October, 2022

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Account Planning: A Definitive Guide – 2023


Account planning has never been so necessary – or so challenging – to get right. When used effectively, account planning benefits businesses by delivering more revenue, happier customers, and more effective sales teams. . But what exactly is account planning, and why is it so important in 2023? . In this definitive guide to account planning, we’ve compiled everything you need in order to understand the importance of account planning, what it is, and why a complete mindset shift is critical

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21 Brilliant Calendar & Schedule Management Tips

Account Manager Tips

When it comes to managing my time, sometimes it feels like I'm losing the battle, the war and maybe even the will to live. Still, it doesn't have to be like this. So I decided to share my favourite calendar management tips. Sure you'll still have your bad days, but follow even a handful of these tips and I promise you'll be in charge of your schedule, manage your time and smash your goals.

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4 Words You Need To Say To Your Clients Right Now

Account Manager Tips

It's easy to lose sight of the big picture in the day-to-day grind. Sit down, take stock and say these four words to your clients to understand what they need from you right now. Subscribe at : Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher. Table of Contents. 4 magic words to say to every client After I've said the magic words, then what? What do I do with the information?

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We’re All in Sales – Or Maybe Not

Mike Kunkle

We’re all in sales, right? Well, maybe. I think the answer depends on what you mean by that (intent) and how you define “sales.” What is Modern, Professional B2B Selling All About? I get the intent of the “we’re all in sales” message, generally, much like Dan Pink’s book, To Sell is Human. I view it a bit differently, though, and potentially, see this as a problem about how we view and define selling.

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2024, The Year of the Customer

2023's struggles fueled a shift: companies are ditching wasteful strategies in favor of data and AI-powered growth. Enter 2024, the year GTC takes center stage. Discover 5 ways a customer-centric approach unlocks new revenue and delivers lasting success.

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Hooks, Headlines and Hard-Wired Words: 11 ideas for better writing

Red Star Kim

From the offices of our hosts (Thank you firm Boodle Hatfield!) we looked out at the iconic building (nicknames including The Vase, The Boomerang and The Beer Gut). Marketers from law, accountancy, engineering and property firms joined a PM Forum workshop to share ideas on how to improve our writing. We covered a lot in a short time including grammar, audience analysis, persuasion and editing.

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The Winning Edge is Often Subjective

Software Sales Guru

The Winning Edge is Often Subjective Success depends, not just on checking off the technical aspects, but understanding the subjective and emotional criteria. In many competitive scenarios, all of the vendors can check all of the technical boxes. The winning edge is a deeper understanding of the subjective and emotional criteria. Seek to understand the functional requirements.

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3 Best Cold Calling Scripts and Tips

RAIN Group

Many people want to believe that cold calling doesn't work because they don't want to have to get on the phone. Indeed, there are many ways to do it wrong and fail. Many cold callers use deceptive tactics to get through and leave a bad taste in buyers' mouths.

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How To Disagree With Your Client

Account Manager Tips

Disagreeing with clients isn't a bad thing. It's healthy and can lead to great things if handled properly. Here's some tips on how to disagree constructively. Subscribe at : Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher. Table of Contents. 4 magic words to say to every client After I've said the magic words, then what? What do I do with the information?

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The Top Social Selling Trends in 2022 [New Data]

Hubspot Sales

If you're in sales, you know that finding prospects isn't easy. In fact, it can be the tallest hurdle in the sales process. The key is to meet people where they are — and more often than not, they're on social media. The HubSpot Blog surveyed 500+ sales professionals to uncover the top social selling trends to reach more prospects and close more deals — all at your fingertips.

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Pitching insights – Qualification, Branding and Following up

Red Star Kim

Last week there was a mixture of legal and accounting firms – and M&BD people as well as fee-earners – at the MBL workshop on “ Pitch Perfect – How to Prepare & Present Winning Pitches & Tenders”. I’m delighted that this session received 100% on “Very satisfied” ratings for both the overall rating and quality of the speaker. There was also this fabulous comment “Kim had so much in-depth knowledge.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Sales Up in a Down Economy?

Software Sales Guru

Sales Up in a Down Economy? The Bad News I never want to be a source of negative thinking, but there is reason to believe that a global recession of some magnitude is underway. Buyers in 2022 are already hesitant about expenditures and many well cut back. The Good News I have experienced ten recessions and they are an opportunity to keep the growth flywheel.

