June, 2022

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Priorities for the Modern Leader

The Center for Sales Strategy

Work and career are areas that are ever-evolving. New ways of working emerge, skill sets and experiences change, and employee expectations shift. As a leader, it's important to understand where your priorities need to be and how you can position yourself to help your employees grow.

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Leaders: EVERYONE Got a New Job Two Years Ago!

Revenue Storm

By now I am sure you are tired of hearing how the pandemic, along with other issues like supply chain, inflation, and the war in Ukraine, have turned our lives upside down. How and where we work, how our clients work and buy, and how we have to sell. Have you stopped to consider, though, how it has changed how you manage and lead? It has become very obvious, as I work with global sales teams, everyone’s jobs have changed.

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The customer may be right, but you need a PoV!


I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen Professional Services (PS) projects get waylaid by cost overruns, schedule slips, or clinging clients who don’t wish an engagement to end. While there are multiple reasons these common difficulties occur such as poorly scoped deliverables or bad communication on the part of the project team, one of the lesser considered solutions has to do with having a point-of-view (POV).

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Never Get Ahead of the Buyer

Software Sales Guru

Never Get Ahead of the Buyer After reviewing an MRI, I had a doctor tell me, “This surgery is inevitable. You are going to want to do this.” His knowledge convinced him of the need, but he was ahead of me emotionally. He was convinced before I was convinced. Another doctor, looking at the same MRI, took the time to show me the image and. Read more. The post Never Get Ahead of the Buyer appeared first on Software Sales Gurus.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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A general law of interpersonal relationships?

Red Star Kim

This time last week (17 th June) I was asked to join some other great speakers at the 75 th MPF Retuning your firm online session. Richard Chaplin asked me to speak about psychology and business relationships. The intersection between the topics of relationship management and psychology is an area of particular interest to me…I covered over 150 topics on this subject on my 2018 book Bloomsbury “ Better Business Relationships” (Bloomsbury).

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How to Resize and Retool Your Sales Force

Mike Kunkle

This is a post I never wanted to write. I originally posted it as a LinkedIn Article in August of 2020 and unfortunately, find it relevant again already in mid-2022. At the time I published it initially, I had hoped the worst of the pandemic-fueled layoffs were behind us. Unfortunately, many company executives still needed to make tough choices, even with their revenue-producing teams.

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The 18 Best Places for Sales Reps to Research Prospects [Expert Tips]

Hubspot Sales

Sales reps run into trouble when they try to go into a call totally cold. The modern buyer doesn't have the patience to address basic questions with answers that anyone can find through a cursory search — nor do they have the time to fill you in on their challenges. If you pick up the phone without gathering any background information, at best, you stand to annoy the person — and at worst, you could be hung up on mid-sentence.

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Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Big Impact on Sales Performance

The Center for Sales Strategy

Without sales, you don't have a business. Your profits are directly linked to sales performance, so it's important to maximize sales wherever possible. There are a range of things you can do to improve sales, and if you're not doing this your business will never reach its full potential. For a rundown of some simple things you can do to improve sales performance, keep reading.

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Sales Tools and Tips to Use at Each Point in the Buyer’s Journey

Software Sales Guru

Sales Tools and Tips to Use at Each Point in the Buyer’s Journey Sales Tips to Facilitate the Shift from Latent to Active Need 15 Lead Generation Techniques Self Depreciation Over Social Rapport What to Say if a Sales Call is Not Going Well s The Value of Training – The Value of Training Salespeople | Creating useful sales habits Style Matters in Sales This.

