January, 2018

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Stop Doing Stupid Sh*t: 18 Outdated Sales Tactics to Abandon in 2018

Hubspot Sales

I’ve been selling for over 30 years, and it’s been a blast. I’ve seen some incredible changes, and I can say without a doubt that right now is the best time to invest in a sales career. Sales is fun, critically important to scaling businesses, financially lucrative, and intellectually stimulating. But being a salesperson in 2018 is very different than being a salesperson in 1987.

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Top 3 Sales Strategy Priorities of CEOs

SBI Growth

Our guest today is Rob Hornish, the President of Americas Sales for Polycom. Rob has 20 years of sales leadership experience in the high-tech industry sector, with a proven record of building, scaling and developing high performing teams. Rob and.


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How to Coach a B2B Sales Team to Win Bigger and Better Deals


Every sales manager wants their team to close bigger deals. How much would revenue go up if your entire team was closing deals like your best sales rep? What if every rep was prospecting as well as the rep generating the most leads? Your team’s success starts with you. Let’s talk about how to become the manager of a sales team where every rep performs at their absolute best.

B2B 104
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Three Ways to Test Your B2B Brand’s North Star

The Center for Sales Strategy

When you look up in the night sky, there are millions of stars. So many that it’s sometimes hard to find even the easiest constellations. But one star everyone knows is the North Star. Why is that? It's different in a few signficant ways.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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17 Sales Tips A Buyer Would Give You If You Would Listen

MTD Sales Training

Many salespeople ask us for our best tips on how to sell. How do I overcome price objections? What should I do with someone who ignores my emails? These questions and countless others often show salespeople are looking at sales from an old, out-of-date, perspective. These days, it isn’t about how good you are at selling; it’s about how good you are at determining the needs and wants of your buyers.

Suppliers 102
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High Sales Performance Starts With This…

Engage Selling

This is the hidden secret behind high sales performance. If you follow my content, or any other sales thought leader’s work, you’ll find a plethora of great strategies, practices, and ideas that you can apply in your business.

Sales 100

More Trending

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Did You Set the Right Sales Quotas?

SBI Growth

Did you set the quotas right to drive revenue growth? The purpose of today’s show is to demonstrate how to link the company objectives to sales targets through quota setting. Leverage this use-case to evaluate how you set your quotas. John.

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Eight sales and marketing vanity metrics to avoid at all costs


In sales and marketing, there are so many ways to pretend you’re doing well. All you have to do is find a couple of metrics that are increasing for your business—any metrics at all, really—and tell your boss, “The numbers are up!”. But here’s the reality: In a B2B sales organization, anything you measure that doesn’t directly relate to customer acquisition, customer retention, or revenue is a vanity metric , and vanity metrics are only there to make you look good.

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How to Craft a Proposal that Won’t Get Rejected

The Center for Sales Strategy

"The end depends on the beginning (and everything in between).". Yes, we have heard this a thousand times, but no truer words have been said when it comes to developing proposals. I had an epiphany pretty early in my sales career. I had been on a sales call to a restaurant, and they asked for a proposal. I rushed back to my desk so excited with the opportunity to get to present, only to stare at my computer for what seemed like an eternity.

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8 Tips For Preparing For A Sales Call

MTD Sales Training

When we ask salespeople how they prepare for making sales calls, most say they might check the company’s website and possibly check the contact’s Linked-In profile, but that’s about it, really. This surprises us, as the quality of the preparation can make or break your opportunities with a new prospect. Here are some tips that you might consider to make your preparation that much better and more successful.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How Sales Leaders Can Turn Tedious Pipeline Reviews into Productive Strategy Sessions


Pipeline review meetings are notorious for being dreaded by sales professionals and sales leaders alike. While they might not be appreciated in the moment, they do perform a necessary function as they help sales professionals identify problem areas in their pipelines while also providing leaders a better view of weighted probability and an opportunity to coach.

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How to Create a Sales Plan: The Ultimate Guide

Hubspot Sales

What’s a sales plan? A sales plan lays out your objectives, high-level tactics, target audience, and potential obstacles. It’s like a traditional business plan but focuses specifically on your sales strategy. A business plan lays out your goals -- a sales plan describes exactly how you’ll make those happen. Who writes sales plans? Entrepreneurs, sales executives, and sales managers all benefit from writing sales plans -- whether for their business, department, or team.

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Key Mistakes CEOs Make When Allocating the Sales Budget

SBI Growth

Top CEOs understand that their role is to provide their company with an executable strategy. Strategy is the allocation of time, money, and people. The best CEOs are masters of where to place bets, invest their time, and divest from.

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The one cold email that actually gets everything right (and three that come close)


Cold emails…gotta hate ‘em, right? Unsolicited sales emails can be so awful that I recently compiled a Hall of Shame for the worst cold emails I’d ever seen. Once I’d finished venting some anger, I decided to track down a unicorn: the mythical Good Cold Email , which actually inspires the recipient to take a positive action. As I had expected, this hunt proved difficult.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Improve Sales Performance by Changing the Conversation

The Center for Sales Strategy

If you really want to develop new business with prospects—or even existing clients—try changing your conversation from WHY they should be buying your product to HOW they should use your products and all your other resources to meet their specific needs. (Of course, you have to know what those are, so plan and execute an engaging conversation to discover those needs.

