A Comprehensive List Of The Best Chatbot Platforms


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As a tool to build and deploy interactive chatbots, AI-based bot platforms are a rage today. Organisations utilise these tools to create intelligent and conversational bots to interact with their website visitors, offer them the required information, and improve customer satisfaction.

In this post, we explore chatbots and their types along with the best chatbot builder 2021 to help you build an interactive chatbot.

Building a Chatbot – Use Cases, Requirements, and Types of Chatbot

Building a chatbot is a complex process that requires everything from a detailed strategy, tools, conversational process flow, reporting, and much more. Among the key things that you need here include-

  • Problems you are trying to solve with chatbot or use cases
  • Time required to address the issue to figure out the ROI
  • Functionality-Manual, automated or both
  • Integrations

Types of Chatbots

There are mainly three different types of bots that you can build here-

1.Rule-Based Chatbots

As the name suggests, rule-based bots work on predefined rules. These rules form the basis for the types of issues the chatbot is familiar with and can deliver solutions for.

2.AI Chatbots

AI chatbots leverage NLP to understand the intent, followed by processing the information and offering relevant/contextual answers instead of simply relying on a predetermined output.

3.Hybrid Chatbots

Hybrid chatbot combines the power of both rule-based and AI-powered bots to offer a superior customer experience

14 Best Chatbot Development Tools

Among the best ai chatbot builder platforms include-

1. WotNot
One of the best ai based chatbot builder platforms available, WotNot helps you build intelligent chatbots and also offers a complete range of conversational marketing solutions for multiple industries.

2. Landbot.io
Landbot.io is an intuitive tool that allows you to build both rule-based chatbots and AI-powered bots. The platform enables you to interact with your prospective customers and generate high-quality dialogues.

3. Bold360
As one of the most popular chatbot development tools, Bot360 leverages NLP technology to help customer service executives be more efficient and effortlessly take over conversations.

4. Intercom
Intercom is a well-known name that offers custom chatbots for use cases around multiple fields, including marketing, sales, and support. This AI bot builder can also be integrated with social media platforms and e-commerce websites and have live chat options.

5. Drift chatbot
If you want to build a bot to book meetings for sales teams and seamlessly facilitate conversations with leads, Drift is a great choice. Besides identifying the right sales executive and scheduling an appointment, it also qualifies website visitors without using any cumbersome forms.

6. LivePerson
An excellent platform to help you comfortably build, deploy, and optimise AI-powered chatbots, LivePerson is an ai based chatbot builder that enables you to use advanced analytics for real-time intent detection.

7. Flow XO
Flow XO is a platform that lets you build bots without any kind of coding. You can use the platform across multiple platforms while also integrating them with other 3rd party platforms.

8. Botsify
One of the best chatbot builders, Botsify, helps you create bots for websites, Messenger, and Slack with various ready-to-use templates. The platform also allows you to hand over the chat to a human agent seamlessly.

9. Aivo
Offering full customer service and the ability to respond to customers in real-time, Aivo bots can be easily programmed under different rules and conditions across channels to interact with customers.

10. Chatfuel
Chatfuel bot builder allows you to leverage NLP to identify intents and utterances, followed by sharing predefined answers.

11. BotsCrew
A popular choice for SMBs and SMEs, BotsCrew is among some excellent chatbot development tools that provide a managed service.

12. Pandorabots
Pandorabots is an excellent AI-based chatbot platform that offers comprehensive solutions for chatbot development. As one of the oldest and largest chatbot builders, it is also a multilingual chatbot.

13. Manychat
Manychat allows you to build and deploy bots on Messenger for use cases ranging from sales, marketing, and customer service.

14. Octane AI
Octane AI is an excellent choice if you wish to integrate a chatbot with a Shopify store via Facebook Messenger, answer customer questions automatically, and send shipping information.

In Conclusion
To pick the best chatbot builder, it is essential to develop a thorough understanding of your specific use case to help you determine what exactly you want out of your chatbot.

Once you do thorough research based on features, pricing, and integrations, it becomes easier to pick the platform that suits your individual needs.

Mitul Makadia
Mitul Makadia is Founder of Maruti Techlabs and a true technophile. With his industry experience, he has rapidly developed Maruti Techlabs in specialized services like Chatbot Development, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Makadia has considerable expertise in Chatbot Development and NLP.


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