Benefits of Recording Business Calls to Improve Quality Assurance


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As a business, you should strongly consider a call recording software to record business calls and improve quality assurance and customer service. Here we will look at some ways companies are using call recording tools to increase office productivity.

recording calls
Image created by Global Call Forwarding

Why Should Your Business Record Calls?

More and more companies are recording business calls in order to identify better ways to serve their customers. Quality assurance (QA) is a tool to ensure that agents and employees on-call interact with customers in the best ways possible and in ways that benefit the business.

By recording calls, agents, employees, and managers can review calls to highlight areas of strengths and weaknesses. And by doing so, they may improve the way a business offers customer service or support to its callers and customers.

Note: Remember to check federal and state regulations before you start recording business calls.

Importance of Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is an ongoing process. It makes agents and employees accountable and trains them to be efficient and productive. QA generally focuses on understanding customer needs and concerns by identifying ways to improve customer service.

By recording business calls, managers provide employees and reps on the call with an incentive to do a good job and follow protocol. In addition, since employees know calls will be reviewed, they will feel more accountable. And so, reviewing call recordings can become a part of annual performance analyses or appraisals.

Recordings are often used to train new employees and provide refresher training to make employees aware of a business’ standards and strive towards them. Some factors to consider when reviewing recordings for quality assurance are:

    Is the agent following protocol?
    Are they following the necessary script? Is the tone acceptable? Is it too monotonous?
    How quickly are they losing the client or caller?
    How quickly are they able to resolve a call? What is their first call resolution rate?
    Do they ask the necessary questions to understand the customer’s issue?

Understand Your Customers Better

Furthermore, recordings can be used to collect customer research and study the market better. In other words, you can use these recordings to understand customer preferences and behaviors better through surveys and feedback. For example, questions like: “where did you hear about us?” or “why choose us over a competitor?” can be very useful.

Gaining insights into customer preferences will also help with improving customer service quality and increasing customer retention rates.

Improve CSAT Scores

The main purpose of improving quality assurance is to increase customer satisfaction and CSAT scores. Because the more satisfied your customers are, the more likely they will continue to do business with you and bring more individuals to your business. And so, paying attention to your CSAT scores and bettering them can lead to more happy and returning customers.

How to Record Business Calls?

Cloud phone service providers offer call recording software along with their business phone system plans. You can add this feature to record incoming and outgoing calls and then store those recordings for years, depending on the provider.

To learn more about recording business calls, check out cloud phone service providers and what they have to offer. You can also contact them to get a quote or start a free trial to get an idea of how their software works. And before you know it, your business’ quality assurance and customer satisfaction will improve.

Nadine Sampson
Global Call Forwarding
Nadine Sampson is an experienced customer service professional working with more than twelve years of experience in the telecom and banking industries. She is the Sr. Customer Service Professional at Global Call Forwarding (United World Telecom), headquartered in Delray Beach, FL. She helps build relationships with new customers and provides outstanding support.


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