Sat.Apr 15, 2023 - Fri.Apr 21, 2023

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Account Management Guide – Defend and Grow Revenue


How can effective account management help you defend and grow revenue? As you’ll see, lone wolf selling is quickly losing efficacy in a B2B business world that puts a premium on relationships. But that doesn’t mean the wolves aren’t still at your door. There are plenty of sellers out there waiting for the slightest chance to jump in and take your hard-earned relationships away from you.

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3 Types of Negotiation Tactics and How To Respond (With Examples)

Sales Readiness Group

Negotiation is a really important skill for anyone in a professional setting. In this article, we'll look at three different negotiation tactics and give you some examples of how to respond to each one effectively. Whether you're trying to work out a business deal or a personal matter, knowing these tactics can make a big difference in helping you get what you want while building and maintaining trust in your relationships.

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The 6 Critical Ingredients for the Best Account Plan Ever


Do your account plans help your teams meet their quotas or are they missing the mark? Without comprehensive, well thought out account plans, companies miss major revenue opportunities and risk losing some of their largest clients. Sales organizations that apply a visual approach to their account planning process can immediately uncover new pipeline and expansion […] The post The 6 Critical Ingredients for the Best Account Plan Ever appeared first on Revegy.

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Account Retention and Growth is Key in 2023

SOAR Performance Group

The SOAR Report April 2023 Included in this newsletter are our top resources for retaining and growing your existing accounts: Key Skills CSM Teams Need to Succeed in 2023 […] The post Account Retention and Growth is Key in 2023 appeared first on SOAR Performance Group.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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Top ten ways to ask clients for a review


Every marketer can tell you the main principle for building a successful brand presence and credibility: show, don’t tell. And what can be a better way of showcasing your competence than letting your clients speak for you? Client reviews have become an indispensable source of proof that your business is good at what it does. At the same time, it’s a clear signal to other prospects looking to conduct business with you: 49% of clients use online reviews as a basis for decision-making, while 60% al

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Why Intent Matters

Software Sales Guru

Why Intent Matters People don’t argue with their own ideas. When you hear an indication of need on a discovery call, follow their thought. Two ways to follow their thought are: “Tell me more.” “Is there more I should understand?” Call recordings show both approaches work. But not equally. “Tell me more.” is a command. A command may work in face-to-face selling because people fear.

Software 130

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The 4 Essentials to Sell to the CFO in a Challenging Economy

Sales Readiness Group

In times of economic uncertainty, corporate spending garners greater scrutiny and more decision-makers. This is undoubtedly the case today, when sales organizations see buying decisions being put on hold, budgets getting canceled and deals taking longer to close. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a key player with more power now to manage costs, reduce budgets and “do more with less.

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The Exponential Value Of CSAM Certification With Max Walker

The SAMA Podcast

Any organization aiming to create a world-class SAM organization wants to see great results on growth, profitability, and customer satisfaction. SAMA has shown to deliver on these. Today’s extra special episode welcomes Max Walker, Director of Strategic Account Management – EMEA at Medtronic, as he illuminates why he’s such an evangelist for SAMA's Certified Strategic Account Manager (CSAM) program and why the training represents the highest mark of professional development achievement for strat

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Referrer management – Grading, Research, Discipline, Storytelling and Leveraging your exemplars

Red Star Kim

Last week I facilitated MBL’s full day training session on “Developing more work from referrers and intermediaries”. Delegates were from legal, accountancy and insolvency firms – both M&BD teams and fee-earners. The main takeaways for the delegates can be summarised with the following themes: Referrer management – Grading, Research, Discipline, Storytelling and Leveraging your exemplars.

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Unlocking Success: The Power of a Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

The Center for Sales Strategy

Success in any field is not only a matter of skills or talents but also of mindset. How we think about ourselves, our abilities, and our potential can profoundly impact our success in life. Psychologist Carol Dweck identified two types of attitudes: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities are fixed and cannot be changed, while those with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How automation is reshaping the post-pandemic retail landscape

Customer Think

Introduction Though the pandemic is over, the retail industry is still contending with serious challenges when it comes to demand. Economic uncertainty and skyrocketing inflation are making consumers more conservative with their finances, as well as more particular about their in-store experience. Now more than ever, customer service can make or break consumers’ purchases.

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A Force for Good: Meet Value Engineering & RFXIS Director Paula Lina


It only takes a few minutes talking to Paula Lina to see her passion. Paula is Planview’s Director of Value Engineering & RFXIS and leads the Force for Good initiative. With nearly two decades at Planview, Paula is passionate about the company, its people, and its impact for good. Let’s get to know Paula Lina. Explain your role at Planview and a few of your responsibilities.

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What is a customer journey map? How to create one + templates


Every business wants to understand what makes buyers come and what makes them go. Customer journey mapping is a simple yet powerful way to gain those insights. A customer journey map frames customer behavior as a story, providing a visual overview of the experiences consumers go through when interacting with a company. Much like the plot of a romance movie, a customer journey map starts with a consumer who has an unmet need, leading to a fateful encounter with a company that either turns into a

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Unlock Investigate: The 1st Key Fundamental of IMPACT

Brooks Group

This article is part of our Key Fundamentals of IMPACT Selling ® series. How Is Your Team Perceived? Let’s pause for a perception reality check. Think about the customers you serve and what it’s like to be them for a moment. How busy are they right now? What kind of budgetary pressure are they under? What kind of relationship are they looking for from your salesperson?

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Customer Retention in 2023: What’s Changed, What’s Working, and How to Adjust

Customer Think

With ongoing shifts in the economic climate, customer retention continues to be a main focus—and in many cases, it has become even more important in 2023. According to a report by Twilio, in the face of recession, 67% of businesses are shifting focus from customer acquisition to customer retention. So, what’s working vs.