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Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers

Red Star Kim

Delegates on my coaching training sessions often ask for recommendations of good books on coaching and this is a mature, comprehensive and challenging exploration of what it takes to be a great coach. So here is a book review of Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers. It was first published in 2004 and this second edition is from 2008. I qualified as a coach in 2002, having had the great privilege of the late Eric Parsloe (who wrote many books on coaching) as my supervisor.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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5 things you need to prospect on LinkedIn like a pro


I know – prospecting is hard. And salespeople hate it. ??. In fact, more than 40% of sales reps consider prospecting the most challenging stage of the sales process. At the same time, prospecting is one of the most important parts of sales. Without it, your sales pipeline won’t be filled with sales opportunities. And the more opportunities (aka quality leads ) you have in your pipeline, the more chances you have to close deals.

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The Ideal Buyer in Today’s Marketplace | Sales Strategies

Engage Selling

??????? Is there such thing as an ideal buyer? I recently have been interviewed on a number of podcasts because there’s great interest in my new book, Right on the … Read More. The post The Ideal Buyer in Today’s Marketplace | Sales Strategies first appeared on Colleen Francis - The Sales Leader.

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How to Bounce Back from a Summer Slump [Data + Tips]

Hubspot Sales

It's summertime, and the living is easy — but the selling is hard. Even the most prolific salespeople aren't immune to the summer slump. Prospects are on vacation. Calls go unanswered. LinkedIn connection requests remain pending for days. It's a rough time for people whose job revolves around connecting. But if you're in the midst of a summer slump, the worst thing you can do is panic.

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Are You Productive Or Just Busy?

The Center for Sales Strategy

Productivity refers to moving the sales cycle forward, improving application numbers, and increasing booked volume. Productivity measures how well you're able to meet the goals and objectives of your company, regardless of whether these are short-term or long-term goals. On a day-to-day basis, if you write out a to-do list at the start of the day and are able to cross off most or all of the items by the end of the day, then you can consider it productive.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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How to Sell Without Selling Out with Andy Paul

Sales Gravy

On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast Jeb Blount, Jr sits down with author Andy Paul to discuss what it means to Sell Without Selling Out. Together they discuss why it is so important to make selling more human. You'll learn that persuasion is not a sales skill. Instead it is a blunt instrument of last resort that sellers use when they don’t know how to influence the choices buyers make.

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The Wild West, Cher and Covid – Reflections from a Referrer Management workshop (June 2022)

Red Star Kim

The MBL workshop on Referrer and Intermediary Management earlier this week combined those in front-line fee-earning roles (e.g. employment and family solicitors) with those from marketing and business development in legal, tax, wealth management and property firms. Alongside generating new business directly from clients and developing existing client relationships, referrer management was seen as vital to generate revenue and profit – particularly for those reliant on commercial transactions in

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Core Competence Model


With ubiquitous Disruption threatening the technology infrastructure and Operating Models of organizations on a consistent basis, it’s an unrelenting challenge for senior leadership to create an enterprise proficient in introducing offerings in line with customers’ requirements and of desirable utility. This can only be possible by developing competencies compulsory to innovate premium-quality offerings that are hard for the rivals to create.

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6 Ways to Handle Price Increases Like a Sales Pro

Engage Selling

Discover six ways to handle price increases like a sales pro! Price increases are a big part of life now, but most sellers can’t be like the local gas station … Read More. The post 6 Ways to Handle Price Increases Like a Sales Pro first appeared on Colleen Francis - The Sales Leader.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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6 Best Upward Feedback Examples

Hubspot Sales

As an employee, you’re likely used to receiving feedback from your peers and manager. Feedback, when given appropriately, can be a tremendous stimulus for improving employee engagement and productivity, according to 71% of respondents in a survey done by ResumeLab. While employee feedback is highly encouraged in management circles, upward feedback, on the other hand, is looked upon with trepidation by employees around the world.

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Encouraging Collaboration Between Departments

The Center for Sales Strategy

Every successful organization depends on the productivity of various departments and teams to achieve its overall mission and goals. But being a part of a team doesn’t mean teamwork happens naturally. For departments and teams to be efficient everyone needs to work together to execute and finish projects and goals. And yet the reality is that, more often than not, employees find it challenging to collaborate and work together with ease and balance.

