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Sales and Emotional Intelligence: How to Hire Your Next Top Performer

Brooks Group

Sales and emotional intelligence go together like skiing and snow. Since the 1960s, emotional intelligence has been recognized as a critical component of both personal and professional success. Yet many sales leaders focus on building their team’s hard skills and neglect sales emotional intelligence or “ soft skills.”

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The Crucial Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership


In today’s dynamic workplace, the ability to navigate complex emotions and relationships is becoming increasingly important for leaders. Emotional Intelligence (EI) stands out as a crucial skill set that can make or break leadership success. Experience the transformative power of Emotional Intelligence in leadership.

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Differentiating Yourself: How to Use Emotional Intelligence in Sales

Brooks Group

These are both good strategies, but the true differentiator is the sales professional and their emotional intelligence. Successful sales professionals differentiate themselves three ways: They are highly emotionally intelligent. They’re empathetic and highly emotionally intelligent. EI is a perishable skill.

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Why Emotional Intelligence Is A Critical Strength For Salespeople

Sales Gravy

Emotional Intelligence Is A Sales Superpower On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount sits down with Robin Hills, a business psychologist and expert in emotional intelligence from the UK. Emotional intelligence is a concept that Daniel Goleman launched and popularized approximately 30 years ago.

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Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Speaker: Heidi Cerenzia, Edina Murphy, and Alexis Barone, Wrike

This is where emotional intelligence comes in. In this panel, our thought leaders will discuss: Why emotional intelligence is essential for project success. Insights on how emotional intelligence makes teams flourish. And this leads to some serious results.

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How Emotional Intelligence Impacts Close Rates in Sales


The ability to understand that comes through emotional intelligence. In this article, we’ll discuss: What emotional intelligence is. How to teach emotional intelligence to salespeople. What is emotional intelligence (EQ)? Wondering what emotional intelligence is? The result?

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How to Succeed at Emotional Intelligence

Sandler Training

Mike Montague interviews Sandra Crozier-McKee on How to Succeed at Emotional Intelligence. The post How to Succeed at Emotional Intelligence appeared first on Sandler Training.