What Is a Customer Success Dashboard? Where Can I Check Out Some Templates?

What Is a Customer Success Dashboard? Where Can I Check Out Some Templates?

Discover the power of a Customer Success Dashboard and find templates to boost your business insights and performance.

What Is a Customer Success Dashboard? Where Can I Check Out Some Templates?
What Is a Customer Success Dashboard? Where Can I Check Out Some Templates?

Do you want sustainable business growth? You need to focus on your customer success.

You might already be aware of the importance of customer success for any business. To achieve the feat of customer success you will undoubtedly need a deep understanding of your customer’s pains, needs, desires, and most importantly, their behaviors. This is where the customer success dashboard comes into the picture.

A customer success dashboard monitors the health of a business with respect to its product/service and its customers. In this write-up, we have detailed about customer success dashboard, its importance, and benefits and have also provided insight into where to find some useful templates that can be used as a base for kick-starting your own.

What is Customer Success Dashboard?

Customer Success Dashboard, in the simplest term, is a centralized platform that aggregates information about customer success from different sources including customer interaction, customer feedback, product usage, and raised problem tickets. The Customer Success Dashboard visually displays the well-being and contentment of the company’s clients which are gauged through Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and metrics.

The primary role of a customer success dashboard is to enable businesses to monitor and manage their customer relationship efficiently. It allows customer success teams to make data-driven decisions to proactively respond to customers’ needs thus increasing the overall customer satisfaction and retention rate.

The Key Metrics Included in a Customer Success Dashboard

As discussed above, a customer success dashboard includes a long list of key performance indicators and metrics that provides details about the position of customer success and satisfaction of a business. Different businesses put differing values on different indicators and metrics according to the particular need of the business.

As different businesses require different metrics to get a true picture of their business, all the customer success dashboards come with the feature of customization. However, there are a few common metrics that are important to almost every business.

Let us have a quick look at some of the most common key performance indicators and metrics reflected on the customer success dashboard –

  • Customer Health Score – The key indicator ‘customer health score’ gives a holistic picture of customer satisfaction and engagement. The score is reached after considering various data points including usage of the product, customer feedback regarding the product, and customer interaction with the support team. This gives an overall health assessment of a customer.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score – Customer satisfaction Score is one of the most direct key performance indicators of a business. This isn’t calculated based on different parameters instead the customers are asked directly to rate their satisfaction. Customers are asked a simple and directed question to rate their satisfaction level with the product, service, or specific interaction or touchpoint interaction.  
  • Churn Rates – The churn rate of any business indicates the proportion of customers who have stopped using the product or services they have been using earlier. When a customer stops using a product or service it may indicate their dissatisfaction either with the product or the customer support. Therefore, the churn rate metric is an important indicator of the overall effectiveness of customer success. This is also a good instrument for gauging the customer retention rate, which is again a very important indicator of a business’s health.   
  • Customer Lifetime Value – Unlike most of the key indicators, customer lifetime value, does not give a historic view. It is about the future rather than about the past. Customer lifetime value is an anticipated value of the net profit a business can earn with a single customer over the entire period of the customer’s relationship with the business. Calculation of customer lifetime value is important for the customer success team for the prioritization of customers. The indicator tells the value of each client for the business. 
  • Net Promoter Score – Customer satisfaction is the most important goal for all customer success efforts. Net Promoter Score can be a metric that is the ultimate measure of the satisfaction of the customers. This score is reached by asking a simple question to customers as to how likely are they to recommend the brand, product, or services to others. The most satisfied customers will undoubtedly recommend the brand, product, or service proactively to others and will hence become the promoters of the brand. As a result of the net promoter score, customers are divided into three categories – promoters, passives, and detractors. Detractors are the unsatisfied customers who are likely to spread negative comments about the brand or its product and services while the passives stay neutral.  
  • Time to Resolution – The time to resolution metric is the indicator of the efficiency of the customer success teams. It is the measurement of the average time taken by the customer success team to resolve issues raised by customers through support tickets. The higher time to resolution indicates the inefficiency of the customer success teams as it shows the team takes longer time to solve customer issues.
  • Customer Retention Cost – The efforts to retain customers requires certain investments. The higher the cost required for retention the lower will be the profitability ratio. Businesses tracking their customer retention cost show that they can work on minimizing the cost without affecting the result. This is an important metric for introspection and improvement.  
  • Onboarding Completion Rate – This key indicator shows the proportion or percentage of customers who complete their onboarding process. If a prospective customer starts their onboarding journey but leaves it mid-way, this may indicate a lack in the process that is allowing a leak of customers from a very crucial point. A higher completion rate indicates that the onboarding process designed by the company is useful for their customer.
  • Customer Effort Score – As might be evident by the name, customer effort score, assesses the amount of effort a customer has to put to deal with the business or successfully utilize the product or services. Needless to say, the easier the system the lesser effort customers would need to put and the better would be their satisfaction and success rate. 
  • Expansion Revenue – Expansion revenue is the measure of revenue generated by a business from existing or returning customers who renew their subscription for services or buy more goods from the business. This key indicator indicates the efficiency of the upselling and cross-selling efforts of a business.

