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How to Measure the ROI of Your Sales Enablement Program

Mike Kunkle

In this post, I will offer advice about how to measure the ROI of your sales enablement program. I do have a video on this topic, from my newsletter, Sales Enablement Straight Talk , as an additional resource. This is why Buyer Acumen is the first block in the Building Blocks of Sales Enablement framework.

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5 Ways to Improve Lousy Sales Performance

The Center for Sales Strategy

Underperforming sales teams can significantly hinder a company's growth and success. If you're grappling with poor sales performance, now is the time to identify the root causes and implement effective solutions.

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Habits of Top Sales Hunters

The Center for Sales Strategy

Adding some or all of the below will help improve your chances of closing deals and achieving your sales goals. Habits help enhance productivity, build relationships, and increase overall performance. Many AEs need to add new habits to their priorities. Take a look!

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Essential People Management Skills for Sales Leaders

The Center for Sales Strategy

Sales leadership is not just about driving numbers and closing deals; it's fundamentally about people management. The success of any sales team hinges on the ability of its leader to manage, motivate, and mentor their team effectively.

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Buyer's Guide: Best-of-Breed Sales Enablement

The results are in—companies who have sales enablement consistently report higher win rates than companies who don’t. This guide will help you understand: The subcategories of sales enablement. How to set up your best-of-breed sales enablement ecosystem. The best-of-breed and single-vendor approaches. Download the guide today!

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Unlocking Success in Sales Succession Planning

The Center for Sales Strategy

Identifying and developing future sales leaders ensures an organization's long-term health. Succession planning isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of survival.

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How Delegation Can Develop Your Sales Reps' Skills

The Center for Sales Strategy

Effective delegation goes beyond merely assigning tasks; it serves as a pivotal strategy for enhancing sales reps' skills, bolstering leadership within an organization, and fostering a culture of accountability and communication. For sales managers, mastering delegation can lead to a more dynamic, adaptable, and successful sales team.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sales Outreach

Sales outreach is an art and a science. By the time you reach the end of our guide, you’ll be a sales outreach pro. The art is what you bring to the table—your flair for conversation, your work ethic, your dedication. We bring the science—proven tactics, strategies, and methods that really work.

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B2B Pocket Playbook: End-to-End Guide to Sales Enablement

Sales enablement is the strategic process of providing sales teams with the content, guidance, and mentorship needed to engage targeted buyers. It’s all about equipping sales professionals with the tools they need to put their best-selling foot forward. Get started today.

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Intro Guide to Data-Driven Sales Onboarding

Just as tests and report cards indicate strengths and areas of improvement for students, sales teams need to track learning progress and results for new sales reps during on-boarding. Check out this exclusive eBook for details on how data can improve on-boarding. Download the eBook today!

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The Definitive Guide to Remote Sales Coaching

The good news is, there are various methods and technologies that can be used to provide sales coaching and training to your sellers – wherever they might be. We put together this guide to provide insight into how you can improve remote sales coaching for your teams and better enable them to win more deals from home. And much more!

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The Definitive Guide to the Top 4 Sales Enablement Metrics

This guide will help you stay data-driven while avoiding data overload by focusing on four categories: Sales enablement. Sales effectiveness. Sales readiness. Sales engagement. Revenue teams have become increasingly more data-driven, which makes it easy to get bogged down in tracking every little data point.

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4 AI Hacks to Make Sales Teams More Efficient

Over the last two years, there’s been a 76 percent increase in AI adoption across sales organizations. For sales teams, AI opens up a world of new possibilities, including automating outreach, identifying best-fit buyers, and keeping CRMs flush with fresh data.

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The Impact of Direct Dials on Sales Productivity

Often, sales reps who fail to hit the phones hard are left wondering how they missed their quota. While dialing away at targeted prospects, it’s important for them to remember that not all sales outreach is created equal. How can you (and your sales team) benefit from this eBook?

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The Best Sales Forecasting Models for Weathering Your Goals

Every sales forecasting model has a different strength and predictability method. Your future sales forecast? It’s recommended to test out which one is best for your team. This way, you’ll be able to further enhance – and optimize – your newly-developed pipeline. Sunny skies (and success) are just ahead!