Progressive Profiling: Key to Personalized Marketing Without Sacrificing Conversion Rates


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The modern digital marketing landscape solely relies on personalization, and businesses need to understand their consumers before approaching them.

Gone are the days when buyer personas and customer pain points were the only aspects required by marketers to design a winning marketing strategy; personalization plays a crucial role today. A 2020 survey revealed that 78% of marketers were using personalization in email marketing campaigns.

So does it mean modern businesses seeking higher conversion rates need to align their marketing strategies with personalization?

Undoubtedly, yes.

The market is flooded with a bunch of similar products and services, and if you’re not offering exceptional value based on reliable data regarding a specific person, you’re losing potential clients. Progressive profiling is paving the path for delivering personalized experiences for users from the beginning of their onboarding journey. Many businesses are leveraging progressive profiling for years to ensure users navigate the sales funnel and become loyal customers.

This post uncovers everything you need to know about progressive profiling, its business advancements, and how it helps create winning marketing strategies as per today’s requirements.

What is Progressive Profiling?

Before we head towards comprehending the benefits of progressive profiling, let’s first understand what progressive profiling is.
In the most basic sense, progressive profiling is the gradual collection of data on business leads through dynamic web forms.

Progressive profiling
Source: Pexels

Enterprises can choose which data they want to gather through different stages of a consumer’s journey. Customers share their information in different pieces as they continue to interact with the brand.

Progressive profiling helps streamline the onboarding process by removing potential barriers that may reduce lead generation and conversion rates.

How Progressive Profiling Works?

Businesses can implement progressive profiling through marketing automation tools or a consumer identity and access management (CIAM) solution that offers smart form fields.

The form fields are intelligently linked with consumers’ cookies that further help to provide relevant information about a user’s behavior.
Every consumer that lands on a website is assigned a cookie, which tracks their activity on the landing page and monitors the questions they have already answered.

For instance, if the consumer has already provided information regarding name, email address, and contact number, an unanswered question will automatically replace this field, and they would be asked about their interest the next time they land on the same page.

In a nutshell, a CIAM solution would smartly attach cookies to every unique site visitor and ensure a coherent and gradual flow of information that doesn’t hamper the user experience.

How Progressive Profiling Offers Competitive Edge to Businesses?

There are endless benefits and business opportunities when implementing progressive profiling in your web application or application. Some of them are discussed below:

Increased Conversions:

One of the most significant advantages of leveraging progressive profiling is enhancing overall conversion rates. The lead generation form’s minimum fields help engage more audiences that make up to the sales funnel and become loyal customers. Moreover, progressive profiling helps collect critical customer information revealing hidden insights.

Helps Crafting Personalized Content:

Another business advancement offered by progressive profiling allows you to craft personalized content, including welcome messages. These personalized messages help to nurture leads and ensure that a campaign looks appealing and navigates in the right direction.

Improves Lead Qualification:

When you rely on progressive profiling, you avoid asking the same questions again and again. This means you have better and detailed insights regarding a user, which can be used for qualifying leads efficiently and eventually helps to make better consumer profiles.

Enhances Consumer Onboarding Process:

Another significant business advancement of progressive profiling is facilitating consumer onboarding right from the beginning. Progressive profiling helps collect crucial information regarding a user that can design a fabulous consumer onboarding experience, which further contributes to better consumer retention rates.

Improving Overall Sales Process and Conversion:

Businesses globally are leveraging progressive profiling to enhance the sales process as it minimizes the time required to disqualify inferior leads and enables the sales team to focus on good quality leads. This helps them convert the most profitable leads. Also, the marketing team can decrease the overall sales time by asking more relevant questions to their users as they proceed forward in their buying journey.

Final Thoughts

Progressive profiling is becoming the need of the hour for businesses collecting user information and seeking ways to enhance conversion rates.

The intelligent feature allows businesses to collect critical customer data by throwing a new question every time they interact with their brand. Hence, it increases the chances of building a richer consumer profile, further converting a lead.

Progressive profiling is undoubtedly emerging as an efficient way of bridging the gap between consumers and enterprises and paves the path for a long-term client and enterprise relationship.

Rakesh Soni
Rakesh Soni is CEO of LoginRadius, a leading provider of cloud-based digital identity solutions. The LoginRadius Identity Platform serves over 3,000 businesses and secures one billion digital identities worldwide. LoginRadius has been named as an industry leader in the customer identity and access management space by Gartner, Forrester, KuppingerCole, and Computer Weekly.


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