How CEOs Must Nurture Customer Care for Long-Term Success


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Customer centricity is no longer a strategic advantage; it’s table stakes. Yet, a truly sustainable, effective customer-centric culture needs one key characteristic: it starts at the top. Undoubtedly, sales, marketing and customer support serve as key touchpoints, sounding boards, and educators for customers, carrying the torch of a customer-focused organizational ethos. But first, CEOs and C-level executives need to spark that fire. 

CEOs set the tone of what customer-centricity actually looks like within an organization. How is it uniquely defined? How will employees company-wide actually live the behavior on a daily basis? Customer-focused cultures that move the needle are led by CEOs who aren’t afraid to get personal. They look to customers to gauge how the organization is doing and where it can improve, ensuring customer feedback plays a central role in product development, innovation, and service enhancements. They take action, like creating Customer Advisory Boards (CABs), to create a space to directly hear customer requests, concerns, and insights and personally ensure that change is possible. Engaging with customers in this manner not only strengthens relationships but also positions the company to deliver solutions that address real-world challenges effectively.

Characteristics of the Customer-Centric CEOs

They’re Visible and Engaging

The customer journey to engaging with CEOs can seem like an endless yellow brick road, hoping to find the elusive wizard. When it comes to CEOs demonstrating their dedication to customer care, they should lift the veil early and often; customers who know a CEO will feel comfortable approaching them with both kudos and concerns. CEOs who engage customers through various touchpoints, including during meetings, events, and via social media platforms, establish a direct connection and foster a true sense of partnership. By taking the time to listen, understand, and respond to customer needs, CEOs gain valuable insights that can shape the company’s strategy and direction. This level of engagement not only solidifies customer relationships but also motivates employees to go above and beyond in delivering exceptional customer experiences. In addition, CEOs should stay in learning mode to find out how their customers perceive the company in comparison with competitors or tangentially aligned companies. 

They Set the Message and Tone

Effective CEOs not only know the weight of their words but articulate the customer message in a clear, simple, and authentic manner. Messaging is more easily cascaded through an organization when the sentiment is believed (and lived) by the messenger. CEOs reinforce the commitment to customer care by discussing the significance of nurturing customer relationships with every department and assigning equal ownership to the entire leadership team to support the message. By championing customer-centricity, CEOs create a culture where customer success is a core value, encouraging all employees to prioritize customer alignment and support. 

They Walk the Talk

By embodying the values and behaviors that reflect a customer-centric mindset, CEOs inspire employees to follow suit. This includes actively participating in customer-related activities, advocating for customer needs within the organization, and demonstrating empathy and responsiveness in customer interactions. When employees witness their CEO prioritizing customer care, they are more likely to internalize these behaviors and emulate them in their own roles. CEOs should also make it a point to recognize impactful work by employees, even though it is expected that they do their job well, it is nice to be recognized. It creates an internal culture of caring.

Modeling behavior that lets customers and internal staff know that you’re genuine and consistent carries significant weight, but there are still real-life customer problems to solve. In addition to being genuine and consistent, CEOs must drive the development and delivery of competitively differentiated products that solve real problems for customers. By focusing on innovation, quality, and relevance, CEOs demonstrate their commitment to providing tangible value to customers. A strategic product roadmap aligned with customer needs enhances customer satisfaction, encourages loyalty, and opens doors for expanded investments when economic conditions improve. CEOs play a pivotal role in guiding product strategies that create a positive impact on customer success.

Andrew Kahl
I am the CEO of BackBox, a network security device automation software company. I have nearly three decades of expertise leading global customer-focused organizations. Prior to BackBox, I was VP of Customer Success Delivery at NetApp, the first Chief Customer Officer at SailPoint, and Co-Founder of CREDANT Technologies, a leading security software firm that was acquired by Dell Technologies.


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