How Emerging Translation Technologies Can Change the Content Marketing Game


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Technology has greatly advanced over the years, especially in the translation industry. The Global News Wire reported that by 2030 the market size of global machine translation and translation technologies would be around 4,069.5 Million USD, having a 19.9% CAGR between 2022-2030. In content marketing, these emerging translating technologies have made creating content in another language easier.

Today, we will discuss how content marketing is crucial in attracting and engaging with users from the global market. If you want to learn more about machine translation tools and more, then keep on reading!

The Role of Emerging Translation Technologies in Content Marketing

Now before we get started on the role of emerging translation technologies and machine translation tools, let us first discuss international brand management.

You might have asked yourself, “Why is branding important in international marketing?”

Branding is a great way to establish yourself in a foreign market and differentiate your company from competitors. Branding across borders can be difficult because a simple mistranslation can create an entirely different context for your company’s brand and negatively affect its image to your international customers.

So when planning to create a multilingual content marketing strategy, how you present your branding will be crucial. There are countless scenarios wherein the branding of a well-known company got “lost in translation” because they didn’t consider how it would come across to an audience from another culture.

With the rise of emerging translation technologies, it has become easier to transform content. However, like any tool, it’s still vital that you are familiar with how to use it.

For example, several machine translation engines are available in the market. What type of machine translation engine you should use depends on the content you will translate or localize. Neural machine translation is the latest engine that many marketers use for localizing their content creation process, as it is more intuitive than others.

Google Translate, Amazon Translate, and DeepL are just some neural machine translation engines that are free and available online. Some machine translation engines will be better for certain languages. So be sure to test out and compare the results with other

Besides manually copying and pasting content to machine translation engines, there are translation APIs you can integrate into any software to make the translation process more efficient. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg when discussing translation technology and tools.

How Emerging Translation Technologies Can Revolutionize Content Marketing

From what we have discussed, emerging translation technologies have the potential to increase brand awareness and facilitate international brand management as they can enhance customer experience and increase outreach.

The multilingual content process and strategy become more consistent as you can use teach the program of machine translation technology to maintain specific phrases when translating and localizing.

There are several advantages to building brand awareness in multilingual marketing with automated translation technologies and tools. Here are some ways in which these technologies can bring about these changes:

1. Increase reach to a global audience: With emerging translation technologies, businesses can translate their content into multiple languages quickly and easily. It enables them to reach a wider audience and expand into new markets without investing significant resources in content creation.
2. Improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Traditional translation methods involve hiring solely human translators, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Emerging translation technologies, on the other hand, use machine learning algorithms to translate content automatically, reducing the need for human intervention. This results in faster and more cost-effective content creation and distribution.
3. Personalized customer experience through multilingual content: Customers today expect personalized experiences that cater to their needs and preferences. Emerging translation technologies can help businesses create personalized content in multiple languages, improving the customer experience and increasing engagement and loyalty.

Besides that, emerging translation technologies and tools can help with multilingual SEO and improve your website‘s ranking and better engage with users as you can integrate it across various platforms to make it a more streamless experience.

Potential Challenges and Limitations of Emerging Translation Technologies

Despite how promising emerging translation technologies are in revolutionizing multilingual content marketing strategies, there are still some challenges and limitations that you have to consider when implementing them into your content marketing process, as follows:

1. Possible errors in translation accuracy and cultural sensitivity: When strategically implementing your globalized branding into content marketing, you will still need to work with translators and marketing specialists to ensure that the translations and localized content generated by the machine translation and translation technology are accurate and capture the essence of the message. Culture and language are complex. Translation technologies may provide grammatically correct translation but may lack the context of the message, which can lessen its impact on non-English speaking users.
2. The need for human oversight and quality control: Technology might make work efficient, but it can fail. Despite some neural machine translation engines being more culturally sensitive than previous engines, humans still need to manage and check the translated or localized content. Working with specialists is especially important when planning to make your content marketing hyperlocalized for your target audience.
3. Consideration of language nuances and regional differences: Emerging translation technologies may not always consider the nuances of different languages and regional differences. It can lead to translation inaccuracies and make it difficult for businesses to tailor their messaging to specific markets. For example, the UK and the US are English-speaking countries. However, they have different cultures, which has affected the grammatical and use of the language.


Emerging translation technologies have the potential to significantly impact content marketing by improving efficiency, increasing reach, and enhancing the customer experience. While these technologies aren‘t perfect, businesses can invest in quality control and human oversight to mitigate the issues using machine translation and translation tools, taking advantage of the benefits.

Looking ahead, integrating emerging translation technologies in content marketing strategy can increase the production and quality of the text and help create multilingual-focused content marketing strategies to improve the customer experience of non-English speaking users and establish long-term trust with clients.

William Mamane
William Mamane is the Chief Marketing Officer at Tomedes, a leading translation company specialized in translation services, interpretation, and localization. Recently, Tomedes launched, an advanced online translation tool that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) technology for individuals and businesses, including language service providers, as it caters to multiple language pairs.


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