What to Know About Creating Content Destinations


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If you’re a marketer, you know how it usually goes. You dream up the campaign, you execute the campaign and you ultimately lead your audience to content. But, where does that content live? To be effective, your campaigns need a destination. While this sounds great in theory, many marketers find that actually doing this for every campaign is cumbersome, time-consuming and frustrating. So, what’s a marketer to do? Here’s more about what you need to do to create the right content destinations that work – and not become completely overwhelmed in the process.

Agility is a Must

Did you know that only one in two marketing leaders report that their teams are able to easily create landing pages, blog posts, webpages and other content experiences? That’s only 50%, which is pretty abysmal considering 100% of them are putting together campaigns. So, the first tip to producing content destinations is being able to do so quickly.

This is critical because taking hours upon hours to deliver a single destination means you’ll never get anything else done. The process must be repeatable and quick in order to be scalable. Also, circumstances change fast. If you’re creating content that responds to current events or world issues, there’s an excellent chance that the news will change faster than your landing page can. You can’t afford not to have a rapid-fire way to create destinations and update them as the need arises.

Skip the Developer Intervention

In addition to slowing down campaign launches and limiting effectiveness, there’s another reason why content destinations have historically been a pain: they bog down developers’ time. Many companies’ marketing teams don’t have the skills needed to make site changes or create new destinations, so every need becomes a request of the dev team. This isn’t scalable, and also puts pressure on your developers who are almost always overloaded with work as it is.

Instead, you can handle the creation of content destinations yourself with a Content Experience Platform (CEP). This tech helps teams easily collect leads, quickly create campaign destinations and accelerate buyer journeys by enabling prospects to consume more content faster. With your content centralized and organized in one place, anyone on your marketing team can slice and dice it to create engaging content destinations for any type of campaign. And, the added bonus is that each one is sure to be consistently branded.

Doing This Well Can Actually Save Time

While it’s clear that using a CEP to create your own microsite or campaign destination saves your dev team time, it may sound like it will require more time from you, the marketer. But actually, the opposite is true. In fact, implementing a CEP can reduce the time it takes to build a destination from days or weeks to minutes. Literally. You don’t have to worry about the logistics or the development aspects; you just pull it together in a snap and push it out the door.

By using a CEP, you can work with agility, spare your development team from unnecessary requests and save everyone a whole lot of time. You’ll work faster, generate more leads, and gain the bandwidth to focus on strategic marketing work instead of purely execution. But perhaps the best part is that you’ll build trust with your audience by giving them the content they need when they need it, and when they expect it. In today’s buying landscape, that’s invaluable for your business.

Randy Frisch
Randy Frisch is CMO and Co-Founder at Uberflip, a content experience platform that empowers marketers to create content experiences at every stage of the buyer’s journey. He has defined and led the content experience movement, prompting marketers to think beyond content creation and focus on the experience. Randy is also a host of the Conex: The Content Experience Show podcast, and was named one of the Top 50 Fearless Marketers in the world by Marketo.


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