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Celebrating Women In Sales Month with Guest Kim Guthrie

The Center for Sales Strategy

Women in sales have achieved great things for themselves and their organizations over the last decade. To celebrate Women in Sales Month, we’re talking with some amazing women sales leaders who share their unique insights, from offering advice for sales managers, new or more experience to discussing the anticipated landscape of sales and years ahead when it comes to improving sales performance.

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Top 5 Costs of Poor Communication Skills in the World of Hybrid Work

Vantage Partners

Originally published in 2022 on Mandel Communications blog In our new hybrid work era, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively is more critical than ever. But existing communication shortfalls among teams have been made worse by the disconnect that comes with an ever-changing mix of in-office and remote workers.

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Integrative Innovation Management


When new technologies and competitors disrupt markets , numerous existing organizations struggle to remain competitive. Situations like these encourage some organizations to partner with others. Fruitful partnerships comprise of having the appropriate people, processes, and organizational backing. This calls for an Integrative approach to Managing Innovation.

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1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Intent Data: Which Is Right for You?

How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party intent data compare? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data each have specific advantages and disadvantages. It comes down to four factors: accuracy, cost, control and quantity. This infographic explains the pros and cons of each and helps you understand which one is best for meeting your business objectives. Intent data can be a great way to fill your pipeline and close more deals.

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Spreadsheets vs. Databases, Everything You Need to Know

Hubspot Sales

When it comes to data management, there are two main options — spreadsheets versus databases. While both organize information, each solution serves a distinct purpose. In this post, you’ll learn the benefits of both databases and spreadsheets. Then, we’ll explore how you can choose the best organizational system for your business. Table of Contents.

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Nine insights: Sales processes and selling skills for targeting and meetings

Red Star Kim

Last week, we welcomed UK and international delegates to a PM Forum digital workshop on “Selling Processes and Sales Skills for Marketing and BD Professionals”. There were equal numbers of delegates from law and accountancy firms who had various roles: business development, pitching, key client management, cross-selling and external referrer programmes.

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The age of Conversational CRM is here


Conversational CRM is the new way businesses are managing their customer relationships, relying on new channels (like web and mobile messaging), new technologies (like AI that goes beyond the buzz) and new methods of staying on top of conversations (like fresh interfaces designed for agents). Here’s the thing: Customers are people, and people don’t want to be treated like a ticket or a sale just because they’re talking to brands.

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Celebrating Women In Sales Month with Guests Jenn Scilabro and Tracy Wilkinson

The Center for Sales Strategy

Joining host Matt Sunshine and co-host Stephanie Downs in this episode of I mproving Sales Performance are Jenn Scilabro, Senior Vice President of Local Digital Sales for Nexstar Digital, and Tracy Wilkinson, Senior Vice President and Regional Manager for Nexstar Media Group, Inc. As female thought leaders, experts, and industry gurus, Jenn and Tracy share their insights, tips, and knowledge on various topics that help companies improve sales performance.

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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Benefits of Role-specific Sales Training

Brooks Group

What’s the Difference Between Role-specific and General Training? Sales training typically accomplishes one of two things. . The training will either provide learning around a specific skill, or the training is focused on improving the learner’s ability to succeed in their entire role. The latter approach encompasses the former, as it would be impossible to help someone do their job better without focusing on some aspect of their job.

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Open Enrollment: Helping clients to fill out online applications with CrankWheel

Crank Wheel

You can grant control to the viewer in a screen sharing session. Our users do this to allow their clients to sign securely into application forms or to sign the applications electronically.

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The 5 Main Sales Productivity Metrics Managers Track in 2022 [& How to Improve Yours]

Hubspot Sales

Any company's sales leadership needs to keep a pulse on how its salespeople are performing, both individually and on a broader organizational level — getting there often starts by understanding the degree of effort reps are putting in. That's where performance indicators known as sales productivity metrics come in. These figures — ones used to measure how active and engaged salespeople are day-to-day basis — are central to the success and direction of most sales orgs.

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Introduction. Who is a buyer and who is a customer? And, when and how does a buyer become a customer? The difference is, with the first sale, the business has got a buyer, and when the business makes the buyer come back and buy more, they have got themselves a customer. A customer is one who has made it his/her custom to buy at the business. Lifecycle marketing is the holistic approach of getting new buyers and converting them to be customers.

