What is Buying Intent?

Buying intent, also known as purchase intent, refers to the likelihood and inclination of a potential customer to make a purchasing decision. It encompasses the motivation, need, and desire behind any activity. It drives individuals and organizations to explore, evaluate, and invest in a product or service.

Buying Intent Diagram
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Understanding Buying Intent 

Buying intent, often called purchase intent, is a crucial aspect of customer decision-making. It represents the state of mind of potential customers as they progress through the stages of their purchasing journey. 

Understanding buyers’ intent is akin to gaining insight into the minds of prospective buyers, allowing you to tailor strategies and content accordingly. It helps you effectively engage and convert your audience into loyal customers. 

At its core, the buyer’s intent reflects the level of interest and seriousness a customer exhibits toward purchasing. It encompasses the emotional and rational factors that influence their decision-making, culminating in either a purchase or an abandonment of the buying process. 

It is important to note that the buyer’s intent isn’t a binary concept. It exists along a spectrum that can be categorized into three distinct levels: 

Informational Intent: 

This is the first stage where a customer may be unaware of their buying intent. They may be looking to solve a specific problem or browsing through the available solutions. 

They are in the early research phase, seeking information and knowledge about a particular product, service, or solution. They are identifying pain points, exploring potential options, and trying to grasp how a particular offering can address their needs. 

Transactional Intent: 

This is the final stage of the buyer’s intent, where customers are ready to make a purchasing decision. They have completed their research, compared options, and are now actively looking for a suitable vendor from whom to make the purchase. 

In the case of products, this may involve different vendors. However, software solutions often include deciding whether a custom solution will work or if they should go with an off-the-shelf solution. For example, an individual looking for an ERP may go the custom route if they are looking for specific functionalities. 

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Different Aspects of Buying Intent 

To effectively cater to the various levels of buying intent, you must tailor your content and engagement strategies accordingly. It is important that you tailor your marketing strategy and online presence to address the three phases discussed above. 

1. Educational Content for Informational Intent:

At the informational intent stage, buyers seek valuable and unbiased information. Creating educational content, such as blog posts, whitepapers, and guides, that addresses common pain points and provides insights into industry trends can attract and engage prospects. It doesn’t have to be promotional content, though. The goal here is to provide information and create trust in the process. 

2. Showcasing Differentiators for Navigational Intent:

As buyers progress to the navigational intent stage, they evaluate different brands and products. Businesses need to highlight their unique selling propositions and competitive advantages. Case studies, product comparisons, and customer testimonials can be valuable resources for prospects in this stage. If you were the source of their information in the first stage, the chances that the buyers would trust you would increase. As a result, there is a much better chance that you will be their go-to choice for the solution. 

3. Streamlined Conversion Process for Transactional Intent:

Once buyers are ready to purchase, your focus should be on facilitating a smooth and hassle-free conversion process. The UI/UX of your website plays a major role here. It can increase your site’s conversion rates by up to 200%! Clear and concise product information, easy-to-navigate website interfaces, and transparent pricing are crucial. 

The concept of buying intent may seem one-sided at first glance. However, there are a number of factors within the spectrum that you may use to your advantage. Let’s discuss these factors in detail. 

Factors Affecting Buying Intent 

Several factors can influence and shape buying intent in the SaaS industry. Understanding these elements can help you tailor your products and messaging to meet the diverse needs of potential customers. 

Business Objectives & Pain Points 

Knowing the specific pain points and objectives of potential customers is crucial for you to address their needs. Depending on your industry or business model, you may have to face different challenges. The SaaS solutions you offer may also align differently with your audience’s strategic goals. 

You must find the right set of stimuli to garner interest and drive your audience’s buying intent. 

For example, a medium-sized retail company may experience a decline in customer satisfaction due to inefficient inventory management. They may seek a SaaS solution to streamline their inventory processes and supply chain. 

You will need to first provide the necessary information about inventory management software, real-time tracking, and demand forecasting capabilities. Then, you can present your own solution and how it perfectly addresses their pain point. From there, you’ll have to align these solutions with their objectives to ensure a favorable buying intent. 

User Experience & Interface 

The user experience (UX) of your product or solution significantly impacts how potential buyers perceive its usability and value. An intuitive interface, seamless navigation, and a visually appealing design create a positive impression, inspiring confidence in potential buyers. 

For example, a tech startup exploring project management software to streamline collaboration among remote teams may have several options to choose from. However, you can showcase your own solution that offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, visually interactive dashboards, business intelligence, personalized task management, and more. 

You can then show how this ease of use enhances the overall user experience and encourages the startup to consider your software for their team. 

