Sat.Oct 28, 2023 - Fri.Nov 03, 2023

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Get More Done: Practical Delegation Tips for Key Account Managers

Account Manager Tips

Overwhelmed as a key account manager? Discover the power of delegation to manage your workload effectively.

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Account-Based Selling: A Deep Dive with Lee Levitt and Ulrik Monberg


Account-Based Selling: A Deep Dive with Lee Levitt and Ulrik Monberg Explore the ARPEDIO platform ← Back to blog In the ever-evolving world of enterprise sales, strategies and tools are constantly refined to meet the dynamic needs of businesses. On a recent episode of the “Thoughts on Selling” podcast, host Lee Levitt sat down with Ulrik Monberg, CEO of ARPEDIO, to delve deep into the realm of account-based selling.

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Strategic Planning Failure: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It


There are more than 30 million small businesses in the U.S. If I asked you to divide these companies into categories based on annual revenue, how many would fall into the $1-10 million revenue tier? How about $10-50 million or above $50 million? These businesses comprise only about 4% of those in the U.S. The remaining 96% have less than $1 million in annual revenue.

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How To Break Through As A Leader - 35 Years Of Lessons Learned With Scott McGohan

Strategic Planning and Management Insights

Scott McGohan, author of Culture Is an Inside Job, shares the leadership lessons he has accumulated in his 35-year journey from disruptive hero to sage leader.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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3 Effective Strategies for Leading Across Generations in the Workplace


As the modern workplace continues to evolve with a rich diversity of generations, embracing flexible leadership across these age groups is crucial for fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and achieving sustainable success in today’s dynamic business landscape. Flexible leadership relates to the leader’s willingness and ability to adapt the way they lead others to reflect the unique needs of the situation and the person being led.

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Rainmaking best practice in professional services firms (Selling behaviours)

Red Star Kim

As an fan of Challenger sales (and the variant Insight Selling Insight selling – building on consultative selling models ( I was delighted to see that one of the originators – Matthew Dixon – turned his focus to selling in professional services. His research on rainmaker best practice is helpful for those providing sales training and coaching to lawyers, accountants and other knowledge-based professionals.

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Insights from the SES Experience 2023: A Glimpse into the Future of Sales Enablement

Sales Readiness Group

SRG had the privilege to witness the evolution of sales enablement at the SES Experience 2023. Marking our fifth year at the event, this edition was truly distinctive. Here are some highlights and a sneak peek into the paradigm shifts in the sales enablement arena as we move into 2024.

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Fixing a Toxic Culture

Customer Think

“You wake up every morning and drag yourself into the office. You know there’s a reason you drag and don’t skip. The thought of being in your office makes your stomach turn, and you wake up every morning checking your temperature to determine if today might be a sick day rather than a work day.

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Selling challenges in professional services: Sales processes and skills

Red Star Kim

At the recent PM Forum workshop on “Selling processes and sales skills for marketing and business development professionals” we focused on sales and selling challenges in professional services. Delegates from legal and accountancy practices in the UK and overseas (Brussels and Amsterdam) shared how to tackle those challenges. What is surprising is that despite having demanding sales roles for new and existing clients, many professional services marketers have received little formal sales traini

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Why "Winning" Internal Negotiations Leads to External Wins

Vantage Partners

As the world shrinks and becomes more interconnected, global clients have come to expect their preferred providers to deliver services and be accountable everywhere and anywhere. For the provider, the reality may be that they cannot deliver every service in every location this client requires, but they must rely on a network of partners. Whether those partners are truly third parties, or more like subsidiaries, business units, regional divisions, or something else, they are often in fact account

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Mark Graban & Greg Jacobson Discuss Continuous Improvement and Customer Experience Design


In a recent podcast episode, Mark Graban and Greg Jacobson engage in a lively conversation on topics such as habit science, the upcoming conference sessions they will be participating in, their shared admiration for the Lean Leadership Podcast, and advice for those starting out in Lean Six Sigma or Continuous Improvement.

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Get More Done: Practical Delegation Tips for Key Account Managers

Account Manager Tips

Overwhelmed as a key account manager? Discover the power of delegation to manage your workload effectively.

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5 Email Strategies That Open Doors

The Center for Sales Strategy

Getting through to a potential customer or prospect is more challenging than ever. The email inbox, once a haven for personal messages, has become a battleground for attention. With the average person receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of emails daily, standing out is essential. For businesses, the goal is not just to be noticed but to initiate meaningful conversations and, ultimately, set up that all-important initial meeting.

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How Machine Learning Can Help With Sales Forecasting

Hubspot Sales

Sales teams dedicate a lot of their time to forecasting. Yet, over 50% of sales leaders question the accuracy of their sales forecasting efforts. Getting your estimates right is vital to your future business decisions. Since sales forecasting is a rather complex and time-consuming process, organizations seek ways to improve it, with many turning to machine learning.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Continuous Improvement vs Process Improvement: Spelling Out the Important Differences


In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, success hinges on the relentless pursuit of improvement. Within this demanding landscape, the efficient management of business processes becomes paramount. That's where cutting-edge process management software comes into play. Continuous and process improvement are twin pillars of organizational growth , underpinning the essence of business evolution.

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Providing Amazing Customer Journeys by Leveraging the Power of Technology

Customer Think

Customer journeys are evolving fast, and technology is at the forefront of this transformation, especially in the past couple of years, thanks to AI. This post explores how businesses can embrace omnichannel experiences, self-service solutions, and data-driven personalisation to create amazingly seamless and unforgettable customer journeys.

