Start Winning More in Business

Aepiphanni is a strategy-driven Business Operations Consultancy founded to help entrepreneurs develop and implement high-performing operational infrastructures around great products and services.

Aepiphanni Business Consulting

We are an Operations & Strategy Business Consultancy that helps growing companies streamline their business operations to improve performance and support growth.

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Fractional CGO

You have a vision for your company but need the recourses to come along side of your to drive growth. Explore Fractional Leadership to achieve your vision.

Strategic Services

Operations Consulting

Your company will struggle to achieve the vision you have for it without a clear path forward and the tools to overcome its obstacles to growth

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Business Transformation

Strategy and planning without execution is like having a sports car with no gas. Business Transformation is how businesses move through change to get results.



The Aepiphanni Strategic Framework is a phased process that is designed to address: the needs of the Company, its beliefs and strategic decision-making in the development and implementation of the solution.


Designed process of collecting information about your company related to the challenge or challenges you would like to address.  


A designed process of the development of recommendations based on the company evaluation, and understanding of market and industry trends, with the goal of creating advantage.


This is where brilliant ideas are born.  Between what we know, what we've learned and what possibilities we've uncovered, we'll work with you create new objectives to pursue.


Solution design or business case for the final solution that will be implemented based on the outcome of the Aepiphanni stage.


Identification of resources, development of the time and budget required to develop a roadmap to implement the solution.


We assemble and manage the team that will implement the of the plan to pursue the new business objectives.


Ongoing review and update of company goals and position, providing recommendations and accountability to ensure the organization continues to reach its vision

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Business Strategy and Operations Consulting | Aepiphanni | Aepiphanni Business Consulting 4 Modeling
Business Strategy and Operations Consulting | Aepiphanni | Aepiphanni Business Consulting 5 Planning
Business Strategy and Operations Consulting | Aepiphanni | Aepiphanni Business Consulting 6 Implementation
Business Strategy and Operations Consulting | Aepiphanni | Aepiphanni Business Consulting 8 Discovery
Business Strategy and Operations Consulting | Aepiphanni | Aepiphanni Business Consulting 9 Analysis
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What People Say...

Experience has been our greatest instructor.

For more than 15 years, hundreds of entrepreneurs have trusted us to guide them through the complexities of business growth.

They needed more than just ideas and direction. They needed boots on the ground.  We are honored that they chose us.  And we put boots on the ground to the work done.

From conception to implementation, let’s talk about how your company can win.

Some of our Work...

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Consulting for a Growing Restaurant

…as our client’s reputation grew, bigger projects started coming in, which in turn required more staff and more equipment and space. The owner wanted to expand into a proper restaurant and needed help to accomplish it properly.

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Some of our thinking...

From Aepiphanni Impulse...

Aepiphanni Off the RPOW Podcast...

Let's Get Started!

The best way to get started working with us is through a complimentary consultation. We call our “Coffee & a Consult.”

During the session, we’ll discuss your business, the goals you have, how we would achieve results together, and answer any questions for you.

We’ll follow up with a proposal and we can determine from there how to proceed.  It’s that easy.

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