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Challenges Facing Sales and Enablement Leaders

RAIN Group

How is the current state of the sales environment impacting sales organizations? Which sales and enablement issues are most challenging for leaders to tackle? What are the top sales priorities for the next 12 months? How should they be addressed to ensure they're achieved? To find out the answers to these questions, we surveyed 322 sales, enablement, and company leaders globally, following up on our original research conducted in 2019.

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How AI is boosting agent intelligence—and evolving the CX team


Despite the hype, AI isn’t here to replace your human agents. Quite the contrary, when human agents and AI join forces, they form a powerful CX team—one that builds on their strengths, while minimizing their weaknesses. Your agents shouldn’t be bogged down by the busy work. With AI in their corner, they can instead focus on the tasks that make a difference.

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How to Manage Each Stage of the Sales Funnel to Generate Revenue

The Center for Sales Strategy

If you're like most sales managers, driving revenue consistently and efficiently can be a daunting task. But there are ways to maximize the success of your sales efforts through managing each stage of the funnel properly - from top to bottom. In this blog post, we'll discuss how proper management at each stage of the funnel is an essential part of developing a consistent pipeline with reliable and successful returns.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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As US Consumers Get More Cautious, Consider These Ecommerce Strategies

Customer Think

As consumer spending slows and consumer confidence shrinks in the U.S., it’s time for ecommerce businesses to take a fresh look at data-driven strategies for delivering best-in-class CX, enhancing or expanding their sales channels, and optimizing value for customers.

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How Do You Bring Back the “Magic” of Selling With Your Team?

Revenue Storm

The multitude of changes that COVID-19 has created within the sales profession has been well documented. Remote work has erased the benefit of tenure and outside experience to a degree, making interactions stale, boring, and ineffective in many instances. Sales organizations have lost their “magic.” They have lost the ability to create a sense of wonder within the client and the differentiation that results from a sense of showmanship.

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How Continuous Improvement Influences Sustainability Efforts


Environmental sustainability is a critical issue facing the world today. While there are many ways to address this issue, continuous improvement offers an effective approach to help individuals and organizations achieve long-term sustainability goals. Continuous improvement involves constantly assessing and improving processes and systems to achieve better outcomes.

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Can Sales Ability Really Be Taught?

The Center for Sales Strategy

Ask any top seller who has been around for a while, and they’ll tell you that most people are not born and built for sales. It’s a tough field, and it requires a very specific set of talents. Think of your talents as your hardwiring. Your innate thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are set at a very young age, and once they are hard-wired, your knee-jerk responses remain pretty consistent over time.

Sales 88
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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.

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The Omni-Channel Transition is Accelerating – Can You Keep Up?

Customer Think

As we continue to navigate the new normal shaped by the social and economic upheaval of the last few years, customer expectations have shifted, permanently. More than ever, the quality of experience companies can deliver for customers will depend on their ability to not just maintain, but to level up their digital capabilities.

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How to Enable Sellers to Win at the C-Suite Level

Force Management

Selling to C-level leaders is a crucial skill for your sales force if you want to grow your average deal size. Especially in today’s environment of economic uncertainty, big price tags are not getting approved without skillful execution of these conversations.

Sales 74
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Process Improvement Techniques for Operational Success


Leaders who want to develop a culture of rapid continuous improvement have many tools at their disposal. So many that it can be challenging to keep them all in mind when deciding how to execute an opportunity for improvement or address a difficult challenge. Most organizations don't use all of these techniques simultaneously, but each can be remarkably effective when applied to the right situation.

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3 Things Every Sales Manager Must Do to Become a Sales Leader

The Center for Sales Strategy

As a former sales manager and c-suite executive leader, and now working alongside sales managers to help them grow their teams, I know that a sales management career can really make an impact. Sales managers are your frontline leaders. They work with their teams to focus on goals and objectives for the organization. Sales managers direct expectations, show people and instruct people in ways to achieve the company goals.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Keeping up with The Consumer: Marketing Data Depreciates After 5 Minutes

Customer Think

It’s Saturday morning, and you’re browsing online for shoes. The perfect pair catches your eye, and you click “buy.” Later that day, you decide the shoes would look great with pants you already own, but you need a shirt or sweater to pull the whole look together.

Marketing 104
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Understanding Customer Behavior and Preferences


Wouldn’t it be awesome to read minds and know what your customers are thinking? While Nutshell isn’t capable of the art of mind-reading, we are well-versed in understanding customer behavior and preferences, and that’s kind of the same thing, right? By understanding customer behavior and preferences, you can better understand your audience and use that knowledge to craft effective marketing and sales campaigns that engage your audience and improve your bottom line.

CRM 62
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Leading Through Market Uncertainty & Driving Revenue Growth

SBI Growth

At a closed-group leadership roundtable I recently hosted, I heard firsthand from market-leading CEOs that their business decisions are no longer reliant on media or other external reports. Instead, they are making decisions based on the actions of industry peers and their own company's data.

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What Makes A Strong Climate Action Plan? 6 Local Government Climate Action Plan Examples


Climate change is perhaps the most pressing existential issue of our modern age. The impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world, from extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, to the loss of critical ecosystems such as coral reefs and rainforests. These changes are not only affecting natural systems but also social and economic systems–exacerbating poverty, food insecurity, and global inequality.

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Contact vs. Company Intent Signal Data

Contact and company intent data both have their advantages. Contact-level intent leads can be acted on immediately to reach active buyers, while company-level leads improve outcomes for account-based marketing and other programs. This infographic unpacks the advantages of both contact and company data and gives details about how B2B marketers can benefit from both.