Sat.Mar 11, 2023 - Fri.Mar 17, 2023

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Three Proven Strategies to Increase Your Business Revenue Performance

The Center for Sales Strategy

Businesses need to continually strive for growth and success to remain competitive in the market. One of the most important goals for any business is to increase its revenue performance. Many strategies can be employed to achieve this goal, but three of the most effective and proven strategies are to focus on customer service and satisfaction, to identify new target markets, and to increase the efficiency of existing operations.

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40 Account Executive Interview Questions to Prepare For

Hubspot Sales

Account executives work a fast-paced job that requires talent and discipline. They have to find sales opportunities, negotiate with customers, track multiple customers, and work to deliver on relevant KPIs every day. So when interviewing to fill that position, you should expect questions to be just as thorough. Your interviewer will be asking questions that encompass all these responsibilities and more.

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A CRO's First 100 Days to Drive Revenue Growth

SBI Growth

As a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), you are responsible for the growth of your company’s revenue, and this is no small task. The obstacles you face every day can be daunting, but if you succeed in leading the revenue function of your company, you will have a tremendous impact on its growth. And if you fail, the pain that failure causes can trickle down to customers and prospects.

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Leading a Growth-Stage Company through Dynamic Markets


6 suggestions… you can add to your arsenal of tools to keep things moving and to recession-proof your growth-stage company to face the constant evolution of dynamic markets.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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What Is Often The Most Effective Customer Winback Strategy? You Might Be Surprised.

Customer Think

As has been understood for decades, every year, the average b2b and b2c company loses 20 to 40 percent of its customers. Today, for on-line companies the rate of customer churn can be significantly higher (and faster). When a repeat or long-time customer defects, the negative effect on profit is substantial.

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Sales Forecasting Guide – Prioritize to Boost Accuracy


Sales forecasting is equal parts art and science, right? Well, not so fast. The ‘art’ aspect of sales forecasting doesn’t need to be an educated guest. In fact, having the right methodologies and best practices in place throughout the entire sales process, married with the right technology, can make sales forecasting look a lot more like an exact science.

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The Enlightened Customer Success Manager

Software Sales Guru

The Enlightened Customer Success Manager Koan = A paradox used in Zen Buddhism, usually a short statement or story that causes the hearer to take pause in order to develop enlightenment. CSM Koan= Assurances made by customer success managers reduce customer satisfaction. Has this given you pause? Let me explain. As I review CSM call recordings, there are CSM’s who make frequent assurances, such as: Read more The post The Enlightened Customer Success Manager appeared first on Software Sales Gurus

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The Time is Now: Why Your Brand Needs AI to Enhance CX

Customer Think

Today’s retail market is increasingly digitized and saturated with competitors, making customer experience (CX) a critical part of the customer journey. In fact, a recent study shows that 75% of shoppers prefer to buy from brands that personalize their purchasing experiences.

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How to Ask for High-Quality Sales Referrals: 6 Key Tactics

Sales Readiness Group

Last weekend a strange man knocked at my front door. It turns out it was a painter named Steve with a unique specialty: painting your home address on the curb in front of your house. Steve wasn’t looking for my business, in fact, he reminded me, he had already painted my address on the curb a few years ago. No, Steve was looking for referrals.

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3 Ways to Drain Your Talent Bank

The Center for Sales Strategy

Talk with any manager or leader, regardless of their company, industry, or size, and without a doubt, you will find one thing they all have in common – the struggle to find great talent. Building, and maintaining, a talent bank is not for the faint of heart. Now imagine the added stress that occurs when you’ve made a heroic effort to build a great talent bank, and it runs dry.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Braze co-founder Mark Ghermezian: “Whatever CRM is, that’s what we need to build”


Startup founders often say the same thing about the early days: listen to your customers. Listen to your customers, and VCs will follow. Listen to customers to ensure product-market fit. But Braze co-founder Mark Ghermezian reminds us to listen to what customers don’t say, too. In 2008, when iPhones were just coming into the market and mobile apps were the new talk of the developer community, Ghermezian had an idea: to build a bridge between the growing population of app developers and their end

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How UX Design Factors Impact SEO and Engagement Metrics

Customer Think

The entire World is currently shifting towards a complete digital transformation. This means that having a user-friendly and effective website design is essential. When developing a website, it is crucial to have a top-notch User Interface (UI) and SEO to keep customers engaged.

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Six Buyer Excuses and How to Respond

Revenue Storm

We, as salespeople, are prone to look at the bright side of everything we hear. By nature, we want to accept everything said to us. We are positive people. My deal is awesome! My client loves me! My deal is definitely going to close this quarter! Well, maybe not, because you may have been told one of the following buyer excuses: #1: “I am the decision maker.” – This is the classic of all deceptions.

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A Quick Guide to Revenue Performance

The Center for Sales Strategy

Revenue performance in a sales organization is a crucial metric that measures the financial success and performance of the sales team in terms of the revenue generated from sales activities. It includes metrics such as total revenue, revenue growth, sales targets, quotas, and the percentage of sales goals achieved. The importance of revenue performance cannot be overstated, as it is the lifeblood of a company.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Coaching 2.0: How to Enable Sales Managers Through Technology

Force Management

For the modern sales organization, certain technologies are universal in the age of Sales 2.0. We rely on CRMs and continuous learning platforms to increase the efficiency of our sales force and drive organizational outcomes. The recent economic downturn has most sales organizations looking for ways to achieve even greater cost efficiency and support revenue-driving activities.

