How To Make UX And CX Work Together For An Improved Customer Experience?


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6 Ways to Make UX & CX Work Together
Although user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) may appear similar, they actually refer to distinct facets of human interaction with brands. Nevertheless, they share a common thread in the form of the term ‘experience,’ which unites them. This is why they should be integrated, evaluated, and managed together. Continue reading to learn what sets UX and CX apart. You must collaborate with a web design company to make them work together and gain a customer-centric competitive edge. Let’s begin!

The Major Differences Between UX and CX

While UX is undeniably a component of CX, it’s essential to recognize their differences. Here are the key differences in terms of responsibilities and core metrics. Let’s delve into these differences.


User experience design specialists primarily focus on users’ interactions with a product. On the other hand, customer experience design experts focus on consumers’ experiences with the entire organization.

It’s important to note that the “user” that UX designers study doesn’t equate to the consumer or buyer. Let me give you an example. Consider a scenario where a company procures software for its employees’ daily use.

In this situation, a customer experience specialist would consider the experience during the research and buying process. On the other hand, a user experience design expert would emphasize the employees’ interactions with the software.

Core Metrics

The metrics employed by CX designers to measure their effectiveness differ significantly from those used by UX designers. The CX specialists of a web design company frequently assess overall customer satisfaction and track customer acquisition or attrition rates over specific time frames.

They rely on metrics such as churn rate and customer effort score (CES). These metrics help measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. On the other hand, user experience design professionals utilize metrics that assess product usability and user satisfaction.

They often examine app store ratings, scrutinize usability test outcomes, and document user descriptions of their experiences when interacting with a product or service. Despite these differences, you can make customer experience & user experience work together for elevating customers’ experiences. Let’s learn how.

6 Ways How You Can Make UX and CX Work Together Seamlessly

Collaborate on Enhancing Customer Journeys

Customer experience design experts and UX specialists possess complementary customer research abilities. A member of a web design company in New York specializing in UX design can actively engage in customer research. Additionally, the expert can contribute to the process of mapping customer journeys.

This participation allows them to offer valuable context to the broader perspective. Furthermore, they can assist the CX team in promptly identifying opportunities for product enhancement. This will, in turn, help elevate customer experience.

Simplify the Feedback Process for Users

Regardless of your preferred customer contact method, whether it’s through phone, email, or social media, ensure that the channel is easily accessible. Do not present a single and general phone number that leads to numerous transfers. Instead, you must specify which number to call when customers encounter specific issues.

Social media has evolved into a crucial customer service tool, with comments and complaints appearing frequently on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You must effectively reach and engage with your customers.

Establish Customer Feedback Loops

The CX team must manage touchpoints and customer feedback. However, this is often compartmentalized within specific programs or product divisions in an organization.

For instance, what happens when the UX team identifies customer feedback related to form design that is relevant to multiple products? Do these various product teams communicate with one another? Sometimes, they do, but more often, they do not.

CX professionals in a web design company can play a pivotal role in fostering feedback connections across all product teams. Furthermore, UX professionals can utilize this centralized feedback as a valuable source of qualitative user data.

Personalize your Digital Platform

One of the trending concepts in the fields of UX and CX is personalization. It involves tailoring content to match the desires or requirements of your customers. For example, Amazon features a “recommended for you” section that displays products related to your purchase history.

Let me give you another example. YouTube’s homepage showcases suggested videos based on your viewing history. Personalization is beneficial as it helps users (customers) save time.

Tackle Significant Challenges Collaboratively

Professionals specializing in Customer Experience (CX) and User Experience (UX) can leverage the collaborative techniques of human-centered design to address complex issues.

CX experts can take the lead in generative research and problem definition. On the other hand, UX specialists can offer invaluable input in generating solution ideas and creating testable prototypes.

Together, they can address the various business challenges posed by innovation, including process enhancement and workforce skill development.

Establish A Platform That Facilitating Communication Between CX And UX

At times, the UX designers of a web design agency in NYC may not have direct customer interactions, unlike those in CX positions who do. Furthermore, with users readily posting about website or app bugs and errors on social media, obtaining user feedback has become easier today.

However, simply gathering this feedback doesn’t equate to solving your customers’ issues. You must develop a platform that enables CX to communicate with UX (and vice versa). It will expedite the identification of user pain points.

These are some ways to make user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) work together effectively.

Final Thoughts

In a competitive landscape where customer experience is a strategic advantage, the collaboration between UX and CX professionals is paramount. Understanding the pivotal nature of the UX-CX relationship is essential for your business to thrive.

It’s essential to recognize that it goes beyond merely crafting a user-friendly interface or delivering exceptional customer service. The true goal is to craft a seamless and delightful journey for your customers from start to finish.

Achieving this goal is achievable by dedicating time to comprehending both UX and CX concepts and implementing them effectively within your website design. To streamline this process, you must seek assistance from a proficient web design company.

Although distinctions exist between user and customer experiences, web designers who empathize with both perspectives will likely create superior products and elevate client satisfaction.

Pratip Biswas
Pratip Biswas, is the Founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, a New York based tech-company which has been featured in Deloitte Fast 500| Fastest growing tech companies in 2018. His company is working with Enterprises, SMB’s and Start-ups to improve their efficiency through Digital Adoption and help them discover new possibilities through constant innovations.


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