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Latest Podcasts: Skills for Sales Leaders

Force Management

This month, our Revenue Builders guests shared some valuable breakdowns of key leadership skills. From hiring to reporting and developing innovative and effective processes — these guests have definitely been there, done that in the sales world, and we're proud to bring you their stories. These podcasts include insights from leaders of some of the top startups and tech companies of the past decade: Hubspot, Snowflake, MongoDB and more.

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2 Big Ideas to Deliver Sales Velocity Today

SBI Growth

If there’s one market trend that’s been stressed repeatedly in more recent SBI research findings, it’s that many CEOs have been noticing a dip in commercial productivity, with sales cycles getting gradually longer. This poses a difficult challenge to CEOs: How do we do more with less? How can we continue to grow the business without investing in that growth?

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Understanding the shifting priorities of IT leaders with Zendesk’s Paulette Chafe


More than ever, IT leaders are experiencing a greater level of responsibility: from taking charge of data security to implementing AI, these technology professionals play an increasingly vital role in how CX is delivered to customers. Zendesk’s Paulette Chafe , head of customer insights and thought leadership, has kept a close eye on these trends. She sat down to explore these issues with Conversations with Zendesk host Nicole Saunders, where they dove into the in-depth research that led to Zend

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Journey Mapping to Hypothesis Mapping: Creating Better CX

Customer Think

Journey mapping is a great way to visualize and truly understand your customer’s journey as they interact with your organization. But when you start a journey mapping project, how do you know where to start? Where do you investigate? It begins with a hypothesis.

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Our Q4 2023 Product Roadmap


Here at Nutshell, we’ve been keeping busy with adding new features and improving existing ones for our customers, and we plan to continue that trend throughout the rest of this year. In the third quarter of this year, we introduced a range of new and improved features, including: Power AI , which harnesses artificial intelligence to gain valuable insights into customer relationships and interactions Scheduler , which streamlines the process of scheduling and managing meetings Role-based access c

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What’s Stopping You from Effectively Reaching Existing Customers?

SBI Growth

As sales cycles lengthen and new logo acquisitions become more challenging, more organizations are now shifting back to their existing customer base for revenue growth. SBI surveys show that nearly 70% of CEOs see customer marketing as crucial to their 2023 revenue targets, with higher conversion rates and lower costs being just a few of the potential benefits.

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.

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Choosing the Right Path: Building vs Buying Value Stream Integration Software


In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, the race to streamline workflows, reduce waste, optimize processes, and boost collaboration is more urgent than ever. That’s where value stream integration solutions play a pivotal role, promising immediate end-to-end visibility, highly efficient operations, and the power to make data-driven decisions.

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What Others Will Not Tell You about Failing Customer Experience

Customer Think

Many business-centric people have profound expectations when establishing their ventures. Their key focus is usually how to leverage sales and reach and engage a large clientele base. If you fail, your business will derail and will not grow faster. Sales and marketing are not the ONLY resources that will appeal to more customers.

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The Power of Relationship Intelligence in Opportunity Management for Strategic Deals


Strategic deals can be seen as a team sport, much like a relay race where each member must sprint in a carefully coordinated fashion to ensure the team’s victory. An integral element of teamwork is a unified platform that keeps everyone on the same page. Several companies are adopting strategies such as opportunity management to manage the sales pipeline at every stage which involves identifying, tracking, and managing potential sales opportunities.

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Imagine a world whеrе businеssеs don’t just sеll products, thеy build rеlationships. Whеrе your favoritе brands anticipatе your dеsirеs bеforе you еvеn rеalizе thеm. It’s a world whеrе thе customеr isn’t just king – thеy’rе thе compass guiding еvеry businеss dеcision. How do businеssеs achiеvе succеss today? How can thеy effortlessly rеvolutionizе thе customеr cеntric еxpеriеncе?

B2C 52
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Elevating Enterprise Sales from Product-Centric to Value-Driven

FinListics Solutions

As enterprise B2B buyers' needs continue to evolve and their spending increasingly turns more frugal, now is the time for sales leaders to seek out new approaches to engage more effectively with clients. FinListics recently held a webinar with our friends at Genius Drive on new approaches to value-focused selling and customer journeys.

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The Power of Context in B2B Buying, and What That Means for Marketers

Customer Think

The context in which people consider buying something has a significant impact on how the buying decision is made and on what is (or isn’t) ultimately bought.

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What is workforce management?


What is workforce management? Workforce management (WFM) is a set of processes and technologies a business can use to manage employees and resources, optimize productivity, and ensure the organization complies with laws and regulations. The overarching goal of WFM is to create as much efficiency as possible. Many people can attest to cooking a nostalgic family recipe only to discover it isn’t quite how grandma used to make it, realizing later that it’s missing the secret ingredient—whether it’s

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Shakeup in Retail Banking Strategy Spurs Product and Branch Innovation

NG Data

Rising interest rates will send banks 'back to the future:' They’ll lean more heavily on deposit-gathering strategies in a way the industry has not seen in nearly two decades, but also start to wrap that into a more holistic relationship approach for their customers. The post Shakeup in Retail Banking Strategy Spurs Product and Branch Innovation appeared first on NGDATA.

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Contact vs. Company Intent Signal Data

Contact and company intent data both have their advantages. Contact-level intent leads can be acted on immediately to reach active buyers, while company-level leads improve outcomes for account-based marketing and other programs. This infographic unpacks the advantages of both contact and company data and gives details about how B2B marketers can benefit from both.