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Understanding how cybersecurity is set to impact the retail industry

Customer Think

The retail industry is constantly evolving, and technology has played a significant role in this change. One of the most notable advancements in the retail industry is the use of digital signage.

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ACH vs. Credit Card: Which is Right for Your Business?

Hubspot Sales

All businesses need a way to accept payments — but which method is the best? ACH, or Automated Clearing House network, and credit cards are both methods that enable people to make payments. However, there are a few key distinctions including guarantee of payment, automated clearing house processing times, and fees. In this post, we cover the following: What is ACH?

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How To Target Sales Superstars On LinkedIn

The Center for Sales Strategy

You are not alone if you think it is difficult to find talented job candidates. An employee study from LinkedIn says that 76% percent of hiring managers admit attracting the right job candidates is their greatest challenge.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Introducing Lead Attribution in Nutshell: Find Out Where Your Leads Come From—Automatically


“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” This quote from John Wanamaker, an early marketing pioneer, is one of the most famous in marketing and highlights one of its biggest challenges—figuring out where your leads and sales actually come from. The key to solving this issue is having the right data, which is exactly what you’ll get with Nutshell’s new lead attribution features.

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3 Steps to Building a Remote Team That Delivers Excellent Results

Customer Think

We’ve had to redefine a lot about the workplace in recent years, but that doesn’t mean we have to adjust the standards and expectations we set.

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PMI Featured in High-Impact Workshops at SAMA’s 2023 Annual Conference in San Diego

Performance Methods

The post PMI Featured in High-Impact Workshops at SAMA’s 2023 Annual Conference in San Diego appeared first on Performance Methods, Inc.

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How to Promote your brand using Linkedin


LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media platforms that is focused on jobs and employment. Its main use is to market one’s self or their business/brand to interested prospects. Over the years it has evolved to become better at providing its services. Nowadays people can use LinkedIn to find jobs, hire people, and network with others in the trade.

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.

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Introducing Pinned Notes: Keep the Most Important Information Top of Mind at All Times


We’re excited to announce an update to timelines in Nutshell—pinned notes! With pinned notes, you can keep important information at the top of your timelines so your team sees it any time they work with a contact or lead. What’s new in Nutshell—pinned notes You can now pin a note to the top of the timeline for any person, company, or lead timeline.

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8 Ways To Improve Retail Product Returns And Security With Inventory Control

Customer Think

67% of warehouses in a recent survey said they’re considering adopting new technologies to speed up inventory management processes. Is your retail store implementing agile and reliable inventory control? Inventory control isn’t just for operational efficiency – it benefits your product returns and security processes.

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Pay in the Skilled Trade Industry


I would bet you haven’t gone a day without seeing vehicles on the road advertising skilled trades such as construction, HVAC, plumbing and electrical service. I’m also sure many of you have had someone come to your home to service you A/C or that toilet that’s always leaking. Have you ever wondered how those specialists are paid? Ever considered the challenges they might be facing within their industry?

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Municipal Strategic Planning Template


Local government entities can use strategic planning to ensure various priorities and goals are met, develop effective strategies and tactics to reach those goals, and hold the municipality accountable to itself and the community. Municipal strategic plans allow you and your team to set and work toward a series of goals and initiatives to make changes and improvements throughout the municipality and community.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Build or Buy? How to customize CRM


Should you build a custom CRM , customize a general app to act like a CRM, or buy a customizable CRM? We’ll explore those options in this blog post. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is an ideal tool for tracking, organizing, and analyzing customer data. It gives companies the ability to view valuable customer data—such as purchase history, sales interactions, communications, and shopping behaviors—in one convenient platform.

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Chief Customer Officer Playbook: Balancing Experience Leadership with Experience Management

Customer Think

A Chief Customer Officer playbook is a sports analogy for what needs to be done to win the game: maximum customer lifetime value. Playbooks are pivotal to the success of all team sports: football and soccer, baseball and cricket, basketball and volleyball, hockey and lacrosse, rugby and rowing, NASCAR pit crews, and so on.

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Is Your Biggest Customer Destroying Your B2B Sales Strategies?


Your largest customer is your best customer, right? It’s easy to think so. Far too often, manufacturing businesses will bend over backward to keep their biggest customer, thinking that if they do not satisfy them, the losses that follow will be irreparable. Depending on your business, market conditions and factors specific to your manufacturing operations, this may not necessarily be true.

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Do You Really Need to Perform Partner Analysis?

Peter Simoons

Alliances & Partnerships seem such an easy way to grow an organisation. However, much the same as constructing a high-rise building, alliances and partnerships require a solid foundation to be able to deliver promising success. Unfortunately, that element is often overlooked. An essential part of creating a solid foundation is conducting proper partner analysis.

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Contact vs. Company Intent Signal Data

Contact and company intent data both have their advantages. Contact-level intent leads can be acted on immediately to reach active buyers, while company-level leads improve outcomes for account-based marketing and other programs. This infographic unpacks the advantages of both contact and company data and gives details about how B2B marketers can benefit from both.