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The 2023 Supply Chain Crystal Ball: Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Olivia Montgomery, Associate Principal Supply Chain Analyst

Curious to know how your peers are navigating ongoing disruption? The supply chain management techniques that dominated the last 30 years are no longer supporting consumer behavior or logistics and manufacturing capabilities. So what’s working now? What should your plans for 2023 include? By researching the supply chain challenges and solutions that businesses – especially small and midsize businesses – are currently experiencing, we’ve learned what’s working and what’s not.

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Customer service agents finally get the recognition they deserve


Examples of bad customer behavior are typically what make for breaking news in the world of customer service. These are the kind of stories we’ve seen more frequently throughout the past few years as staffing and supply shortages mount and consumer stress levels run rampant. More than a lack of gratitude or a bit of unpleasantness, many frontline customer service agents have faced truly difficult scenarios.

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You Have An Open Position, Now What?

The Center for Sales Strategy

Selection is defined as the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable. It's Monday morning, and a seller has just told you that they are resigning. Maybe that's a good thing, or maybe it isn’t, but either way, you find yourself with the need to fill a position. But before you do that, you need to know what you are looking for in order to find it.

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IMPACT Over the Years

Brooks Group

Overcoming Economic Challenges Since 1977. The simplicity of IMPACT will teach your sales team to sell their way through any economic event the world throws at them. This is because IMPACT is a sequential selling system that salespeople can quickly learn, implement, and follow to give them a greater chance of closing sales. Bill Brooks , the founder of the Brooks Group, discovered that when a salesperson followed a linked sequential sales process (selling system), they had a 93% chance of closin

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A Day in the Life of Demand Generation Specialist, Anthony Fowler


Successful, happy teams create incredible work, and the marketing and demand generation teams at Planview do exactly that. Today in our Day in the Life series, we’re spotlighting someone who’s been on a couple of teams at Planview. Based out of Colorado, Anthony Fowler has worked on our sales team in the past and now serves as one of our Demand Generation Specialists on the Marketing team.

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The Truth About Sales Agility: Separating Fact From Fiction

Speaker: Michelle Vazzana

Every sales organization wants their sales force to be agile. Why? Because the world is rapidly changing, becoming more complex, and making the salesperson’s job harder. Organizational leaders are unsure of the best way to equip sellers to succeed in this new reality. Should they change their sales methodology? Should they adopt better technology tools?

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What the Buyer's Journey Looks Like in 2022 [+3 Data-Driven Ways You Can Keep Up]

Hubspot Sales

Understanding the nature of the buyer's journey is central to conducting sound marketing and sales efforts. Without a solid pulse on how consumers discover, consider, and ultimately decide to purchase products and services like yours, you're bound to sell both departments short. To help you avoid those potential pitfalls, we've leveraged data from HubSpot's 2022 State of Consumer Trends Report to show what the modern buyer's journey looks like for consumers, provide some insight into how the buy

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How to evolve from remote selling to virtual selling

Crank Wheel

We've all heard of remote selling, particularly since the dawn of COIVD. But what about virtual selling? Discover how new technologies and techniques are giving virtual sellers the real edge in today's market.

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Selling in Volatile Times

Sales Gravy

Recession. Inflation. Stagflation. Stockmarket Free Fall. Energy Crisis. Supply Chain Crisis. Political Divisiveness.War. We are living and selling in a time of deep volatility. It is more challenging to close business, objections are harsher, and qualified buyers are becoming more scarce. On this special episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, Jeb Blount delivers a powerful message about what it takes to outsell this crisis.

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The Leadership Challenge

The Center for Sales Strategy

One of the main reasons leadership is challenging is because you are managing a fast-moving conveyor belt of decisions. One decision after another is rolling off the conveyor belt: Should I remove this non-performer even though I have two other open positions? Do I shift the compensation plan to get the team focused on the right behaviors, knowing it could disrupt the culture and distract top performers?

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Negotiate Larger Deals More Quickly

What if there was a better method of changing the conversation with your customer from delivering pricing to delivering value solutions? A method that would help keep you in control, manage the uncertainty, and close larger deals more quickly for you and your company? There is.