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92% of Executives are Immune to this Sales Tactic | Sales Strategies

Engage Selling

?I don’t know how many of you visit my LinkedIn profile page, but I encourage you to go there because there’s a really active conversation going on around a number of my posts.

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Is Your Employee Ready To Be A Sales Manager?

MTD Sales Training

One of the key motivational drivers for many salespeople is the desire for advancement and growth. This could involve seeing their territory sales improve, helping a new product through its launch or possibly farming an account for new business. For some, though, it would be seen as real progress if they were to be promoted to a management position.

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36 Email Sign Offs That Put "Best" and "Thanks" to Shame

Hubspot Sales

Most of us stop reading after the last full sentence in an email. After all, the majority of people sign off with “Best,” “Thanks,” “Sincerely,” or something similarly boring -- and there’s no point reading this a million times: Thanks, Aja. However, the ubiquity of boring email sign offs is actually a great opportunity for sales reps. Closing with something memorable and personalized won’t just make you stand out -- it’ll also give you one last chance to connect with your prospect.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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It’s Time to Tie Product Team Compensation to Your Revenue Goal

SBI Growth

You are launching a new product this quarter. As CEO, you ask yourself a question. “How are we going to make the year 1 goal with this new product?”. Here’s an answer based on experience. Don’t over-compensate the Sales team.

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How to keep yourself accountable without a sales manager


Anthony Iannarino is an international speaker, B2B sales leader, and the bestselling author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need and The Lost Art of Closing. Visit thesalesblog.com to read more of his daily sales tips and insights. *. It’s a sales manager’s job to ensure that the right resources are applied to the right set of tasks and objectives.

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5 Skills Every Sales Development Rep Needs to Master in 2018 + More

The Center for Sales Strategy

We hope you've had a great week! It's Friday, and today we're sharing what we've been reading online this week! Here are our "best" from around the web. 1. 5 Skills Every Sales Development Rep Needs to Master in 2018 — HubSpot. To be successful next year and beyond, sales development reps need to think outside the box. With the right skills, they’re more valuable than ever before.

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3 Sure-Fire Steps for a Great Q1 | Sales Strategies

Engage Selling

I want to talk to you about how to kick off this year by having your best first quarter yet. One of the ways we have to do that is to get really focused on three things.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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3 Techniques To Pick Yourself Up After Losing A Sale

MTD Sales Training

No matter how good your sales technique, even the best of us will not get a 100% closing ratio. Be it a buyer who isn’t ready yet to make a decision, or a poor meeting where the sales person doesn’t listen effectively, or a myriad of other reasons, it’s possible that the sale has been lost when it could have progressed efficiently. This can have a negative effect on many salespeople.

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17 LinkedIn Sales Navigator Secrets All the Best Prospectors Know

Hubspot Sales

Want to become a prospecting superstar? LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a fantastic resource. It simplifies the process of finding, contacting, and staying up-to-date with prospects, referrals, and customers. Rather than spending hours manually tracking prospect activity on the platform, you can get instant insights. That means more time for high-value activities like calling people or giving demos.

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How Marketing Helps Sales Win the Must-win Deals

SBI Growth

Our guest on SBI TV is Mike Volpe, the Chief Marketing Officer for Cybereason. Mike is a who’s who among CMO’s. Often called the “godfather of inbound marketing” for his work in taking inbound marketing from an idea to a movement.

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All accounts are equal….or are they?

Louise Collins Associates

For those of you who have read Animal Farm, you will be familiar with George Orwell’s famous line: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” Orwell wrote this in 1945, referring to the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim equality of citizens, but give power and privileges to the elite few. Before you stop reading, I have no intention of getting into government hypocrisy in this article!

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The Truth About Sales Agility: Separating Fact From Fiction

Speaker: Michelle Vazzana

Every sales organization wants their sales force to be agile. Why? Because the world is rapidly changing, becoming more complex, and making the salesperson’s job harder. Organizational leaders are unsure of the best way to equip sellers to succeed in this new reality. Should they change their sales methodology? Should they adopt better technology tools?

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Don’t Let Your Ego Get in the Way of a Sale

The Center for Sales Strategy

We’re all familiar with Ego. If someone says you have a “big ego,” you know that’s not a compliment. At least not in most circles. Your Ego is about your survival. At its best, your Ego is simply your awareness of your own identity and how you interact with the outside world. Let’s look at five strategies your Ego may be using that may be interfering with the way you interact with business prospects and partners.

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The Critical Mistake when Selling Your Value | Sales Strategies

Engage Selling

?I spent a couple of days this week with a client rebuilding their sales process and specifically, helping them define what the qualifications, needs, and solutions portion of their sales process is.

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Don’t Interrogate Your Prospect, Use This Approach…

MTD Sales Training

Many buyers have told us in the past that the one thing they hate when with salespeople is being sold to. That seems odd, when you think the reason they are there is to sell their products! But what they mean is that they dislike feeling under pressure, the salesperson using sales tricks and tactics, and the false promises that are only used to grab short-term deals.

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The Ultimate Guide to Small Talk: Conversation Starters, Powerful Questions, & More

Hubspot Sales

Like it or not, small talk is integral to your success. Whether you’re networking, speaking with a new prospect, or warming up a customer before upselling them or asking for a referral, you must be able to build rapport with casual conversation. To help you master this crucial skill, we’ve written a comprehensive guide to small talk. What is small talk?

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.