Scalability & Integration 

Customers seek SaaS solutions that can grow alongside their business and adapt to changing requirements. Scalability and the ability to seamlessly integrate with existing systems are essential considerations for businesses evaluating potential solutions. 

You need to show how your solution offers robust features and integrates effortlessly with existing systems. 

Security & Compliance 

In an era of increasing data breaches and cyber threats, data security is a top concern that dictates buying intent. This is particularly the case for cloud-based solutions. Demonstrating robust security measures and compliance standards can instill confidence and bolster buying intent. 

A prime example of this may be a healthcare provider seeking cloud-based document storage and collaboration tools. For healthcare providers, it is important that they maintain compliance with stringent data protection regulations (such as HIPAA). 

You can target phases 1 and 2 of the buying intent here, i.e., information gathering and navigation, positioning your product as one that complies with specific security compliance and regulations. Key elements you can choose to market here include: 

  • End-to-end encryption,
  • Secure access controls, and
  • Compliance with industry-specific data privacy standards.

Support & Training 

Today’s customers don’t just want a one-time solution to a problem. The solution needs to be long-lasting and should address more than one issue. As a result, effective customer support and comprehensive training resources play a pivotal role in influencing the decision-making process. 

Buyers seek reassurance that they will receive adequate assistance post-purchase to maximize the value of the SaaS product. Phase 3 is the perfect place to express how your product offers long-standing benefits, including support and training. 

Value Proposition & ROI 

Articulating a clear value proposition and showcasing the return on investment (ROI) that the SaaS product offers can sway potential customers toward making a purchase. Demonstrating how the software addresses specific pain points and delivers tangible benefits is crucial. 

It has a direct bearing on the final decision that your audience will make, but it is important to be careful with the value proposition. Do this too much, and you risk coming off as too eager. Too little, and there is a good chance that your audience may not be aware of specific functionalities. 

In phase one, you need to be very careful with your value proposition. But at the same time, it is important to showcase the ROI that readers can expect. You will need to maintain a balance between value proposition and marketing at this phase. In phases two and three, however, you are free to express as much as you’d like on both aspects. 

Personalization & Customization 

In the digital age, customers expect tailored solutions that cater to their specific needs. SaaS providers who offer personalized product recommendations, customized pricing plans, or configurable features based on individual preferences can significantly influence buying intent. 

For instance, a marketing automation platform that allows users to create personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior and demographics can attract businesses seeking a comprehensive and personalized approach to their marketing efforts. 

Proof of Concept & Trial Periods 

Offering proof of concept or a free trial period allows potential customers to experience the SaaS product firsthand before committing to a purchase. This can build trust and confidence in the solution’s capabilities, driving buying intent. 

For example, a project management tool that provides a free 14-day trial period, allowing users to explore all features and functionalities, can entice readers looking for a reliable and user-friendly project management solution. Furthermore, you can use this trial period as a prime data-collection source. You can learn more about what customers are looking for in your product and the improvements you can make. 

Thought Leadership & Industry Recognition 

Being recognized as a thought leader in the industry and receiving accolades from reputable sources can enhance your product’s credibility and influence buying intent directly. It shows that you aren’t just there for profit. Instead, you are actively seeking to resolve a problem. 

Participating in industry events, publishing authoritative content, and receiving awards for innovation or excellence can attract potential customers seeking reputable and forward-thinking SaaS providers. Phase one is the best way to accomplish this. Provide informative content to your customers to establish trust and expertise. 

Plus, establishing yourself as a thought leader or getting recognition also helps you with your SEO ventures, addressing two of the three E.A.T. Principles.  

Road Mapping & Product Development€ 

People seek SaaS solutions that are future-proof and continually evolving to meet changing demands. A clear roadmap outlining upcoming features and enhancements can showcase the commitment of the SaaS provider to product development and customer success. 

Companies that actively engage with their user base to gather feedback and implement user-requested features demonstrate a customer-centric approach. This can positively influence buying intent significantly. 

Utilizing Data to Identify Buyer’s Intent 

Data analytics plays a pivotal role in identifying and understanding buyers’ intent. By analyzing user behavior, engagement metrics, and conversion patterns, businesses can gain valuable insights into how potential customers are moving through the buying journey. 

Website analytics tools, heatmaps, and customer feedback surveys can provide valuable data points to assess which content resonates most with each intent level. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can optimize their content strategy to better address the needs of their audience at every stage. 

Crafting Customer-Centric Content for Each Buying Intent Stage 

As potential customers progress through their purchasing journey, their needs, motivations, and expectations evolve. The best tool you have to address this issue is a customer-centric content strategy. You will need to cater to each stage of the buying intent spectrum individually. Here’s how you can do that. 