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2022 Ecommerce Platform Guide: WooCommerce vs BigCommerce

Groove HQ

Comparing WooCommerce and BigCommerce means comparing two of the larger ecomm platforms around -- if you're on WordPress, it's an easier choice, otherwise - we'll help you sort through the options. The post 2022 Ecommerce Platform Guide: WooCommerce vs BigCommerce appeared first on Groove Blog.

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7 CRM integrations you need to supercharge your tech stack


How many apps do you use? If you’re anything like the average person, at least 40. But why so many? Obviously, we use apps because they make our lives easier. Apps are quick and efficient. The same benefit applies in the business world, too. Companies use an average of 75 technologies to help them grow their business. Andhe larger your company is, the more apps you will use – reaching as high as 200 apps!

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Lead conversion: Examples and effective tips for improvement


Alright, you’ve done it. Your marketing strategy? Flawless. Your contact form? Filling up faster than you can make outreach calls. Your sales.not quite up to par. If this situation sounds uncomfortably familiar, you’re not alone. Finding prospects can feel so difficult that many companies throw excess resources toward lead generation, but then stall when it comes to converting those leads into sales.

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7 Sales Negotiation Tips

Brooks Group

Sales negotiation is a critical skill for any sales professional. Whether you’re negotiating with a potential customer or working out the details of a contract, being able to negotiate effectively can make the difference between success and failure. Understanding the basics of negotiation can help you close more deals, meaning more commission.

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5 Hybrid Sales Strategies to Leverage in 2022, According to Dropbox's VP of Sales

Hubspot Sales

There are a few major benefits of hybrid selling. For one, it provides your employees with flexibility and autonomy to work where they'd prefer. It also has major economic benefits from a cost of sales perspective — for instance, rather than paying for each sales rep to travel to meet in-person with buyers, plenty of selling can now be done virtually.

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4 Key Benefits of Restructuring Your Team

The Center for Sales Strategy

Sales structure organization can bring new skills to light and help put tired and outdated concepts to bed. Just because a strategy worked for your team five years ago doesn't mean it will still bring out the best in each team member so that your team will flourish now. Consider revising sales goals and implementing a new sales structure with new possibilities in mind.

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The Truth About Sales Agility: Separating Fact From Fiction

Speaker: Michelle Vazzana

Every sales organization wants their sales force to be agile. Why? Because the world is rapidly changing, becoming more complex, and making the salesperson’s job harder. Organizational leaders are unsure of the best way to equip sellers to succeed in this new reality. Should they change their sales methodology? Should they adopt better technology tools?

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How to Build (and Retain!) a Great Alliance Team

Vantage Partners

The 2022 ASAP Global Alliance Summit was a memorable one. After three years away, it was so nice to be back together, see old friends, and once again learn how different alliance management organizations are keeping pace with company strategies that depend more than ever on external partnerships. With more and more alliances to support, the right team is as crucial as ever.

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Insightly Celebrates Pride Month


Listening, learning, and amplifying the voices of the LGBTQIA+ community will be the focus for Insightly this month. We’re excited to join in the celebration of Pride. . What is Pride Month? Why June? According to the US Library of Congress, “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.

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What is high-touch customer service? (+ how to deliver it)


A customer might love your product or service, but the real test comes when they reach out to your support team. If they’re met with frustrating options—like an automated phone menu that doesn’t let them speak to a human—it’s game over. According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2022 , 61 percent of consumers will walk away from a company after just one bad customer service experience.

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Best Practices For Remote Sales – UPDATED 2022 – A Complete Guide


Even though businesses moving to remote sales have been increasing in the past few years, others have been reaping the benefits of remote sales for years. They have long adopted and understood the power of remote sales, which has helped them establish a strong market compared to their competitors. Remote selling has allowed businesses to overcome time constraints and geographical locations in a bid to engage with a larger number of customers over a shorter period.

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.