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Boost Cross-selling Opportunities with CDP Software

Personalize every experience and increase customer lifetime value (CLTV)
with in-built software for cross-selling success.

For businesses across every industry, consistently driving value for customers is a common objective, with the goal ultimately being to boost CLTV and increase revenue per customer. Maximizing cross-selling opportunities though advanced customer data software presents a roadmap to achieve this, whether the target is to increase service usage or diversify a customer’s individual or household product portfolio.

Find out how our advanced software enables cross-selling success through high-value use cases that keep customer-centricity at the core.

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Cross-selling Use Case Overview:

At NGDATA, we know that it makes more sense for businesses to retain high-value customers than gain them. As a result, the core KPI for many organizations is CLTV, with reduced churn rates and increased retention scores being key for improved return on investment (ROI).  With the Intelligent Engagement Platform, our advanced customer data platform (CDP) with in-built cross-selling software, you can apply use cases for great first impressions and even better ongoing relationships.

From onboarding to retention, our CDP software helps you understand your customers’ wants and needs, determine high-value cross-selling opportunities, and leverage them for personalized relationships that maximize revenue at every stage.

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Cross Selling with CDP Software

How Our CDP Software Empowers Cross-selling:

With our Intelligent Engagement Platform, apply advanced cross-selling use cases by:

  • Unifying fragmented data sets into rich Customer DNA™ from the outset to allow personalized conversations from the onboarding stage.
  • Action scheduled and trigger-based communications as soon as new customers are acquired, ensuring the most relevant information is supplied in a timely manner and customers never feel out of the loop.
  • Engage quickly with the right content and context using real-time interaction management (RTIM) software, meaning all ad-hoc queries, questions, and cross-selling opportunities are acted on swiftly and seamlessly.
  • Present customers with the next best offer at any given time, whether it’s a piece of content, message, product, or service offer, using our intuitive recommender tool.
  • Boost customer satisfaction levels and subsequent CSAT scores by delivering customers the next best experience at every stage.
  • Streamline upselling processes by considering other demographic and usage factors to offer a more premium product, based on a customers’ financial circumstances or usage needs.

We offer advanced software solutions to maximize cross-selling opportunities across every journey stage. Learn more about our Customer Journey Solutions and how each stage poses additional opportunities to leverage CDP use cases.

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