1.  Informational Intent: Addressing Pain Points & Providing Valuable Insights 

As mentioned previously, at this stage, potential customers may not yet be consciously aware of their intention to make a purchase. They are actively seeking information and knowledge to identify their pain points and explore potential solutions. To engage and attract prospects at this stage, you will need to provide valuable and unbiased content. Addresses common challenges and provides insightful industry trends here. 

Content Strategies: 

Informative Blog Posts: Create blog posts that delve into common pain points experienced by your target audience and offer actionable solutions. 

Whitepapers & Guides: Develop in-depth whitepapers and guides that explore industry trends and best practices, showcasing your expertise and thought leadership. 

Educational Videos: Utilize video content to explain complex concepts and demonstrate how your SaaS products can effectively address specific pain points. 


A growing e-commerce business is facing challenges in managing inventory effectively, resulting in fulfillment delays and dissatisfied customers. At the informational intent stage, they start researching inventory management solutions. 

You recognize this need and publish a blog post titled “Mastering Inventory Management: A Guide for E-Commerce Businesses.” This blog post will highlight the significance of streamlined inventory management, offers best practices, and more – without overtly promoting the product. This is the first step towards your journey to improving buyer intent. 

2. Navigational Intent: Showcasing Differentiators & Building Trust 

As potential buyers progress to the navigational intent stage, they will have gathered initial information. Now, they will be seeking more specific details about how to get the solution they need. Of course, your solution will be offered by various brands and products. This stage is critical for you. Showcase your unique selling propositions and competitive advantages. Stand out in a crowded market. 

Content Strategies: 

Case Studies: Highlight success stories and real-world examples of how your product or solution has addressed similar challenges. Showcasing your expertise and track record. 

Product Comparisons: Provide objective comparisons between yourself and competitor offerings. Present your advantages transparently. 

Customer Testimonials: Feature testimonials from satisfied customers. Emphasizing their positive experiences and outcomes. 


Continuing from the previous example, the e-commerce business in the navigational intent stage compares various inventory management solutions. You will need to strategically place a case study on your website with relevant keywords. Showcase how your inventory management software streamlined operations. 

You should also present a product comparison page that objectively outlines the features, benefits, and advantages of your software. This way, you’ll foster trust and confidence in your brand. 

3. Transactional Intent: Streamlined Conversion Process & Instilling Confidence 

At the transactional intent stage, your readers will have turned into customers. They will have progressed through their buying journey and are now ready to make a purchase decision. At this point, they have conducted their research, compared options, and are now seeking a vendor to buy from. 

This is the most critical point of the buying intent. You must provide a seamless and hassle-free conversion process for this, instilling confidence in the potential buyers. 

Content Strategies: 

Clear & Concise Product Information: Ensure that all essential product information is easily accessible. Include a list of features, pricing, and subscription plans. Keep it short and simple. 

User-Friendly Website Interface: Optimize your website’s UX for better navigation. Create a simple checkout process. Minimize potential friction that could lead to cart abandonment. 

Transparent Pricing & Terms: Be transparent about pricing structures, billing cycles, and any contractual terms. Avoid hidden fees and surprises during (or after) the purchase. 

Trust-Building Elements: Incorporate trust-building elements. Use security badges, compliance certificates, customer reviews, and satisfaction guarantees. Try to alleviate any last-minute doubts and concerns customers may have. 

Leveraging Buying Data Insights for Continuous Improvement 

Throughout the entire buying intent spectrum, data analytics plays a pivotal role in identifying customer behaviors, preferences, and pain points. With buying data, you can: 

  • Improve customer experience,
  • Refine content marketing strategies, and
  • Align product development roadmap with customer needs.

Use website analytics tools, heatmaps, and customer feedback surveys at this stage. This will give you valuable data points to assess which content resonates most with each intent level. Moreover, gathering and analyzing customer feedback and engagement data can be used for better conversions in the future. 

Conclusion: Navigating the Complex World of Buying Intent 

In today’s digital age, understanding and harnessing buyers’ intent is paramount to success. Each stage of the buying intent demands a tailored content and engagement strategy. Navigating it is crucial to effectively guide potential customers along their buying journey and strengthen your bottom line. 

Embracing the concept of buyer intent and crafting customer-centric content is critical. It will allow you to navigate the complex web of customer preferences, expectations, and buying behaviors. All three phases can help you forge lasting relationships with satisfied customers. 

As the marketing industry continues to evolve, so too will buyer’s intent. By staying agile, adaptive, and customer-focused, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and remain at the forefront of this ever-changing landscape. 

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