Click on the “Privacy” them “Edit your Public Profile”
  • Now from the “Edit Visibility” section, toggle “ Your profile’s visibility” to “off”.

It is possible to edit your profile and allow the public exposure of a specific section if you want to change the language or text in that portion of your public profile.

More Facts About Hiding a LinkedIn Profile

After you have hidden your LinkedIn profile it’s possible that the search engines might take some time to detect the change and refresh. This is because LinkedIn has no control over it. Many times if someone wishes to view your public profile it’s possible that they might sign-up or login to your profile before they can view your public profile.

There are various places where your LinkedIn public profile can appear like :

  • In the search results of LinkedIn profile 
  • When people search you on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc your LinkedIn public profile appears. 
  • If you are affiliated and approved to any third-party services like Outlook, Yahoo Mail, Samsung phone mail. Then your public profile can also appear in their search results.

To optimize your lead generation process you can also set limits on the display of your information on your public profile. You can customize the information that is available to the public. Taking advantage of these features you can also generate more leads.


If you want to view any LinkedIn profile anonymously you can activate the private mode. This would not affect the navigation of your profile, but if another person does not have the information about your name after viewing their profile the same will be applied to you. This means even you will not know who views your profile. This is not the case only if you have a premium account on LinkedIn.

There are various other tools and features that are available in the market that you can use to optimize your linkedIn profile and even generate clients from your LinkedIn profile. To know more you can read these blogs:

  1. How to Create High-Quality LinkedIn Videos?
  2. How to Promote Your Brand Using LINKEDIN?


Although you cannot hide your members to hide their profile from everyone, you as a user can always hide your public profile from those who are not members of LinkedIn. Now that you know how you can hide your public profile, don’t just limit yourself just to this information you can also explore more features that can help you to optimize your LinkedIn profile .