Where to Find Customer Success Dashboard Template?

When it comes to managing customer success, it is very helpful that you have a clear and comprehensive dashboard – It does make a lot of difference. As already discusses, a well-rounded customer success dashboard can provide valuable insights. This helps your teams to effectively track customer engagement, identify trends, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

While all this stands true, it is difficult to create a clear, well-rounded customer success dashboard from scratch – it is both time consuming and challenging too. Thankfully, there are a number of platforms that offer customer success dashboard templates. these templates are well-thought off and accommodate a lot of your needs. Also, these templates save a lot of your time and effort.

Wondering where you would find these templates? here are a few resources for you –

1. Databox

Databox is a highly reputable platform that offers a wide range of dashboard templates for various business purposes, including customer success. Their customer success dashboard templates are designed to help you monitor key metrics such as customer satisfaction scores, churn rate, usage analytics, and more. These templates are visually appealing and provide real-time data integration, enabling you to stay updated on your customer success performance effortlessly.

2. Smartsheet

Smartsheet is another popular platform that provides customizable templates for various business functions, including customer success. Their customer success templates allow you to track customer health, measure key performance indicators (KPIs), and manage customer feedback effectively. With their intuitive interface, you can easily modify the templates to suit your specific needs, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing workflows.

3. Retool

Retool is a versatile platform that offers a range of ready-to-use templates, including customer success dashboards. Their customer success dashboard templates provide a comprehensive overview of critical metrics such as customer onboarding progress, feature adoption rates, and support ticket response times. With Retool’s drag-and-drop interface, you can easily customize the templates to fit your unique requirements and seamlessly connect them with your data sources.

Using these platforms, you can save a lot of time and effort while also gaining access to professionally designed customer success dashboard templates. These templates offer a solid foundation for effectively tracking and improving customer success, without the need for extensive technical expertise or design skills.

Why Should You Use Templates for Your Customer Success Dashboard?

You might still have a doubt – why should you use a template for your customer success dashboard? This question can be answered in just one word – efficiency. Using a template makes the entire process more efficient.

But, let us give you some more reasons that make using a template for a customer success dashboard a smart choice.

  • Time and Effort Saving – Templates are pre-designed and hence you do not need to invest time and effort in building your customer success dashboard from scratch. Of course, we do not require elaboration on the point that you can utilize your time and energy to do something more meaningful for the business.
  • No Requirement for Technical Expertise – Building a customer success dashboard from scratch requires technical expertise. When you go with a pre-built template you can easily customize it as per your requirement without having technical expertise.
  • Consistent Design and Layout – Templates are built professionally and have consistency in design and layout over the entire dashboard elements. This gives your customer success dashboard a professional and cohesive look. This might not come very perfectly in a dashboard built from scratch.
  • No Trial and Error – When you plan to build a customer success dashboard, you will certainly have to go through a long trial and error process. While using a dashboard saves you from that process. You can simply pick a template that is already working well for other businesses and can be easily customized for you.      


A Customer Success Dashboard is an important tool for businesses operating in a customer-centric environment. The dashboards, when utilized effectively, help businesses improve customer relations, lower churn rates and achieve sustainable success. Quite a number of customer success dashboard templates are readily available that can be easily customized to adhere to the particular need of a business. You can utilize a customer success dashboard to know your clients better, anticipate their needs and act proactively to solve the issues and build a long-term relationship with your customers.  

If you aren’t yet utilizing this powerful tool, get a template and customize it for your business’s needs now. You can compare various templates based on their features, ease of use, customization options, integration with your existing systems, and scalability. The comparison will help you choose the best-suited template for your business. And, customization will ensure that your customer success dashboard aligns with your business’s specific needs and objectives.

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